-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] (deadline extended) INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MOBILE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 22:53:22 +0900
From: Yeon Seung Ryu <andy.ysryu@gmail.com>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

        Call for papers for MoSA 2011 Workshop
- MoSA 2011 -

that will be held during:
The 2011 International Conference on Computational
Science and its Applications
ICCSA 2011
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
June 20-23, 2011

Workshop site:

The MoSA Workshop aims to bring together researchers from academia and
industry, as well as practitioners in the area of mobile computing in order
to provide a forum where recent research results can be presented and
discussed. Aside from technical workshop, keynote speeches from specialists
and/or authority in the fields, and social events are planned as well, such
as the Welcome Reception at the Magdalena Palace (
http://www.palaciomagdalena.com/home_ing.html). With very interesting
sight-seeing attractions and the famous beaches which are just a few minutes
walk from the hotel, Santander City is a well-known tourist destination
located in northern Spain.

Original research contributions are solicited covering a variety of topics
including but not limited to:
- emerging hardware support for mobile devices (many-core, non-volatile
memory, etc)
- operating systems and compiler support for mobile systems
- cloud computing support for mobile systems
- HCI issues related to mobile systems
- security and privacy of mobile computing
- management, configuration, and deployment of systems supporting mobility
- novel mobile applications and services
- empirical, industrial and experience studies

Important Dates
Paper submission: February 28, 2011 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: March 18, 2011
Camera ready papers and pre-registration: April 15, 2011

The submitted paper must be between 10 and 14 pages long and formatted
according to the LNCS rules. Please consult the URL
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for formatting information and
The paper must present an original and unpublished work, not submitted for
publication elsewhere (copyright problems fall entirely under responsibility
of the authors).
The authors can submit abstracts and papers to your session accessing the
electronic submission site:
Please take care of select the:
"Mobile Systems and Applications (MoSA 2011)" Session during the submission
of the Abstract and then of the Paper.

If the user is not registered, she/he has to register before proceeding with
the submission.
>From her/his personal page she/he will be able to submit first an abstract
(phase 1), then a full paper (phase 2), selecting your session from the list
of sessions in the submission forms. The author will be able to update the
paper until the submission deadline for the session will expire.

The proceedings of the Workshop will be published by Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS).
For formatting instructions, please visit the "Author Instructions" section
of the ICCSA 2011 web site:
and follow the instructions related to the LNCS proceedings.

Contact Information
Please Contact:
Yeonseung Ryu
Department of Computer Engineering, Myungji University, Korea
E-mail: ysryu@mju.ac.kr