-------- Original Message --------
Int'l Journal of Creative Interfaces & Computer Graphics (IJCICG) seeking
open submissions on topics related to graphics, HCI, and practical and
artistic uses of the same:
o Advances in interfaces to support creativity, productivity,
and expression
o Aesthetic computing, visual explanations, & data visualization
o Bleeding-edge Web, RIA, and mobile interfaces
o Cutting-edge interfaces and applications in practical
creative fields such as engineering and design, digital art,
entertainment, video gaming and computer animation, museums,
performance, and other creative endeavors
o Design of new styles of interaction-rich applications and services
o Novel visual metaphors used for visualization or practical data
o Societal impact and evaluation of graphical applications and
o State of the art mobile applications with unique visual
o Technologies and underpinnings that enable or support visually
compelling interfaces
o Trends in innovative and future interfaces
o Use of visual elegance and simplicity
Please consider a submission. Consult our Website, Facebook page, or send
queries to the Editors (below).
Int'l Journal of Creative Interfaces & Computer Graphics (IJCICG)
IJCICG Facebook page: http://bit.ly/MTXDk
Description: http://bit.ly/bF53MH
Mission: http://bit.ly/daWD6w
Contents: http://bit.ly/cvWNyl
Call for Papers: http://bit.ly/bJrXrl
Coverage: http://bit.ly/bngLr8
Review Board: http://bit.ly/9J7ojI
Submission Guidelines: http://bit.ly/aJOnUz
Ben Falchuk, Telcordia Technologies, Inc. (USA)
Aderito Marcos, Universidade Aberta (Portugal)
aderito.marcos@gmail.com | marcos@univ-ab.pt
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