-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] 2nd CfP: IFIP Working Conference of Enterprise Interoperability - IWEI 2013
Datum: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 14:00:15 +0000
Von: <e.j.a.folmer@utwente.nl>
An: <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Dear All,

I would like to recommend to you the attached Call for Papers for IWEI 2013, the International Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability. I apologize for any cross-postings.

Best regards,

Erwin Folmer
University of Twente


                         Call for Papers


              International IFIP Working Conference on
                   Enterprise Interoperability
                           IWEI 2013

             27-28 March 2013, Enschede, The Netherlands


Organised by IFIP Working Group 5.8 on Enterprise Interoperability
                In cooperation with INTEROP-VLab


"Information, Services and Processes for the Interoperable Economy and Society"

The ability to collaborate becomes increasingly a critical success factor for a sustainable economy and society. Therefore, information, services and processes of enterprises should be designed and implemented accordingly, to enable easy and flexible interoperability. This poses important challenges, including achieving societal acceptance, embedding in real-world practices, overcoming differences between collaboration partners, exploiting opportunities, adapting to change, and providing open solutions on top of various technologies.

The IFIP International Working Conference on Enterprise Interoperability (IWEI) is part of a series of conferences, which are organized by the IFIP TC5 Working Group 5.8 on Enterprise Interoperability. The IWEI series of conferences aim at identifying and discussing challenges and solutions with respect to enterprise interoperability, both at the business and the technical level. Since 2007, three IWEI conferences have been held in Munich (2007), Valencia (2009) and Stockholm (2011), and a next one is planned to take place in September 2012, in Harbin, China. IWEI 2013 is the 5th IWEI conference, this time organized in Enschede, The Netherlands.

This conference focuses on information, services and processes for the interoperable economy and society, and the corresponding enterprise interoperability challenges in the light of technology developments including the Future Internet. The conference seeks to promote the development of a scientific foundation for enterprise collaboration and interoperability; an architectural and methodological framework for addressing interoper-ability challenges from different viewpoints and at different levels of abstraction; new business and IT approaches for enterprise interoperability; methods and models to evaluate interoperability solutions; and practical solutions of enterprise interoperability.


Original submissions, with explicit contributions to enterprise interoperability, are invited from both researchers and practitioners in the following (non-exhaustive) list of topics:
- Knowledge-oriented business collaboration;
- Interoperability service utility;
- Science base for enterprise interoperability;
- Future Internet enterprise systems;
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and enterprise interoperability;
- Interoperability through service discovery and composition;
- Orchestration of services;
- Mediation between services;
- Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and enterprise interoperability;
- Model Driven Interoperability (MDI);
- Computation-independent interoperability models;
- Platform-independent interoperability models;
- Model-to-model transformations;
- Cloud Computing;
- Other reference models and architecture approaches;
- Open Distributed Processing (ODP) and enterprise interoperability;
- Enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling;
- Business ecosystem modeling & simulation
- Middleware and infrastructure approaches to facilitate and enhance interoperability;
- Business-IT alignment for interoperability;
- Reference ontology and mapping mechanisms;
- Self-organisation and adaptation for interoperability;
- Semantic annotations for information interoperability;
- Coordination and negotiation in networks of businesses;
- Cross-organizational business processes;
- Maturity models and quality criteria for evaluating interoperability solutions;
- Modelling, analysis and validation of interoperability;
- Non-functional aspects of interoperability, such as privacy, QoS, and reputation;
- Interoperability requirements, approaches and solutions in specific sectors;
- Case studies and experience reports on interoperability solutions.


Paper submission due: November 2, 2012
Notification to authors: December 14, 2012
Camera ready due: January 4, 2013
Conference: March 27-28, 2013


The conference welcomes submissions of full papers (8 to 14 pages long) and position papers (around 4 pages). Submitted papers should describe original results or ideas, or new insights gained from cases studies or applications, and should not be submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.

Submitted papers must be in English and should comply with the Springer LNCS format guidelines (see author instructions on www.springer.com/computer/lncs). Submissions should be made electronically in PDF format via the IWEI 2013 conference system hosted by EasyChair (www.easychair.org/conferences). All submitted papers will be formally peer reviewed by at least three reviewers.


The working conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNBIP series.

Authors of selected best papers will be invited to prepare a substantially revised and extended version of their papers for publication in the International Journal of Information Systems and e-Business Management (2011 Impact Factor 0.750).


Organising Committee
General Chairs: Paul Oude Luttighuis, Novay, Netherlands and Erwin Folmer, University of Twente, Netherlands
Program Chair: Marten van Sinderen, University of Twente, Netherlands
IFIP Liaison: Guy Doumeingts, INTEROP-VLab/University of Bordeaux, France
Local Arrangements Chair: Steven Bosems, University of Twente, Netherlands

International Program Committee
Stephan Aier, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland 
Khalid Benali, LORIA - Nancy Université, France 
Peter Bernus, University Griffith, Australia 
Fred van Blommestein, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 
Ricardo Chalmeta, University of Jaume I, Spain 
Yannis Charalabidis, University of the Aegean, Greece 
David Chen, Université Bordeaux 1, France 
Antonio DeNicola, LEKS-IASI-CNR, Italy 
Yves Ducq, Université Bordeaux 1, France 
Ip-Shing Fan, Cranfield University, UK 
Ricardo Goncalves, New University of Lisbon, UNINOVA, Portugal 
Claudia Guglielmina, TXT e-solutions, Italy 
Axel Hahn, University of Oldenburg, Germany 
Jenny Harding, Loughborough University, UK 
Maria Iacob, University of Twente, The Netherlands 
Kai Jacobs, RWTH Aachen University, Germany 
Roland Jochem, University of Kassel, Germany 
Paul Johannesson, KTH, Sweden 
Pontus Johnson, KTH, Sweden
Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation 
Bernhard Katzy, University of Munich, Germany 
Lea Kutvonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Marc Lankhorst, Novay, The Netherlands
Jean-Pierre Lorre, Linagora, France 
Michiko Matsuda, Kanagawa Inst. of Technology, Japan 
Robert Meersman, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Kai Mertins, Fraunhofer IPK, Germany 
Andreas Opdahl, University of Bergen, Norway 
Angel Ortiz, Polytecnic University of Valencia, Spain 
Boris Otto, University of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland 
Hervé Panetto, UHP Nancy I, France 
Raquel Sanchis, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain  
Ulrike Steffens, OFFIS, Germany 
Raymond Slot, Hogeschool Utrecht, Netherlands 
Bruno Vallespir, Université Bordeaux 1, France
Jack Verhoosel, TNO, The Netherlands 
Harris Wu, Old Dominion University, USA 
Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China 
Hongwei Zhu, Old Dominion University, USA 

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