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2021 ACM
Student Research Competition Winners
July 8,
has announced the winners of the 2021
Grand Finals of its Student Research
Competition (SRC), which involved 296
computer science students presenting
projects at 21 ACM conferences. The
University of Texas at Austin's Jiaqi Gu
took first place in the graduate category
for developing a method of tapping optical
neural networks to facilitate efficient
neuromorphic computing. Thomas B. McHugh
of Northwestern University was ranked
first in the undergraduate category for
his project, “Constructing Agency and
Usability Through Community-Driven
Assistive Technology Design.” Microsoft
Research's Evelyne Viegas said, "The ACM
Student Research Competition prepares
students for the future contributions they
will make. As active participants in the
global research community, SRC students
are given access to the world's top
computing conferences that empower them to
engage in dialogue and share their ideas
before experts and peers."
Emergency Patch Fails to Fix Critical
'PrintNightmare' Vulnerability
Dan Goodin
July 7, 2021
Researchers warn a software patch
Microsoft issued this week did not fully
correct a flaw in all supported versions
of the Windows operating system that
allows hackers to commandeer infected
networks. The PrintNightmare vulnerability
is rooted in bugs in the Windows print
spooler, which supports printing
functionality in local networks, and which
attackers can exploit remotely when print
capabilities are exposed online. Hackers
also can use the flaw to escalate system
privileges once they have infiltrated a
vulnerable network via another bug,
hijacking the domain controller. Benjamin
Delpy, a developer of the hacking and
network utility Mimikatz, tweeted that
exploits could circumvent Microsoft's
out-of-band update, which fails to fix
vulnerable systems that employ certain
settings for the point and print feature.
Twitter, Google Threaten to Quit Hong
Kong Over Proposed Data Laws
The Wall
Street Journal
July 5, 2021
Facebook, Twitter, and Google have
privately threatened to halt service to
Hong Kong if the city's government revises
data-protection ordinances that could make
the companies liable for doxing, or
malicious online sharing of individuals'
information. The Singapore-based Asia
Internet Coalition, which the Internet
firms are members of, expressed concern
the proposed rules' vague language could
subject their employees to criminal
investigations or prosecution for doxing
by their users. "The only way to avoid
these sanctions for technology companies
would be to refrain from investing and
offering the services in Hong Kong,"
states a letter from the Coalition. The
letter further said the proposed revisions
could curtail free expression and outlaw
even "innocent acts of sharing information
*May Require Paid
Communication Becomes Practical with
MDI-QKD System in Future Quantum
TU Delft
July 6,
Engineers at the QuTech institute created
by the Delft University of Technology (TU
Delft) and the Netherlands Organization
for Applied Scientific Research have
devised a cost-scalable system for
untappable communication. TU Delft's
Joshua Slater said the measurement-device
independent quantum key distribution
(MDI-QKD) system enables the connection of
multiple users through a central node that
functions like a switchboard operator.
Said Slater, "The entire system is
designed such that hacking attacks against
the central node cannot break the security
of the protocol." He also said QuTech
researchers have facilitated a
proof-of-principle demonstration of
MDI-QKD, as well as demonstrations of its
capabilities over deployed optical fibers
and commercially available hardware.
Giant 3D Cat
Takes Over One of Tokyo's Biggest
Megan C.
July 7, 2021
One of
the largest billboards in Tokyo is
displaying a hyper-realistic
three-dimensional (3D) cat in 4K
resolution. The gigantic feline is
projected moving around on a 1,664-sq.-ft.
(155-square-meter) curved light-emitting
diode (LED) screen overlooking a railway
station in the city’s Shinjuku district.
The Shinjuku cat, airing between 7 a.m.
and 1 a.m., is a test broadcast for a
display that officially opens July 12. The
Cross Shinjuku Vision billboard's owners
said the 3D effect of the display can
diminish depending on the viewing angle.
One of the companies that organized the
display, Cross Space, has begun
livestreaming a view of the billboard on
online video service YouTube.
Europe to
Launch 2-Handed Robotic Arm to the
International Space Station
July 6, 2021
European Robotic Arm, developed by Airbus
for the European Space Agency, is
scheduled to be flown to the International
Space Station on July 15 with the new
Russian Multipurpose Laboratory Module.
The autonomous robotic arm features
dexterous hands attached to two
symmetrical arms, each just over 16 feet
(just under 5 meters) long. Made of
lightweight aluminum and carbon fiber, the
arm can install components weighing up to
17,600 pounds, reach targets with
5-millimeter precision, and transport
astronauts from one work site to another
during spacewalks. It also is equipped
with an infrared camera that can be used
to inspect the exterior of the space
station and stream video to the astronauts
inside. The arm can be controlled by the
astronauts in real time, or autonomously
perform pre-programmed tasks.
The Tech
Cold War's 'Most Complicated Machine'
That's Out of China's Reach
The New
York Times
Don Clark
July 4, 2021
Dutch company's computer-chip
manufacturing system has become a point of
leverage in the U.S.-Chinese competition
for global dominance in the computer
industry. ASML Holding's $150-million-plus
system defines ultrasmall circuitry on
leading-edge chips with extreme
ultraviolet light to boost performance.
ASML's machine also requires development
and assembly across three continents,
making any country's ambitions to build a
totally self-sufficient semiconductor
supply chain unrealistic. The system uses
mirrors made by Germany’s Zeiss optics
firm and other hardware by San Diego-based
Cymer; Japanese companies provide critical
chemicals and photomasks. The Biden
administration appears likely to uphold
the previous administration's embargo on
selling ASML equipment to China.
*May Require Paid
of Air Flow After Coughing, Sneezing
to Study the Transmission of Diseases
Such as COVID-19
Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
June 30,
Researchers at Spain's Universitat Rovira
i Virgili (URV) simulated air flow from
coughing and sneezing using
high-performance computation systems to
better understand the airborne spread of
diseases like COVID-19. The researchers
found the air plume generated by a cough
or sneeze carries particles smaller than
32 microns higher than the height of
emission, producing a cloud that can
remain suspended and dispersed by air
currents over long distances. The
researchers used the results of the
simulations to develop a map of the
concentration of viral particles around an
infected person following a cough or
Security Rules Instituted for U.S.
Payment Processing System
June 30, 2021
data security rules governing the payment
system that facilitates direct deposits
and direct payments for nearly all U.S.
bank and credit union accounts are now in
effect. The National Automated
Clearinghouse Association (NACHA)
stipulates that an account number used for
any Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payment
must be rendered indecipherable while
stored electronically. This mandate is
applicable to any facility where account
numbers related to ACH entries are stored.
NACHA has instructed ACH originators and
third parties that process over 6 million
ACH transactions annually to render
deposit account data unreadable when
stored electronically, recommending
measures that include encryption,
truncation, tokenization, and destruction.
The regulator said access controls like
passwords are unacceptable, but disk
encryption is permitted, provided
additional and prescribed physical
safeguards are implemented.
China Beats
Google to Claim the World's Most
Powerful Quantum Computer
July 5, 2021
Chinese researchers have demonstrated the
world's most powerful quantum computer,
displacing Google's Sycamore processor as
the holder of quantum supremacy. The
54-quantum-bit (qubit) Sycamore solved the
benchmark problem of simulating a quantum
circuit and sampling random numbers from
its output in three minutes 20 seconds;
the Google team said the most powerful
classical supercomputer would have taken
10,000 years to crack the problem. The
Chinese team’s Zuchongzhi processor
featured 66 qubits, although the team
reportedly used just 56 to solve the same
challenge in about 70 minutes. Peter
Knight at the U.K.'s Imperial College
London said, "What this has done is really
demonstrate what we've always thought we
knew, but didn't have proved
experimentally, that you can always beat a
classical machine by adding a few more
Study Finds Warmth of AI Systems More
Important Than Capability
Jerusalem Post
June 30,
study by researchers at the Technion –
Israel Institute of Technology found that
potential users of artificial intelligence
(AI) systems consider such systems’
“warmth” more important than capability
and competence. The study of more than
1,600 participants defined warmth as
related to traits indicating the AI
system's perceived intent, such as
friendliness, helpfulness, sincerity,
trustworthiness, and morality. The
researchers found participants preferred
“warm” AI systems built for the consumer
that use algorithms trained on less data
over systems built for the producer that
use state-of-the-art artificial neural
network algorithms. The researchers looked
at navigation apps, search engines, and
recommender systems, in contrast to prior
research that focused on virtual agents or
Design Tool for Better Job Safety
July 1,
A free
Web-based tool developed by Germany's
Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation
and Automation IFF aims to help companies
design cobots, or robots that work
alongside humans, to reduce the risk of
accidents and increase employee safety.
The Cobot Designer, which runs on all
browsers, can be used by companies before
purchasing a robot to determine whether
its speed will allow a task to be
performed productively and safely. Users
enter the robot's parameters, the hazard,
and the tool to be used, and the Cobot
Designer will calculate the effect of
contact between a human and the robot, and
the robot's maximum permissible speed.
Fraunhofer's Roland Behrens said, "The
goal is to use computer simulation, as the
Cobot Designer does, to dispense with
measurements entirely in the future."
ML Algorithm
Predicts How Genes Are Regulated in
Individual Cells
June 30,
software tool designed by University of
Illinois Chicago (UIC) scientists uses a
machine learning algorithm to help
researchers more efficiently identify
genetic regulators. The Bayesian Inference
Transcription Factor Activity Model
(BITFAM) predicts the transcription
factors most likely to be active in
individual cells. BITFAM integrates new
gene expression profile data collected
from single-cell RNA sequencing with
current biological data on transcription
factor target genes, then runs
computer-based models to find the best
match and forecast the activity of each
transcription factor in the cell. The team
tested BITFAM in cells from lung, heart,
and brain tissue, and UIC's Shang Gao said
the algorithm yields not only significant
activities, but also insights into
underpinning regulatory mechanisms.
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