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Subject: [AISWorld] Doctoral Consortium of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Process Mining (ICPM 2020) – Call for contributions
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2020 17:29:36 +0200
From: Claudio Di Ciccio <claudio.diciccio@uniroma1.it>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Doctoral Consortium of the 2nd International Conference on Process Mining
(ICPM 2020)

Key dates
- Extended abstract submission: Thursday, 6 August 2020 AoE (strict)
- Notification of acceptance: Monday, 7 September 2020
- Camera-ready copy: Monday, 14 September 2020
- Consortium: Sunday, 3 October 2020



Due to the exceptional circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak, ICPM 2020
and all the co-located events will be held in a fully virtual setting, with
no travel involved.


PhD students working in the area of Process Mining are invited to submit
their proposals for participation in a Doctoral Consortium, which will be
held on Sunday, October the 3rd, 2020, in conjunction with the 2nd
International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2020,
https://icpmconference.org/2020/). Participation is free of charge,
provided that participants are registered for the conference.

The Doctoral Consortium has the following objectives:
* To provide valuable feedback on students' research topics, directions,
methods and plans;
* To help students pitch their research ideas to peers in the research
* To promote the development of a community of scholars that will help
students in their future careers;
* To introduce new scholars to the process mining research community and
provide opportunities to meet and interact with experienced researchers.

The PhD candidates of the accepted proposals are expected to present their
PhD project at the Doctoral Consortium.

We welcome submissions representing a broad spectrum of research topics
related to Process Mining. Participants will benefit from the advice of
senior researchers in the field and from the interaction with peers being
at a similar stage of their careers. Also, they will receive valuable
feedback on how to shape their thesis from experts in the area, which could
be useful to participate in the Best Process Mining Dissertation Award at
ICPM at the end of their Ph.D. programme.


PhD students interested in engaging in detailed discussions on their
research at the Doctoral Consortium are invited to submit an extended
abstract, which describes their thesis work and, in particular, elaborates
on the following discussion points:
* The main research question guiding the envisaged research;
* The motivation of the research questions (what is new about the research
question and why is this important to be investigated?);
* The initial ideas on the solution being proposed and its validity;
* The planned research methodology and possible techniques being applied,
with specific attention on how the results are going to be validated;
* The relation of the work to the state of the art, especially (but not
only) in process mining research.
The points above will be considered by the jury to evaluate the
contribution (see "Review process" below for further details).
The extended abstract should be discussed with the respective PhD
supervisor before submission. The manuscript must be written in English and
prepared using the latest IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
conference proceedings guidelines (8.5" × 11" two-column format). Templates
are available for Latex and Word here. The manuscript should not exceed the
length of 2 pages.
The manuscript should be submitted (as a single PDF file) by midnight
(Anywhere on Earth, AoE) by 6 August 2020 via the ICPM 2020 submission
website on EasyChair (select the "Doctoral Consortium" track):
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf= icpm2020. The accepted manuscripts
will be published on a volume of CEUR-ws proceedings.

Review process

Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium Committee.
The review of the reported research work in each proposal will take into
account its originality, its potential for advancing the process mining
field, and whether the work is at a stage where the PhD candidate can
benefit from participating in the consortium. Also, the presence, clarity
and depth of the aforementioned discussion points will determine the
judgement of the reviewers.
Experimental results for the proposed research are not required. However, a
concrete plan for the PhD project is a must. Rejected submissions will
receive written feedback. Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained
throughout the review process.


Authors will be notified of the result of their submission by 7 September
2020. Accepted doctoral candidates will receive instructions on how to
submit a camera-ready copy of their proposal and will receive information
on the preparation of the presentation and poster (see "At The Conference"
Acceptance to the Doctoral Consortium is an honour. In turn, accepted
candidates are expected to fully commit themselves to the success of the
consortium by being open to new ideas and suggestions and providing ideas
and suggestions to other participants. All accepted contributions will be
circulated among the participants about one week before the consortium.

At the conference

Please mind that your presentation may be shaped on the day of the event.
Get ready to present your work using whiteboard and pen. This allows the
jury to discuss the essential parts of your thesis. Please prepare for not
more than 20 minutes of presentation. The remaining time will be filled
with discussions.
Accepted submissions will be presented at the Doctoral Consortium. The
venue is open to invited participants, including (but not limited to) the
students and their supervisors.[a] Attendance for the invitees is free of
charge. All participants are expected to attend every session of the
consortium. Students will present their work to the group with substantial
time provided for discussions and questions by participating researchers
and other students.
The jury will select the best contribution. The winner will hold a
2-minutes pitch during the main conference.

Key dates

- Extended abstract submission: Thursday, 6 August 2020 AoE (strict)
- Notification of acceptance: Monday, 7 September 2020
- Camera-ready copy: Monday, 14 September 2020
- Consortium: Sunday, 3 October 2020


Doctoral Consortium Chairs
* Benoit Depaire (Hasselt University, Belgium)
* Claudio Di Ciccio (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Doctoral Consortium Jury (tentative)
* Rafael Accorsi, PwC, Switzerland
* Josep Carmona, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
* Dirk Fahland, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Thomas Hildebrandt, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Marcello La Rosa, The University of Melbourne, Australia
* Felix Mannhardt, SINTEF Digital, Norway
* Massimo Mecella, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
* Jan Mendling, WU Vienna, Austria
* Hajo A. Reijers, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
* Wil M.P. van der Aalst, RTWH Aachen, Germany
* Barbara Weber, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


*Il tuo 5 diventa 1000 - *Fai crescere la tua università - Dona il 5 per 
mille alla Sapienza
Codice fiscale: *80209930587*

https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/fai-crescere-la-tua-universita-con-il-cinque-mille <https://www.uniroma1.it/it/pagina/fai-crescere-la-tua-universita-con-il-cinque-mille>

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