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25TH Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019
Minitrack "The Value of Open Business Models and Ecosystems"
Cancún, México
August 15-17 2019
Minitrack description:
Minitrack 3: The Value of Open Business Models and Ecosystems
New forms of openness in organisations and society are providing
opportunities to sustainably create and capture value in novel and
powerful ways. This openness, characterised by the interplay
between various technological, legal, socio-cultural, and economic
systems, transforms the way people create, capture, use, and
disseminate knowledge. However, the potential value from openness
is predicated on the adoption and/or development of appropriate
business models, organisational forms, and ecosystems. We are
interested in exploring the different types of open business
models and ecosystems, their characteristics, nuances, value
opportunities, and sustainability in the long term. Ultimately,
questioning if openness can create value in all domains and
whether organisations and communities can benefit from adopting
more open practices. This mini-track invites conceptual and
empirical research that will contribute to our understanding of a
range of open business models and ecosystems and their value in
diverse contexts.
This mini-track invites research papers, research-in-progress
papers, and panels on topics relating to the value of open
business models and ecosystems. We are interested in the
application of openness to diverse contexts and the value and
sustainability of the business models and ecosystems that emerge.
We welcome a broad range of empirical and conceptual work, drawing
on a range of research methods including quantitative,
qualitative, design science, action research, literature reviews,
and other approaches.
Topics of interest to this minitrack include but are not limited
* Open Business Models
* Open Business and Community Ecosystems
* Openness and Sustainability
* Open Community and Collaboration Structures
* Open Innovation Models
* Openness and Collective Intelligence, Action, and Resources
(e.g. Crowdsourcing/Crowdfunding)
* Open Cultural and Creative Processes
* The Relationship between Openness, Trust, and Privacy
* Open Approaches to Project Management and Knowledge Work
* Openness and the Co-Creation of Products and Services
Important Dates:
January 7th (Monday), 2019: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2019
March 1st (Friday), 2019: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for
authors at 10:00am PST
Please contact co-chairs with any questions you have regarding
this mini-track.
Mini-Track Co-Chairs
Sheila O'Riordan,
University College Cork
Joe Feller,
University College Cork
Gaye Kiely,
University College Cork
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