-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] 2009 World Congress - HCI Call for Papers Datum: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 10:51:57 -0400 Von: Dr. Milena Head headm@mcmaster.ca Antwort an: Dr. Milena Head headm@mcmaster.ca An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Dear Fellow HCI Researcher:
We are pleased to announce that the annual World Congress on the Management of e-Business conference organized by McMaster University¹s eBusiness Research Centre (MeRC) and the annual Privacy, Security and Trust conference (PST) organized by the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada Institute for Information Technology (NRC-IIT) are coming together in 2009. This joint event will operate as the 2009 World Congress on Privacy, Security, Trust and the Management of e-Business and the conference will take place August 25 27, 2009, in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
As HCI Theme Chair for the Conference, I would like to encourage you to consider submitting a paper by the April 3rd deadline. In the HCI Theme, we solicit original papers on any topic related to how individuals, groups, organizations and communities interact with computers. Topics of interest in this theme include (but are not limited to):
* User interface design and evaluations for electronic commerce and mobile commerce * Behavioral, cognitive, and affective aspects of human-computer interaction * Human information seeking behavior * User interface design and evaluation * Social media, social computing and virtual communities * Design of interfaces for individual or group decision support * Metrics and methods for user interface assessment * Information system acceptance and adoption * Cultural, gender, age or other individual difference aspects of interface preferences and design * Interfaces to facilitate negotiations and auctions * Design and adoption of portals * Issues in software motivation and training * Issues in HCI education * Other human factors issues related to HCI
Please visit our website for further details: http://pstnet.unb.ca/congress2009.
Thank you and best regards, Milena
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Milena M. Head, BMath, MBA, Ph.D. Associate Dean Associate Professor of Information Systems
DeGroote School of Business McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4 Tel : (905) 525-9140 ext 26996 Fax : (905) 526-0852 E-mail : headm@mcmaster.ca WWW : http://www.business.mcmaster.ca/is/head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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