Dear colleague,

Just a quick reminder that the deadline for submissions of papers for the second IFIP 8.4 conference:
'Seeking success in e-business: A Multidisciplinary Approach'
(which is taking place in Copenhagen on 9 - 12 June) is on Friday 15. February.

We look forward to your submission.

Please check the web-site:

Best regards

Niels Bjorn-Andersen & Kim Viborg Andersen
IFIP WG8.4  June 10-11th, 2002, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen CFP URL

Please check the web-site of
   Global eManagement Executive MBA program - > GeM MBA
Next course starts August 2002
Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen,
Director of Center for Electronic Commerce (
Director of Global e-Management Program (
Copenhagen Business School,
Howitzvej 60,4 floor, DK 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: Office: + (45)  38 15 24 24,       mobile: (+45) 21 49 87 67
Phone secretary: + (45) 38 15 24 00,       Fax office: + (45)  38 15 24 01
Email:                   Homepage: