-------- Original Message --------
Call for Papers
A Series of Special Issues of Electronic Commerce Research and
Applications (ECRA) on Social Commerce
The primary goal of this special issue of ECRA is to foster research in
the intersection between social networking and e-commerce, on how social
networking has been enhancing and expanding e-commerce, on how e-commerce
broadens the applications and utilizations of social media, and on how
recent technological and marketplace developments seem to be leading to
social commerce. Research contributions involving emerging technologies,
current issues and future perspectives that will shape social commerce
practice and development are encouraged and welcome. This special issue
aims to bring together scholars who can offer new and visionary
perspectives on a broad spectrum of key subjects related to social
This special issue series will be co-edited by:
Lina Zhou, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Ping Zhang, Syracuse University
Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Sciences,
The Sponsoring Editor for this special issue is Rob Kauffman, ECRAs
Topics. The special issue welcomes all types of research perspectives and
methodologies, such as design science, behavioral science, behavioral
economics, and management and strategy, as well as theory, analytical
modeling, empirical methods, and interdisciplinary approaches. Relevant
topics include:
Trust and diffusion in social commerce contexts
User modeling and personalization in social commerce
Consumer behavior in social commerce
Culture issues involved in social commerce and social shopping
Social media collaboration, and user-generated content for social commerce
Drivers of accessibility in social commerce networks
Technological developments and platforms for social commerce
Applications that enhance the social commerce experience
Social recommender systems, and the role of social media in e-marketing
Data mining and living analytics in social media social for business and
consumer insights
Privacy, security and fraud detection in social commerce
Social business strategy, adoption and diffusion issues, growth and
barriers to success
Prospective and retrospective assessment of the business value of social
commerce systems
Digital couponing, group-buying and business models of social commerce
Gamification, behavioral economics approaches, and location-based social
The final deadline for first submissions of full papers is February 15,
2012, and the submission window is open from now up to the deadline.
Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts to the special issue editors
prior to October 15, 2011 as a means to gauge their interest and get
suggestions on developing a special issue paper. Papers will be assigned
for review as they are received, and acceptance decisions will be made on
a rolling basis over time, as appropriate to the development of high
quality research for publication.
All papers should be submitted to the submission system at
http://ees.elsevier.com/ecra, via the Social Commerce Special Issue tab
at the Article Type step in the submission process. Authors should
follow Electronic Commerce Research and Applications format at
More details on background, submission guidelines, and review process are
available at
Lina Zhou
Department of Information Systems
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