-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [wkwi] Call for Papers: AAMAS'2008 Konferenz Datum: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 15:01:42 +0200 (CEST) Von: joerg mueller joerg.mueller@tu-clausthal.de Antwort an: postmaster@idefix.buva.sowi.uni-bamberg.de An: undisclosed-recipients:;
======================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS (AAMAS-08) =======================================================
May 12-16, 2008 Estoril, Portugal www.aamas2008.org www.aamas-conference.org
AAMAS is the leading scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 as a merger of three highly respected individual conferences: the International Conference in Autonomous Agents, the International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, and the International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems. The aim of the joint conference is to provide a single, high-profile, internationally respected archival forum for research in all aspects of the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.
The conference will be held from Monday May 12th until Friday May 16th, 2008 in Estoril, Portugal.
Tutorials and workshops will be held on Monday May 12th and Tuesday May 13th, 2008. Accepted technical papers and invited talks will be presented from Wednesday May 14th through Friday May 16th, 2008.
================ PAPER SUBMISSION ================
This year the conference is soliciting full papers (8 pages) and short papers (4 pages). Accepted full length papers will be receive a slot for oral presentation in the conference. In addition, both full and short papers will be presented in poster sessions and appear in the conference proceedings.
Short papers are encouraged as a mechanism for both important results that can be succinctly presented, as well as the timely reporting of interesting but preliminary work, that may not as yet have the level of evaluation or detail that would be expected for a full paper. The program chairs may, at their discretion, accept papers submitted as full papers into the short paper track.
Both full and short papers will be peer reviewed rigorously and evaluated on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, soundness, significance, presentation, understanding of the state of the art, and overall quality of the contribution.
Submissions should be made electronically in PDF format, using ACM style guides. Detailed submission instructions will be available on the AAMAS-08 website. Submissions must not have appeared before (or be pending to appear) in a journal or conference with published proceedings, nor may they be under review or submitted to another forum during the AAMAS-08 review process.
========= KEY DATES =========
All deadlines are midnight, Eastern Standard Time (New York time).
Tuesday, October 23, 2007: Electronic abstract due Friday, October 26, 2007: Full electronic paper submissions due November 27 - 28, 2007: Author feedback opportunity Wednesday, December 19, 2007: Accept/reject notifications
================================= SPECIAL TRACKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS =================================
AAMAS-08 will feature two special tracks: one on Multi-Robotics and the other on Virtual Agents. Papers for these tracks will be reviewed by specially recruited reviewers within these sub-communities. Authors will be asked to indicate special track relevance at paper submission time. More information on these special tracks is provided below.
AAMAS-08 will include an Industry and Applications track for descriptions of emerging and already deployed agent applications. The submission and the reviewing process for the industry and applications track is separate from the main conference process. A separate "call for papers" will be issued at a later stage, but the planned submission deadline is a couple of weeks after the main conference submission date.
AAMAS-08 will include a demonstration session. Demonstration submissions will be invited for three different categories: industrial software, academic software, and robotics. We plan to choose the winner of each demo category by public vote. A separate "call for demos" will be issued at a later stage, but planned submission deadline is 18th of January 2008.
======================= TOPIC AREAS: MAIN TRACK =======================
AAMAS-08 encourages the submission of theoretical, experimental, methodological, engineering and application papers across a broad range of agent topics. All papers should: * make clear their contribution to the AAMAS field, * place their work in the context of relevant related work, * evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their approach.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Agent-based system development - agent-oriented software engineering - agent development environments - agent languages - case studies and implemented systems - P2P, web services, grid computing
Learning - learning (single and multi-agent) - computational architectures for learning - evolution, adaptation
Agent Reasoning - reasoning (single and multi-agent) - planning (single and mult-agent) - cognitive models - ontological reasoning
Agent cooperation - teamwork, coalition formation, coordination - distributed problem solving - biologically-inspired methods
Agent theories, models and architectures - formal models of agency - modeling other agents and self - BDI, speech act theory - reactive vs deliberative - logic-based methods - bounded rationality
Agent societies and Societal issues - artificial social systems - trust and reputation - social and organizational structure - privacy, safety and security - ethical and legal issues
Agent communication - communication languages - communication protocols - agent commitments
Economic paradigms - electronic markets and institutions - economically-motivated agents - game theory (cooperative and non-cooperative) - social choice theory, voting protocols - auction and mechanism design - argumentation, negotiation and bargaining
Agent-based simulations - emergent behaviour - simulation-specific issues
The conference also welcomes relevant papers from related fields such as P2P computing, web services, autonomic and grid computing, as long as the link is made to relevance and work within the agents community.
=============================== SPECIAL TRACKS: INFO and TOPICS ===============================
*Special track on Multi-Robotics:
Papers on theory and applications concerning teams of multiple robots are welcome, namely those focusing on real robots interacting with their surrounding environments. The goal is to foster interaction between researchers on multi-agent and multi-robot systems, so as to provide a cradle for cross-fertilization of concepts from both fields.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - cooperative perception - cooperative localization - middleware for multi-robot systems - multi-robot mapping and localization - networked robots - formal models of multi-robot plans
*Special track on Virtual agents:
Virtual agents are embodied agents in interactive virtual or physical environments that emulate human-like behavior. Papers on the design, implementation, and evaluation of virtual agents are welcome, as well as papers about challenging applications of virtual agents. The goal is to provide an opportunity for interaction and cross-fertilization between the AAMAS community and researchers working on virtual agents and to strengthen links between the two communities.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - verbal and non-verbal expressiveness - models of personality, emotions and social behavior - multi-user/multi-virtual-agent interaction - advanced 3D modeling and animation technologies - applications, experience reports and user studies
==================== ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ====================
General Chairs: Simon Parsons, Brooklyn College, City Univ of NY, USA Joerg P. Mueller, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Program Chairs: Lin Padgham, RMIT University, Australia David C. Parkes, Harvard University, USA
Local Organization Chairs: Ana Paiva, INESC-ID & Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Luis Antunes, ISR & Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Multi-Robotics Special Track Chair: Pedro Lima, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Virtual Agents Special Track Chair: Elisabeth Andre, University of Augsburg, Germany
Workshop Chair: Juan Antonio Rodriguez, AI Research Institute (IIIA), Spain
Tutorials Chair: Pinar Yolum, Bogazici University, Turkey
Industrial Track Chairs: Michael Berger, Siemens AG, Germany Satoshi Nishiyama, KDDI Labs, Japan Bernard Burg, Panasonic, USA
Exhibits/Demo Chairs: Joelle Pineau, McGill University, Canada Rafael Bordini, University of Durham, UK
Finance Chair: Keith Decker, University of Delaware, USA
Doctoral Mentoring Chairs: Gal Kaminka, Bar Ilan University, Israel Yohei Murakami, National Inst. of I&C Tech., Japan
Publicity Chair: Vincent Conitzer, Duke University, USA
Publications Chair: Franziska Kluegl, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Registration and Local Finance Chair: Joo Balsa, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Student Scholarship Chairs: Sascha Ossowski, U Rey Juan Carlos Madrid, Spain Paul Scerri, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Von Wun Soo, U Hsinchu, Taiwan
Sponsoring Chairs: John Yen, Penn State University, USA Alex Rogers, University of Southhampton, UK Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Senior Program Committee:
Ana Bazzan, UFRGS, Brazil Rafael Bordini, University of Durham, UK Craig Boutilier, University of Toronto, Canada Felix Brandt, University of Munich, Germany Jonathan Bredin, Colorado College, USA Brahim Chaib-draa, Laval University, Canada Helder Coelho, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Vincent Conitzer, Duke University, USA Mehdi Dastani, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Barbara Dunin-Keplicz,Warsaw Univ. and Polish Acad of Sciences, Poland Edmund Durfee, University of Michigan, USA Ulle Endriss, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Boi Faltings, EPFL, Switzerland Maria Fasli, University of Essex, UK Shaheen Fatima, University of Liverpool, UK Claudia Goldman, Samsung Telecom Research Israel, Israel Barbara Grosz, Harvard University, USA Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research, USA Takayuki Ito, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan Nick Jennings, Southampton University, UK Catholijn M. Jonker, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Kamalakar Karlapalem, IIIT-Hyderabad, India Ryszard Kowalczyk, University of Swinburne, Australia Sarit Kraus, Bar-Ilan University, Israel and Univ. Maryland, USA Han La Poutre, CWI, The Netherlands Jerome Lang, IRIT, France Kate Larson, University of Waterloo, Canada Ho-fung Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Dayou Liu, Jilin University, China Michael Luck, King's College London, UK Rajiv Maheswaran, Univ. of Southern California - ISI, USA Stacy Marsella, Univ. of Southern California - ISI, USA Radhika Nagpal, Harvard University, USA Eugenio Oliveira, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Ana Paiva, INESC-ID & Instituto Superior Tecnico Anna Perini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST, Italy Jeffrey Rosenschein, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Paul Scerri, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Sandip Sen, University of Tulsa, USA Onn Shehory, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel Carles Sierra, AI Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), Spain Munindar Singh, North Carolina State University, USA Elizabeth Sklar, Brooklyn College, City Univ of NY, USA Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool, UK Kagan Tumer, Oregon State University, USA Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Nikos Vlassis, Technical University of Crete, Greece Mary-Anne Williams, University of Technology Sydney, Australia Steven Willmott, 3Scale Networks S. L., Spain Michael Winikoff, RMIT University, Australia Makoto Yokoo, Kyushu University, Japan Chengqi Zhang, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
SPC: Multi-Robotics Special Track
Vijay Kumar, University of Pennsylvania, USA Radhika Nagpal, Harvard University, USA Daniele Nardi, Universita di Roma, Italy Lynne Parker, University of Tennessee, USA Alessandro Saffiotti, Orebro University, Sweden Paul Scerri, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Elizabeth Sklar, Brooklyn College, City Univ of NY, USA Manuela Veloso, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Nikos Vlassis, Technical University of Crete, Greece Mary-Anne Williams, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
SPC: Virtual Agents Special Track
Ruth Aylett, Heriot-Watt University, UK Stacy Marsella, Univ. of Southern California - ISI, USA Ana Paiva, INESC-ID & Instituto Superior Tcnico, Portugal Catherine Pelachaud, Universite de Paris 8, France Helmut Prendinger, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Daniel Thalmann, EPFL, Switzerland R. Michael Young, North Carolina State University, USA