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The 24th IEEE International Conference on Business Informatics
June 15 - 17, 20
* Programme *
The IEEE CBI 2022 program features three workshop (11th
International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for
the Enterprise, The International Workshop towards Digital
Governance Design, ITSS-2022: International Workshop on the
Internet of Things and Smart Services), a Forum and the main
conference with 7 plenairy sessions and two keynotes (Design
Science Methodology for Business Informatics - Roel Wieringa,
Business Information Systems in the Quantum Era - Ricardo
Join us for three days of presentations about Information Systems
Risk, Security and Resilience, Data and AI Application for
Business, Enterprise Modelling, Engineering and Architecture,
Information Systems Engineering, Management and Governance, and
Business Innovation and Digital Transformation.
* Invited Speakers *
Design Science Methodology for Business Informatics - Roel
Business informatics studies and designs information technology in
organizations. The mixed sociotechnical nature of its topic
imposes constraints on its research methodology. Technical systems
cannot be studied and designed in the same way as social systems.
And the integration of technical and social systems poses special
problems of its own. In this talk I review the generic methodology
of design science, illustrate how these are applied in the CBI
conference, and discuss how business informatics can develop
explanatory and generalizable theories.
Business Information Systems in the Quantum Era - Ricardo
Quantum computing is destined to revolutionise how society will
solve computationally challenging problems, i.e., those problems
that cannot be addressed in a reasonable time frame. Quantum
computing is, therefore, gaining increasing relevance due to its
promising applications in many business domains. To such extent,
that many experts consider this as the latest shiny new thing. At
this point, most IT managers therefore wonder if quantum computing
should be integrated in their information systems and, a more
important question, how to do it. To succeed in this integration,
quantum software is also required. Accordingly, quantum software
engineering has become crucial, in that it attempts to apply or
adapt existing methods and techniques (or propose new ones) for
the analysis, design, coding, and testing of quantum information
systems as well as playing a key role in ensuring quality in
large-scale productions. In this talk, Ricardo will introduce
landscapes and horizons on quantum computing and guide us through
the area of quantum software engineering to design and build
classical-quantum information systems.
* Registration*
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