June 11, 2002
Málaga (Spain)The QAOOSE'2002 workshop is a direct
continuation of five successful workshops, held at previous editions of ECOOP in
Budapest (2001), Cannes (2000), Lisbon (1999), Brussels (1998) and Aarhus
(1995). The QAOOSE series of
workshops has attracted participants from both academia and industry that are
involved / interested in the application of quantitative methods in object
oriented software engineering research and practice.
List of Topics
Submissions are invited, but not
limited, to the following topics, organized in four areas:
Area C (Metrics
Automatic support for
sharing research hypotheses, data and results (*)
Standards for the
collection, comparison and validation of metrics
Embedding metrics in OO
CASE tools
Evaluation of OO
metrics collection tools
Metrics collection in
the development process (measurement planning)
Public repositories for
measurement data
Area A (Quality
non-functional requirements of OO systems (*)
Measurement and quality
assessment of components (*)
Metrics-based design
OO quality
characteristics assessment
Quantitative impact
analysis in OO architectures
Measurement and quality
assessment of OO analysis/design patterns and frameworks
Measurement and quality
assessment of dynamic OO models
Measurement and quality
assessment of UML models
Measurement and quality
assessment of OR and OO database schemata
Area V (Metrics
Formal and Empirical
validation of OO metrics
OO metrics and
Measurement Theory
Validation techniques
and their limits
Standard data sets for
metrics validation
The limits of quality
estimation techniques
Area P (Process
Reliability and rework
effort estimates based on design measures
OO reuse
Resource estimation
models for OO projects (*)
Quantitative tracking
of OO development activities
Empirical studies on
the use of OO measures for process management
Measurement support in
a CBSE life cycle
We explicitly solicit position papers related to topics marked with an asterisk (*) as well as papers that document and/or motivate the use of quantitative methods in industrial OO software processes.
the workshop there will be some sessions for presenting position papers and a
plenary ‘working’ session for summarizing, evaluating and assembling the new
research results and for identifying future research opportunities. We especially encourage the submission
of new ideas, even if not supported by validated research.
will publish the ECOOP'2002 Workshop Reader as a LNCS volume.
- Call for papers: January 24, 2002
- Submission of position papers
April 8, 2002
- Notification of acceptance:
April 29, 2002
- Deadline for early registration:
May 6, 2002
- Workshop: June 11,