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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for papers to the track "Public Sector ICT - Citizen Empowerment and Agency Transparency", ECIS'12, Barcelona, Spain, 10-13 June 2012
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 15:50:29 +0200
From: Karin Axelsson <karin.axelsson@liu.se>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

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Invitation to submit contributions to the track "Public Sector ICT - Citizen Empowerment and Agency Transparency" at the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'12), Barcelona, Spain, 10-13 June 2012.

Currently public sector institutions, governments and agencies put high expectations in ICT as a solution to many of their challenges. It is expected that public sector ICT increases agency efficiency, citizens' perceived service quality and their willingness to participate in democratic processes. Thus, public sector ICT both comprises ICT to support agency employees and their internal processes, and provides public e-services directed towards citizens and businesses. As a corollary, the IS research community needs to develop further knowledge and inform practice, in order for public sector ICT development to meet the high expectations and reach success.

Both agency efficiency through ICT and citizen-oriented aspects of participation and involvement are considered to be important research issues within this track. A challenge in public sector practices is to balance the needs and expectations arising both from the public agencies and from the citizens and businesses. More knowledge is needed on issues such as how public administrations should conduct and prioritize ICT efforts, how ICT projects should be performed, and how citizens can be involved in the development and implementation of public e-services. New research issues also emerge from the major changes that public administrations go through as a result of increased ICT use in the agencies and in the interaction with the citizens. This sets greater demands on collaboration and interaction between different public agencies. Integrated and joined-up ICT solutions require legal, personal, organizational, semantic, and technical interoperability. Although public e-services
 are developed in coherence with the citizens' needs, also back-office challenges, such as changes in the work practices or work contents, the agency employees' competences and skills, and in the resources need to be addressed. In order to reach sustainability in public sector ICT efforts, both citizen empowerment and agency transparency are two significant and tightly coupled goals to strive for. In this track we call for papers that increase our knowledge and understanding of these phenomena.

Topics in this track include but are not limited to:
.	The e-service concept
.	Public e-service development 
.	Interoperability within public sector and with external stakeholders
.	Integration of e-services and web-sites
.	E-infrastructure for public sector
.	Legal, organizational or personal conditions for and barriers to e-service development
.	Public e-services for businesses
.	E-government 2.0
.	Public sector ICT impacts on social and global welfare
.	Citizen participation and involvement in public sector ICT
.	E-participation and social media in democratic processes
.	Citizens empowerment
.	E-services and citizen trust
.	Public-private partnerships
.	ICT in local government
.	E-services and redesign of public administration processes
.	Technologies and e-government
.	Identification and authentication in e-services

We welcome all types of contributions; full research papers, research in progress, and teaching cases.

Submission deadline: December 1, 2011. See further information: www.ecis2012.eu 

Track co-chairs
Professor Karin Axelsson
Department of Management and Engineering Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping

Professor Göran Goldkuhl
Department of Management and Engineering Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping

Professor Samuli Pekkola
Department of Business Information Management and Logistics Tampere University of Technology
FI-33101 Tampere

Associate Editors
Kim Normann Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 
Karin Hedström, Örebro University, Sweden
Arild Jansen, University of Oslo, Norway 
Ralf Klischewski, German University in Kairo, Egypt 
Ulf Melin, Linköping University, Sweden 
Carl Erik Moe, University of Agder, Norway 
Øystein Sæbø, University of Agder, Norway 
Murray Scott, NUI Galway, Ireland 
Jesper Simonsen, Roskilde University, Denmark 
Maddalena Sorrentino, State University of Milan, Italy 
Reima Suomi, University of Turku, Finland 
Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece 
Maria Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Karin Axelsson, Professor in Information Systems 
Linköping University 
Department of Management and Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping

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