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Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Special issue on Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing (Annals of Telecommunications)
Datum: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 14:28:01 +0200
Von: Saïd Assar (France) <said.assar@telecom-em.eu>
An: AISWorld-list <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
Kopie (CC): Olaf Maennel <olaf@maennel.net>, Haider Abbas <haidera@kth.se>, dr.h.abbas@ieee.org

   /* Apologies for Multiple Copies */
   Special issue of ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS on Security and Privacy
   in Cloud Computing
   Haider Abbas (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia)
   Olaf Maennel (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
   SaA-d Assar (Institut Mines-Telecom, France)
   Cloud computing is state of the art technological innovation providing
   extensive list of benefits for almost every business, governmental,
   small or medium sized organizations. It has truly revolutionized the
   computational era by cutting down the cost and reducing complexities of
   infrastructural configurations for computational platforms. This state
   of the art technology is rapidly being adapted from various large
   organizations from health care to critical infrastructure to carry out
   their business processes that otherwise required large storage
   capacity, huge computational power and expensive hardware. While on the
   other hand, this technological advent also introduces novel ways of
   information leakage and user classified data security and privacy
   issues since the data is stored and transmitted over the cloud and even
   across the borders. This seems very threatening to the cloud useras
   community and they have raised very serious concerns about these
   issues. Although an extensive research efforts have been carried out to
   address the data security and privacy issues in cloud-assisted systems
   but still this requires much more efforts the counter the issues
   effectively. The purpose of this special issue is to arrange a venue
   for the cloud researchers around the world to share their state of the
   art research and development that could help benefit the cloud
   community. This will help to collect high-quality articles that report
   recent research advances regarding security and privacy issues in cloud
   TOPICS (non exclusive)
   a-c-A A A  Cloud useras data privacy
   a-c-A A A  Identity management for cloud services
   a-c-A A A  Mobile cloud security
   a-c-A A A  Mobile cloud privacy protection
   a-c-A A A  Security and virtualization
   a-c-A A A  Risk management in cloud computing environments
   a-c-A A A  Cryptographic protocols against internal attacks in clouds
   a-c-A A A  Cloud- Assisted Wireless Body Area Networks
   a-c-A A A  Intra- and inter-cloud security issues and considerations
   a-c-A A A  Access control mechanisms for clouds
   a-c-A A A  Information sharing and data protection in the cloud
   a-c-A A A  Security architectures and protocols for cloud computing
   a-c-A A A  Cloud-Assisted Wireless Sensor Networks
   Papers must be written in English and describe original research not
   published or currently under review by other journals or conferences.
   The length of the article file should not exceed 35,000 characters
   including spaces (i.e., around 5,500 words). The manuscripts that are
   outside the expected length are likely to be rejected. All relevant
   papers submitted will go through an external review process.
   Submissions should be sent according to the instructions available at:
   / a"
   - Manuscript submission: January 15, 2016
   - Notification of acceptance (after revision): June 30, 2016
   - Online with DOI : as soon as accepted
   - Printed issue: August-November 2016


   1. https://annalsoftelecommunications.wp.mines-telecom.fr/2015/09/01/call-for-papers-security-and-privacy-issues-in-cloud-computing/
   2. http://annalsoftelecommunications.wp.mines-telecom.fr/how-to-publish/
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