Call for teaching cases

 Teaching cases are needed to support the new editions of my two books:

1)      Electronic Commerce 2002 (Prentice Hall)

2)    IT for Management (3rd edition, Wiley)

The teaching cases will be posted on the companion Web sites of the books.  Several

cases are already on the sites, but our objective is to add up-to-date, national and

international cases.


How to participate?

1.    Submit 1 page proposal to in your proposal specify:

a.    The book you are aiming to support and which chapter in the book.

b.    Short description of the case and the issues discussed.

c.    The company and country involved.

d.    Is there a teaching note?  If not, do you plan to develop one?

e.    The dates (time period) the case is referring to


Review and acceptance

Proposals will be reviewed and acceptance notices will be e-mailed.  The invited cases

will be referred and if needed improvements will be suggested.


Timing and length

All proposals must be submitted by Jan. 15, 2002.  Completed cases must be submitted

no later than March 15, 2002.  Cases are expected to be 10-30 pages in length,




Accepted cases will be posted on the books' web sites with full credit given to the

contributors.  An honorarium of $150-300 will be paid to the invited cases.


   Efraim Turban