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**********IEEE ISEC 2014 CFP Deadline - January 19 **********
The 4th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC'14)
Friend Center at Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, March 8, 2014 (Save the Date!)
We would like to remind you about important upcoming dates for the 4th
IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC '14), which will be
held Saturday, March 8, 2014 at Friend Center, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ. ISEC 2014 is sponsored by the IEEE Princeton / Central
Jersey Section, with technical co-sponsorship by IEEE Region 1 and the
IEEE Education Society. This year's theme is Designing Pathways to
STEM Success. While all papers on methods of and/or experience with
integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
education are welcome, we are very interested in papers on STEaM (STEM
and art) initiatives that have resulted in student recruitment and
retention in STEM, especially among students from underrepresented
populations in the disciplines. We are also interested in hearing from
all parties involved in STEM education, including students and
parents, about their experiences with STEM education. Please submit a
full paper of 4 - 6 pages for review by 11:59 pm Sunday, January 19,
2014. Your paper must not have been published or submitted for
publication elsewhere. Please see the author's kit (available at
http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/stem/isec_registration.html) for paper format
information and template.
NEW! A poster track for K-12 students has been added to the
conference. We solicit posters from K-12 students illustrating their
favorite STEM activity or topic; promoting their IEEE/STEM club; or
discussing the path(s) they are taking to prepare for a STEM career,
including classes, extracurricular activities, college visits,
mentoring/shadowing, peer advising/tutoring, and internships.
Students interested in participating in the poster track should send
an abstract of 150 - 300 words describing the poster to
isec.2014@gmail.com by Tuesday, February 18, 2014. Suggested abstract
and poster templates are also available in the author's kit.
We are also pleased to announce:Our distinguished keynote speakers are
Alicia Abella, PhD, AVP Cloud Services Research Organization, AT&T,
speaking on STEM Education - Vital for the Future of America; Karen
Panetta, PhD, Associate Dean of Graduate Education, Tufts University
and IEEE WIE Worldwide Director, speaking on Inspiring Innovation; and
Nita Patel, Systems and Software Engineering Manager, L-3 Warrior
Systems and IEEE WIE International Chair, speaking on Pathways to
Success: Inspiration to Close the Gender Gap.
We are able to offer travel assistance awards thanks to generous
sponsors. Please see the author's kit for details. Registration is
open. Please register by February 28, 2014 to receive the best rates.
The link is on the conference home page. Similarly, housing is open.
Please contact Marriott reservations at 800.228.9290 or 609.452.7800
before Tuesday, February 18, to ensure you will receive the conference
rate of $110/night. This rate is good for Friday, 3.7 and Saturday,
3.8. The rooms are reserved under the IEEE Room Block at the
Princeton Marriott at Forrestal, 100 College Road East, in
Princeton.Our associated conferences, the Trenton Computer
Festival (http://www.tcf-nj.org) and the IT Professional Conference
(http://princetonacm.acm.org/tcfpro) are also recruiting speakers and
participants. Please visit their web sites for more information.
Please visit http://ewh.ieee.org/conf/stem for information on submitting your
paper and registration fees, like us on Facebook (search for ISEC),
and contact isec.2014@gmail.com for more information.
We look forward to your participation in ISEC 2014!
IEEE Region 1 <http://www.ieee.org/r1/>
Manage your IEEE Communications Preferences: <https://www.ieee.org/profile/commprefs/showcommPrefpage.html>
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445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA