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Subject: [WI] WI2021 – Early Bird Registration and Program
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 16:19:19 +0100
From: Stefan Stieglitz <stefan.stieglitz@uni-due.de>
Reply-To: Stefan Stieglitz <stefan.stieglitz@uni-due.de>
To: wi@lists.kit.edu

Dear colleagues,

WI2021 registration is now open! Early Bird tickets are available until 28th February. Please register here: https://wi2021.de/en/overview-registration/

Registration provides you with access to our digital event management platform Whova and networking environment Gathertown. Virtual WI2021 will be interactive and social! Have a look at the WI2021 program highlights:
  • Opening Sessions: Enjoy live panel discussions with (inter)national guests from academia and industry! We will meet our guests @University of Duisburg-Essen (under consideration of current safety regulations). A professional film crew will record the opening sessions and bring the interactive live stream to your screen.
  • Research Track Sessions: Full paper presentations will be short to give more space to discussion and feedback! You will have plenty of opportunity to engage in lively discussions through Q&As, polls, and the live chat!  The track on Digital Health will also organize an additional panel discussion.
  • Open Discussion & Poster Sessions: You can visit virtual poster stands in Gathertown and have a live video chat with the authors of short papers!
  • Panel Post COVID – Quo Vadis WI: A panel discussion of personal interest to the entire WI community. How will WI conferences be organized in the future? Back to physical spaces, hybrid settings, or staying virtual?  
  • Community Workshops: Organized by members of the WI community on six exciting topics. The workshops are designed to be interactive and include lightning talks, topic-based discussions, and breakout sessions.
  • Networking in Gathertown: Explore the virtual conference building in a charming 2D pixel environment! You can customize and control your own pixel character. Simply walk up to other members of the community to open a video chat! Meet sponsors, research colleagues, and students in Gathertown as you would in the physical world. (Hint: There will also be a bar.)
  • Virtual Movie Quiz: A fun social event to get to know each other better in the WI community. Meet new people and answer some tricky questions about movies and TV shows.
  • WI Women’s Lunch: Network with female researchers and practitioners. Male colleagues are also cordially invited to attend.
You can find the detailed program including an event schedule on our website: https://wi2021.de/en/program-overview

We hope you will enjoy your virtual experience @WI2021!

Kind regards,
Frederik Ahlemann, Reinhard Schütte, Stefan Stieglitz
- Conference Chairs


Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz

Head Research Group Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media

Honorary Professor The University of Sydney Business School

Director Competence Center Connected Organization

University of Duisburg-Essen, Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science

Research Group Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media (PROCO) - Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz

P: +49 203 379 2320 

A: Forsthausweg 2 (LE 310), 47057 Duisburg, Germany

Web: uni-due.de/proco | FB: @rgstieglitz | TW: @rgstieglitz | IN: @rgstieglitz

New project: RISE_SMA EU Horizon2020 "Social Media Analytics for Society and Crisis Communication, Twitter: @RISE_SMA

Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi