-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] ICSOC 2010: 2nd Call for Participation
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 09:44:52 +0200
From: Weidlich, Matthias <Matthias.Weidlich@hpi.uni-potsdam.de>
To: 'wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de' <wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>


                    Second Call for Participation                   

     8th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing    
                             ICSOC 2010                            

                        December 7 - 10, 2010                       

                   San Francisco, California, USA                   



EARLY BIRD registration is available until November 7 
at http://www.icsoc.org/registration.html .

DISCOUNT for hotel booking is available until November 15 
at http://www.icsoc.org/conf_hotel.html .


You are kindly invited to participate in the 8th International 
Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2010), which will 
be held in San Francisco, CA. Join ICSOC 2010, the prime forum for 
academics and industry researchers and developers to report and 
share groundbreaking works in service oriented computing. The 
program features research and industry presentations, keynote 
presentations, demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and a PhD 
track. ICSOC 2010 takes place in beautiful San Francisco, a pearl 
of a city. Besides the famous Golden Gate Bridge or the former 
prison island of Alcatraz, San Francisco is known for its lively 
downtown area, cultural diversity, superb cuisine, and a vibrant 


Venue and hotel information is available at 



  * 3 outstanding keynotes given by 
    Jim Spohrer, IBM
      "Service Science Progress and Directions"
    Larry Leifer, Stanford University
      "Dancing with Ambiguity"
    Kaj van de Loo, SAP AG
      "SOA meets Reality - 10 Years of Lessons Learned"
  * Presentations of 33 research full papers and 3 industry track 
    full papers
  * 14 demo presentations that feature emerging technologies in 
    service science
  * 4 tutorials given by renowned experts on
    "Multidisciplinary Views of Business Contract"
    "Quantitative Service Analysis"
    "Scalable Services: Understanding Architecture Trade-off"
    "Crowd-driven processes: state of the art and research 
  * 4 workshops covering a broad range of topics in service 
    oriented computing



Wednesday, December 8, 2010 

   09:00 - 10:30 Opening and Keynote 1
     Jim Spohrer, IBM Almaden Research Center
     "Service Science Progress and Directions" 

   Coffee Break

   11:00 - 12:30 Paper Session P1: 
     Service and Business Process Modeling (1)
     * Business Process Model Abstraction based on Behavioral 
       Smirnov, Sergey; Weidlich, Matthias; Mendling, Jan
     * Root-Cause Analysis of Design-time Compliance Violations on 
       the basis of Property Patterns
       Elgammal, Amal; Turetken, Oktay; van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan; 
       Papazoglou, Mike
     * Artifact-Centric Choreographies
       Lohmann, Niels; Wolf, Karsten

   11:00 - 12:30 Paper Session P2:
     Service Management (1)
     * Adaptive Service Composition Based on Reinforcement Learning
       Zhou, Xuan; Wang, Hongbing; Bouguettaya, Athman
     * A Service Execution Control Framework for Policy Enforcement
       Tanaka, Masahiro; Murakami, Yohei; Lin, Donghui
     * An integrated solution for runtime compliance governance in 
       Birukou, Aliaksandr; D'Andrea, Vincenzo; Leymann, Frank; 
       Serafinski, Jacek; Silveira, Patricia; Strauch, Steve; 
       Tluczek, Marek
   Lunch Break & Poster Presentations
   13:30 - 15:00 Paper Session P3:
     Service and Business Process Modeling (2) 
     * Resolving Business Process Interference Using Dynamic 
       van Beest, Nick; Bulanov, Pavel; Wortmann, Hans; 
       Lazovik, Alexander
     * Linked Data and Service Orientation 
       Wilde, Erik
     * Risk Sensitive Value of Changed Information for Selective 
       Querying of Web Services
       Harney, John; Doshi, Prashant
   13:30 - 15:00 Paper Session P4:
     Service Management (2) 
     * A Differentiation-Aware Fault-Tolerant Framework for Web 
       Kotonya, Gerald; Hall, Stephen
     * Repair vs. Recomposition for Broken Service Compositions
       Yan, Yuhong; Poizat, Pascal; Zhao, Ludeng
     * Interoperation, Composition and Simulation of Services at 
       Kaldeli, Eirini; Warriach, Ehsan Ullah; Bresser, Jaap; 
       Lazovik, Alexander; Aiello, Marco

   Coffee Break & Poster Presentations

   15:30 - 17:00 Short Paper Session S1:
     Business Service Modeling 
     * Business Artifacts Discovery and Modeling
       Maamar, Zakaria; Badr, Youakim; Narendra, Nanjangud
     * Carbon-Aware Business Process Design in Abnoba 
       Hoesch-Klohe, Konstantin; Ghose, Aditya
     * On Predicting Impacts of Customizations to Standard 
       Business Processes 
       Rembert, Aubrey J.; Mazzoleni, Pietro; Akkiraju, Rama; 
       Liu, Rong
     * Extended WS-Agreement Protocol to Support Multi-Round 
       Negotiations and Renegotiations
       Langguth, Christoph; Schuldt, Heiko
   15:30 - 17:00 Panel Discussion 1
     Social Media APIs
	 Among the panelists:
	 * Raffi Krikorian, Tech Lead Twitter API, Twitter
	 * Larry Drebes, CTO/CEO, Janrain

   17:00 - 18:30 Short Paper Session S2:
     Run-time Service Management
     * Event-Driven Virtual Machine for Business-Integration 
       Middleware (Industry Track) 
       Zeng, Liangzhao; Frank, Joachim
     * Consistent Integration of Selection and Replacement Methods 
       under Different Expectations in Service Composition and 
       Partner Management Life-Cycle 
       Ishikawa, Fuyuki
     * Optimizing the Configuration of Web Service Monitors
       Heward, Garth; Jun, Han; Mueller, Ingo; Schneider, Jean-Guy; 
       Versteeg, Steve
   17:00 - 18:30 Paper Session P12:
     Quality of Service
     * Efficient QoS-aware Service Composition with a Probabilistic 
       Service Selection Policy
       Klein, Adrian; Ishikawa, Fuyuki; Honiden, Shinichi
     * Using Real-time Scheduling Principles in Web Service Clusters 
       to Achieve Predictability of Service Execution
       Gamini Abhaya, Vidura; Tari, Zahir; Bertok, Peter
     * Aggregate Quality of Service Computation for Composite 
       Dumas, Marlon; Garcia-Banuelos, Luciano; Polyvyanyy, Artem; 
       Yang, Yong; Zhang, Liang
Thursday, December 9, 2010 

   09:00 - 10:30 Keynote 2
     Prof. Larry Leifer, Stanford University
     "Dancing with Ambiguity" 

   Coffee Break

   11:00 - 12:30 Paper Session P5: 
     Service Science and Design
     * Creating Context-Adaptive Business Processes
       Hermosillo, Gabriel; Seinturier, Lionel; Duchien, Laurence
     * Statistical quality control for human-based electronic 
       Kern, Robert; Thies, Hans; Satzger, Gerhard
     * A Requirement-Centric Approach to Web Service Modeling, 
       Discovery, and Selection
       Driss, Maha; Moha, Naouel; Jamoussi, Yassine; 
       Jezequel, Jean-Marc; Hajjami Ben Ghezala, Henda

   11:00 - 12:30 Paper Session P6: 
     High-level Description Languages
     * Conjunctive Artifact-Centric Services 
       Cangialosi, Piero; De Giacomo, Giuseppe; 
       De Masellis, Riccardo; Rosati, Riccardo
     * Diagnosis of Service Failures by Trace Analysis with Partial 
       Mayer, Wolfgang; Friedrich, Gerhard; Stumptner, Markus
     * Automatic Fragment Identification in Workflows Based on 
       Sharing Analysis  
       Ivanovic, Dragan; Carro, Manuel; Hermenegildo, Manuel

   Lunch Break & Demo Presentations
   13:30 - 15:00 Industry Track Session P7: 
     Process, Composition, and Collaboration and Business Process 
     * Enhancing Collaboration with IBM's Rational Jazz 
       Anderson, Laura C.; Jedadessan, Bala; Johns, Kenneth; 
       Lichtsinn, Mario; Mullan, Priti; Rhodes, James; 
       Sharma, Akhilesh; Strong, Ray; Zhou, Ruoyi
     * Understanding Business Process Commonalities 
       Ivan, Anca; Akkiraju, Rama
     * A Scalable and Highly Available Brokering Service for 
       SLA-based Composite Services
       Bellucci, Alessandro; Cardellini, Valeria; 
       Di Valerio, Valerio; Iannucci, Stefano
   13:30 - 15:00 Short Paper Session S3: 
     Formal Methods
     * Soft-Constraint based Approach for QoS-aware Service Selection
       Zemni, Mohamed Anis; Benbernou, salima; Carro, Manuel
     * Timed Conversational Protocol based Approach for Web 
       Services Analysis
       Guermouche, Nawal; Godart, Claude
     * Service Discovery Using Communication Fingerprints
       Wolf, Karsten; Oanea, Olivia; Suermeli, Jan
     * Quantifying Service Compatibility: A Step Beyond the Boolean 
       Ouederni, Meriem; Salaun, Gwen; Pimentel, Ernesto

   Coffee Break & Demo Presentations
   15:30 - 17:00 Panel Discussion 2

   15:30 - 17:00 Demo Session

   17:00 - 18:30 Paper Session P10: 
     Service Development and Run-time Management
     * Spreadsheet as a Generic Purpose Mashup Development 
       Hoang, Dat Dac; Paik, Hye-Young; Ngu, Anne H. H.
     * Combining Enforcement Strategies in Service Oriented 
       Gheorghe, Gabriela; Schleicher, Daniel; Mietzner, Ralph; 
       Monakova, Ganna; Anstett, Tobias; Crispo, Bruno; 
       Leymann, Frank
     * Fault Handling in the Web Service Stack
       Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Wutke, Daniel
   17:00 - 18:30 Short Paper Session S4: 
     Quality of Service
     * Consistency Benchmarking: Evaluating the Consistency Behavior
       of Middleware Services in the Cloud
       Klems, Markus; Menzel, Michael; Fischer, Robin
     * Service Composition with Pareto-Optimality of Time-Dependent 
       QoS Attributes
       Klaepper, Benjamin; Ishikawa, Fuyuki; Honiden, Shinichi
     * QoS-based Optimization of Service Compositions for Complex 
       Schuller, Dieter; Eckert, Julian; Miede, Andre; 
       Papageorgiou, Apostolos; Lampe, Ulrich; Steinmetz, Ralf
     * Privacy-Aware Device Identifier Through A Trusted Web 
       Service (Industry Track)
       da Cruz Pinto, Juan Marcelo; Morin, Ricardo; 
       Torino, Maria Emilia; Varner, Danny

   Conference Banquet

Friday, December 10, 2010 

   09:00 - 10:30 Keynote 3
     Kaj van de Loo, SAP AG
     "SOA meets Reality - 10 Years of Lessons Learned"

   Coffee Break

   11:00 - 12:30 Paper Session P9: 
     Service Level Agreements
     * Preventing SLA Violations in Service Compositions Using 
       Aspect-Based Fragment Substitution
       Leitner, Philipp; Wetzstein, Branimir; Karastoyanova, Dimka; 
       Hummer,Waldemar; Dustdar, Schahram; Leymann, Frank
     * Adaptive Management of Composite Services under 
       Percentile-based Service Level Agreements
       Lo Presti, Francesco; Casalicchio, Emiliano; 
       Cardellini, Valeria; Grassi, Vincenzo
     * BPMN Modelling of Services with Dynamically Reconfigurable 
       Bocchi, Laura; Guanciale, Roberto; Strollo, Daniele; 
       Tuosto, Emilio

   11:00 - 12:30 Paper Session P8: 
     Service Security, Privacy, and Trust
     * From Quality to Utility: Adaptive Service Selection Framework
       Hang, Chung-Wei; Singh, Munindar
     * Trust Assessment for Web Services under Uncertainty
       Malik, Zaki; Medjahed, Brahim
     * Incorporating Expectations as a Basis for Service Selection
       ElMessiry, Adel; Gao, Xibin; Singh, Munindar P.

   Lunch Break
   13:30 - 15:00 Paper Session P11: 
     Service Engineering Methodologies
     * Programmable Fault Injection Testbeds for Complex SOA
       Juszczyk, Lukasz; Dustdar, Schahram
     * Abstracting and Applying Business Modeling Patterns from 
       Telang, Pankaj; Singh, Munindar
     * Heuristic Approaches for QoS-based Service Selection
       Comes, Diana Elena; Baraki, Harun; Reichle, Roland; 
       Zapf, Michael; Geihs, Kurt
   13:30 - 15:00 Short Paper Session S5: 
     Service Applications
     * Towards Mitigating Human Errors in IT Change Management 
       De, Pradipta; Gupta, Manish; Madduri, Venkat; Anand, Vishal
     * A service-based architecture for multidomain search on the web
       Bozzon, Alessandro; Brambilla, Marco; 
       Corcoglioniti, Francesco; Vadacca, Salvatore
     * Natural language service composition with request 
       Pop, Florin-Claudiu; Cremene, Marcel; Vaida, Mircea; 
       Riveill, Michel

   Conference Closing


Tutorials and workshops take place on December 6, 2010. This day 
ends with a welcome reception.


  * Multidisciplinary Views of Business Contract
    Munindar P. Singh; Nirmit Desai
  * Quantitative Service Analysis
    Naveen Kulkarni; Deepti Parachuri; Shashank Trivedi
  * Scalable Services: Understanding Architecture Trade-off
    Stefan Tai; Markus Klems
  * Crowd-driven processes: state of the art and research challenges
    Claudio Bartolini; Maja Vukovic


  * 1st International Workshop on Performance Assessment and 
    Auditing in Service Computing (WS-PAASC 2010)
  * 6th International Workshop on Engineering Service-Oriented 
    Applications (WESOA 2010)
  * 1st International Workshop on Services, Energy, and Ecosystem 
    (SEE 2010)
  * 2nd International Workshop on Service Oriented Computing 
    in Logistics (SOC-LOG 2010)


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Administrator: wi-admin@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi