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Work-in-progress session (WiP-VECoS’2018)
Call for Papers
associated with the 12thInternational Conference on
Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems
September 26-28, 2018, Grenoble, France
The Work-in-Progress (WiP) session at VECoS 2018 is dedicated to
new and ongoing research in the field of analysis of computer and
communication systems in which functional and extra-functional
properties are inter-related. Authors are invited to submit short
papers describing ongoing, unpublished work in all areas of formal
methods, including applications, systems, tools, methodologies,
foundations, and design. In keeping with the spirit of the main
conference, submissions with an emphasis on tools and application
aspects are especially encouraged. The WiP session provides
researchers and developers with an opportunity to discuss evolving
and early-stage ideas, new research directions, to review current
trends in the area and to receive feedback from the formal methods
community at large.
Submissions should be in form of short papers not exceeding 5
pages in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
including references and appendices. Titles should conform to the
format “Work-in-Progress: WiP_Title”. All contributions should be
submitted electronically in PDF via easychair
Latex and MSWord LNCS templates can be downloaded online
Accepted papers will be published in separate VECoS WiP
Proceedings and will be available electronically on the VECoS Web
Authors of accepted papers are expected to give a brief
presentation in the work-in-progress session of the conference and
to showcase their work at the poster session. By submitting a
paper, the authors agree that, in case of acceptance, at least one
author will register to the conference and present the work at the
Work-in-Progress session.
Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited
Abstraction techniques
Certification standards for real-time systems
Compositional verification
Correct-by-construction design
Dependability assessment techniques
Equivalence checking
Model checking
Parameterized verification
Performance and robustness evaluation
Probabilistic verification
QoS evaluation, planning and deployment
RAMS (Reliability Availability Maintainability Safety) assessment
Rigorous system design
Security protocols verification
Simulation techniques of discrete-event and hybrid systems
Supervisory control
Verification & validation of IoT
Verification & validation of safety-critical systems
Worst-case execution time analysis
Application areas include: adaptive systems, communication
protocols, computer-supported collaborative work systems, cloud
computing, cyber-physical systems, high performance computing,
internet of things, logistics systems, manufactory of the future,
mixed criticality systems, mobile and wireless networking,
operations research, programming languages, real-time and embedded
operating systems, service oriented systems, telecommunication
systems, ubiquitous systems, web services, wireless sensor
networks and workflow systems. An overview of previous VECoS
conferences can be found at:
Important Dates
All the deadlines are AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
Papers deadline: July 15, 2018
Paper notification: July 25, 2018
Camera-ready deadline: July 30, 2018
Conference: September 26 – 28, 2018
Program Co-Chairs
Ayoub Nouri (chair), Verimag / University Grenoble Alpes, France
Belgacem Ben Hedia (co-chair), CEA-LIST, Saclay, France
Contact for more information
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