-------- Original Message --------
First call for contributions:
LAK13: Third International Conference on Learning Analytics
& Knowledge
8-12 April, Leuven, Belgium
Papers and Workshop/Tutorial Proposals due November 1, 2012
Doctoral Consortium, Poster and Workshop Participation
Submissions due January 31, 2013
The International Learning Analytics & Knowledge
Conference, now in its third year, is a venue for reporting and
advancing research at the nexus of two emerging societal
phenomena. First we are witnessing the rapid expansion of the
use of technologies in supporting learning, not only in
established institutional contexts and platforms, but also in
the emerging landscape of free, open, social learning online.
Second, the unprecedented availability of data that learners
generate in the process of accessing learning materials,
interacting with educators and peers, and creating new content
in these technological settings, coupled with advances in
analytics and data mining, knowledge modeling and representation
and open data offer great potential for research into how
learning takes place in socio-technical settings and the
development of new forms of analytics that can inform learners
and educators. Learning Analytics research brings these
technical, pedagogical, and social domains into dialogue with
each other to ensure that interventions and organizational
systems serve the needs of all stakeholders.
THEME: Dialectics in Learning Analytics
The first two conferences have established the range of
issues and approaches of concern in leveraging the availability
of data about learning with powerful computational,
representational and visualization techniques. This third
conference will be designed to consolidate the field by bringing
these many voices into dialogue in a "middle space" under the
overarching theme of "Dialectics in Learning Analytics", which
has these facets:
The Middle Space: The conference will explore the middle
space within which Learning and Analytics intersect, and seeks
proposals for papers and events that explicitly connect analytic
tools to theoretical and practical aspects of understanding and
managing learning.
Productive Multivocality: Learning analytics is
multidisciplinary, drawing on theories and methods from diverse
research traditions. Our community includes educators, learning
scientists, computer scientists, administrators, and policy
makers, among others. The middle space serves as a topical
"boundary object", enabling productive discourse between these
many voices.
The Old and the New: We are facing a centuries old problem:
to improve learning, but we are trying to solve it using a new
set of tools, not available before. We address these problems in
the city of Leuven: centuries old, lively new.
We invite submissions on topics including but not limited to
the following:
* Conceptual
-- New models of learning enabled by analytics
-- Personalization and adaptation in the learning process
through analytics
-- Learner modeling
-- The analysis of emotion, flow, and affective data in
learning environments
-- Ethical considerations (e.g., privacy and ownership)
-- Learning analytics for accreditation
-- The influence of analytics on designing for learning
-- Learning analytics patterns
-- Organizational dynamics and adoption strategies
-- Educational research methods and learning analytics
-- Learning analytics in relationship to other fields (e.g.,
educational research, educational data mining, web science,
* Technical Innovations for Sensemaking
-- Network analysis methods for understanding learning
-- Visualization techniques
-- Attention metadata for learning
-- Data mining and machine learning techniques in learning
-- Natural language processing and text mining in learning
-- The role of knowledge representation and ontologies in
learning analytics
-- The semantic web and linked data applied to learning
-- Analytic tools that could be used for learning
-- "Big Data" applications and opportunities in learning and
-- Learning environments enhanced with analytics
-- Architecture of learning environments and implications for
learning analytics
-- Recommendation Engines
-- Interfaces for learning analytics
-- Decision-support systems for learning
* Applications and Use Cases
-- Interventions based on analytics
-- Visualizations to support awareness and reflection
-- Social and technical systems to manage information
-- Personalization and adaptation of the learning process
-- Corporate and higher education case studies of learning
-- Learning analytics for intelligent tutoring systems
-- Open data and data access for learners
-- Harmonizing individual learning with organizational
-- Organizational learning and knowledge sharing models
-- Use of learning analytics in centralized (learning
management systems) and decentralized (personal learning
environments) settings
-- Planning, deploying, and evaluating enterprise-wide
learning analytics
Primary Participation
Full and Short Papers, Design Briefings, and the abstracts
for Panels, Workshops and Tutorials will be published in the
main proceedings. Submissions in these categories are due
November 1, 2012.
-- Full Papers
Use a full paper to share substantial conceptual, technical
and empirical contributions, following the advice to authors
given above. Submit up to 10 pages in the conference paper
-- Short Papers, Design Briefings, and Formal Demonstrations
Use a short paper to share preliminary conceptual, technical
and empirical contributions, or substantial contributions that
can be reported briefly. Short papers can also share a design
concept or tool that addresses a challenge of interest to
interface designers, system architects and programmers. A formal
demonstration of interactive software or tools may also be
proposed: such submissions should include at least one link to a
current demo movie. Submit up to 5 pages in the conference paper
-- Panels
Panels provide the chance for delegates to hear a range of
speakers address a topical issue, e.g. diverse approaches to a
problem, or a debate a hot topic. Submit up to 4 pages in the
conference paper format suitable for publication in the
proceedings, including an introduction to the nature and
importance of the issue to be addressed and panelists' position
statements. Submit 2 additional pages (not to be published in
the proceedings) with the names and qualifications of confirmed
panelists and discussants and a summary of how your panel format
will ensure that there is interaction between panelists rather
than consisting of a collection of disconnected talks.
-- Workshops
Workshops (8-9 April, 2013) provide the opportunity to
explore learning theory, analytics, methods and tools in depth.
Workshops should be designed to take advantage of the
interactivity afforded by this format, and should not consist
merely of a day of talks. They may include for example,
experience sharing and brainstorming, interactive
demonstrations, data analysis by multiple analysts, problem
solving sessions, and a few short and/or enlightening
presentations. The length of the workshop sessions can range
from a half to a full day (consisting of two to four 1.5 hour
blocks between breaks). See web site for submission format.
-- Tutorials
Tutorials (also 8-9 April, 2013) provide the chance to take
participants deep into a specific tool or technique in which you
are experienced, or an introduction to a topic/class of tools.
The time could range from a 1.5 hour session to a full day
(consisting of two to four 1.5 hour blocks between breaks).
Please use the workshop/tutorial template for submissions.
Secondary Participation
Submissions for the following forms of participation are due
January 31, 2013.
-- Doctoral Consortium
A one-day consortium will be organized for doctoral students
who are about to defend or have recently defended their
proposals. Participating students will have the opportunity to
present their proposed research to reputable faculty in learning
analytics and obtain valuable advice. Other professional
development and social networking activities will be included.
Details for submission requirements will be forthcoming in a
future call.
-- Informal Demonstrations
A space (table top surface) and designated times for informal
demonstrations of relevant software will be provided at the
conference. Submit one page that includes a 1-line title, name
of presenter, and an abstract limited to 100 words suitable for
printing in the conference guide. Demonstrators should be
prepared to interact with several conference participants at a
time in an interactive and not excessively scripted manner.
-- Posters
Posters are suitable for describing late-breaking results or
for engaging conference participants in discussion of
preliminary ideas or findings. Submit a 1-line title, the
name(s) of the presenter(s), and an abstract limited to 100
words suitable for printing in the conference guide. This
should be followed with up to two pages describing the concept
or results to be presented, the expected interactions with
conference participants, and the poster format that will support
these interactions. (If available, a high-resolution image of
the poster provided as the second page can fulfill this
requirement, and is preferred. Easily visible graphics and large
brief texts are encouraged rather than small text.)
-- Workshop Participation
LAK workshops will provide conference participants with
opportunities to interact intensively on a topic of shared
interest. Workshop calls for participation will be distributed
shortly after the December 14th workshop acceptance notification
date. January 31st will be the uniform date for priority
submissions for participation in workshops, although we
encourage workshops to accept later submissions on a
space-available basis. Workshop organizers will specify
submission requirements.
LAK 2011 and LAK2012 were published in the ACM Digital
Library International Conference Proceedings Series. We plan to
do the same following the granting of ACM In-Cooperation status
to the conference. Author guidelines are available at
(option 1).
November 1: Paper, Workshop, and Tutorial Proposals Due
December 14: Notification for Papers, Workshops, and
January 31: Workshop Participation, Poster, and Informal
Demonstration Submissions Due
February 15: Workshop, Poster, and Demonstration
February 15: Final Papers Due
March 1: Early Registration Deadline
April 8-12: Conference
General Chairs
-- Erik Duval, Belgium
-- Xavier Ochoa, Ecuador
Program Chairs
-- Dan Suthers, USA
-- Katrien Verbert, Belgium