-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [WI] RecSys 2012: Call for Workshop Proposal - Deadline 15th March Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 20:04:56 +0100 From: KAREN CHURCH karen@tid.es Reply-To: KAREN CHURCH karen@tid.es To: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, ak-kd-list@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de ak-kd-list@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, kdml@cs.uni-kassel.de kdml@cs.uni-kassel.de, fg-db@informatik.uni-rostock.de fg-db@informatik.uni-rostock.de, fca-list@cs.uni-kassel.de fca-list@cs.uni-kassel.de, dl@dl.kr.org dl@dl.kr.org, kaw@science.uva.nl kaw@science.uva.nl, web_graph_algs@yahoogroups.com web_graph_algs@yahoogroups.com, webir@yahoogroups.com webir@yahoogroups.com, semanticweb@yahoogroups.com semanticweb@yahoogroups.com, all-prolearn@agws.dit.upm.es all-prolearn@agws.dit.upm.es, machine-learning@yahoogroups.com machine-learning@yahoogroups.com, mlearn@googlegroups.com mlearn@googlegroups.com, Web-Mining@googlegroups.com Web-Mining@googlegroups.com, Machine-Learning@googlegroups.com Machine-Learning@googlegroups.com, Data-Mining@googlegroups.com Data-Mining@googlegroups.com, INDUCTIVE@LISTSERV.UNB.CA INDUCTIVE@LISTSERV.UNB.CA, Social-media-research@googlegroups.com Social-media-research@googlegroups.com, researchers@pascal-network.org researchers@pascal-network.org, colt@cs.uiuc.edu colt@cs.uiuc.edu, ML-news@googlegroups.com ML-news@googlegroups.com, kdnet-members@iais.fraunhofer.de kdnet-members@iais.fraunhofer.de, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@acm.org CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@acm.org, SIGIR-ANNOUNCE-REQUEST@acm.org SIGIR-ANNOUNCE-REQUEST@acm.org, ah@listserver.tue.nl ah@listserver.tue.nl, IRList@lists.shef.ac.uk IRList@lists.shef.ac.uk, um@di.unito.it um@di.unito.it, adaptive@topica.com adaptive@topica.com, BCS-HCI@JISCMAIL.AC.UK BCS-HCI@JISCMAIL.AC.UK, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG, chisigmail@chisig.org chisigmail@chisig.org, IR@JISCMAIL.AC.UK IR@JISCMAIL.AC.UK, editor1@kdnuggets.com editor1@kdnuggets.com, Dbworld@cs.wisc.edu Dbworld@cs.wisc.edu, members@sigsem.org members@sigsem.org, MM-INTEREST@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG MM-INTEREST@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG CC: Alan Said alan.said@dai-labor.de, "Jill.Freyne@csiro.au" Jill.Freyne@csiro.au, Pearl Pu Faltings pearl.pu@epfl.ch
[Apologies for cross-posting]
=================================================== RecSys 2012: CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS ===================================================
6th ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2012)
September 9 - 13, 2012, Dublin, Ireland http://recsys.acm.org/2012/
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2012
=================================================== CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS ===================================================
RecSys 2012 is pleased to invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The goal of the workshops is to provide additional venues for presenting research on topics of interest and an informal forum to discuss research questions and challenges.
We encourage proposals for a wide range of workshops, including but not limited to:
- Working group meetings organized around a specific problem; such workshops may wish to ask participants to submit a short white paper or position statement. - One day mini-conferences on specialized topics; such workshops may have their own paper submission and review processes. - Mini-competitions or challenges around selected topics with individual or team participation.
We welcome proposals for half-day and full-day workshops.
We encourage you to contact us in advance (jill.freyne@csiro.au mailto:jill.freyne@csiro.au, pearl.pu@epfl.ch mailto:pearl.pu@epfl.ch) with workshop ideas; we will work with prospective workshop organizers to help them design successful proposals. We actively encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit workshop proposals.
=================================================== IMPORTANT DATES ===================================================
- March 15, 2012: Workshop proposals due - Apr 7, 2012: Decisions announced - Jun 8, 2012: Workshop paper submission deadline - Jun 22, 2012: Author notification - Jul 6, 2012: Camera-ready workshop papers due - Sept 9, 2012: Workshops day 1 - Sept 13, 2012: Workshops day 2
=================================================== PROPOSAL FORMAT ===================================================
The workshop proposal should be a PDF document no more than 4 pages long, submitted by e-mail to jill.freyne@csiro.au mailto:jill.freyne@csiro.au and organized as follows:
1. Workshop Title 2. Name, email address, and affiliation for workshop chair(s) 3. Requested duration (half day or full day), and maximum number of participants 4. Short description of workshop for use in advertising workshop to prospective participants. This description should include the topic, format, and details about what type of submission is requested from prospective attendees. It should not include the title, organizers, or fee structure (all of which will be inserted by the conference). 5. Description of workshop activities. Outline how the workshop will be organized and how the time will be spent. If the workshop is selective, also outline the process of selecting participants. 6. Description of plans for promoting the workshop (aside from the conference website and announcements, how will you let people know about this workshop). 7. Plans for disseminating the results of the workshop (if any). 8. History of prior workshops on this topic (if any).
Please visit the conference website at http://recsys.acm.org/2012/ for more information.
=================================================== RecSys 2012 WORKSHOP CHAIRS ===================================================
Jill Freyne, CSIRO, Australia Pearl Pu, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
=================================================== FURTHER INFORMATION ===================================================
For more details on the 2012 edition of RecSys, please visit the conference website: http://recsys.acm.org/2012/ or you can follow us on twitter @recsys2012
-- Karen Church Telefonica Research Torre Telefonica Diagonal 00 Plaza de Ernest Lluch i Martín, 5, floor 15 08019 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 123 33 54 Email: karen@tid.es mailto:karen@tid.es Website: www.karenchurch.com Twitter: @karenchurch
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