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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP | Gamification | 53rd HICSS 2020 conference | fastracks Internet Research (IF 3.8) and Electronic Markets (IF 3.8) | Deadline June 15 2019
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 22:32:48 +0300
From: jujohama@gmail.com
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Link to full CFP:

Part of the “Decision Analytics, Mobile Services, and Service Science” –
track 53rd annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS
January 7-10, 2020 | Grand Wailea, Maui

- June 15: Submissions deadline
- August 17: Notification sent to authors
- September 4: Revision deadline
- September 10: Final acceptance notifications sent to authors
- September 22: Deadline for authors to submit the final manuscript (camera
- October 1: Registration deadline
- January 7-10: Conference
- February 15, 2019 (date subject to change) (Optional) Submission deadline
for extended versions of selected papers for Internet Research or Electronic

Authors of accepted papers have the option to fast-track extended versions
of their HICSS papers either to Internet Research (Impact factor 3.838)
r) or Electronic Markets (Impact factor 3.818)

Moreover, the Gamification mini-track is part of the Gamification
Publication Track aimed at persistent development of gamification research:

=== TOPICS (but are not limited to):
- Users: e.g. Engagement, experience, motivations, user/player types
- Education: e.g. Serious games, game-based learning, simulation games
- Media: e.g. eSports, streaming
- Commerce: e.g. Game business models, free-to-play, gamification as
marketing, adoption
- Work: e.g. Organizational gamification, gameful work, gamification in
- Technology: e.g. VR, AR, MR, gameful wearables and IoT
- Toys & playfulness
- Health: e.g. Quantified-self, games for health, health benefits
- Cities: e.g. smart cities, urban gamification, playable cities, community
engagement, governance
- Theories/concepts/methods: Contributions to science around gamification

We encourage a wide range of submissions from any disciplinary backgrounds:
empirical and conceptual research papers, case studies, and reviews.

Juho Hamari
University of Turku / Tampere University
Email: juho.hamari@tuni.fi

Lobna Hassan
University of Turku / Tampere University
Email: lobna.hassan@tuni.fi

Mattia Thibault
Tampere University
Email: mattia.thibault@tuni.fi

See you in Hawaii!

Interaction with games is considered to have positive effects on our
cognitive, emotional, social abilities and motivation (5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 22,
30). It isn’t surprising, then that our reality and lives are increasingly
becoming game-like (6). This is not limited to the fact that digital games
have become a pervasive part of our lives, but perhaps most prominently with
the fact that activities, systems and services that are not traditionally
perceived as game-like are becoming either intentionally or unintentionally
gameful (4, 6, 10, 13, 14).

Intentional gamification refers to a “process of transforming any activity,
system, service, product or organizational structure into one which affords
positive experiences, skills and practices similar to those afforded by
games, and is often referred to as the gameful experience. This is commonly
but optionally done with an intention to facilitate changes in behaviours or
cognitive processes. As the main inspirations of gamification are games and
play, gamification is commonly pursued by employing game design” (6).

Gamification has become an umbrella concept that, to varying degrees,
includes and encompasses other related technological developments such as
serious games (3), game-based learning (12, 24), exergames & quantified-self
(8, 9, 21), games with a purpose/human-based computation games (17, 28), and
persuasive technology (20).

Secondly, gamification also manifests in a gradual, albeit unintentional,
cultural, organizational and societal transformation stemming from the
increased pervasive engagement with games, gameful interactions (6), game
communities and player practices. For example, recently we have witnessed
the popular emergence of augmented reality games (16; 17) and virtual
reality technologies (2, 29) that enable a more seamless integration of
games into our physical reality. Case in point are urban spaces that are
increasingly becoming playgrounds for different games and -play activities.
While location-based games such as Pokémon Go (1) were able to attract
millions of players, concepts such as Playable Cities (19) and Urban
Gamification (26) highlight the large scale changes that games are bringing
about in the smart cities of the future. Moreover, the media ecosystem has
also experienced a degree of ludic transformation: with user generated
content becoming an important competitor for large media corporations. This
transformation has led to the development of several emerging phenomena such
as the Youtube and modding cultures (23, 27) and esports (7, 25), that have
penetrated the cultural membrane allowing games to seep into domains
hitherto dominated by traditional media.

Alha, K., Koskinen, E., Paavilainen, J., & Hamari, J. (2019). Why do people
play location-based augmented reality games: A study on Pokémon GO.
Computers in Human Behavior, 93, 114-122.
Blascovich, J., & Bailenson, J. (2011). Infinite reality: Avatars, eternal
life, new worlds, and the dawn of the virtual revolution. William Morrow &
Connolly, T. M. Boyle, E. A., MacArthur, E., Hainey, T. & Boyle, J. M.
(2012). A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer
games and serious games. Computers & Education, 59, 661-686.
Deterding, S. (2015). The lens of intrinsic skill atoms: A method for
gameful design. Human–Computer Interaction, 30(3-4), 294-335.
Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R. C. (2014). The benefits of playing video
games. American psychologist, 69(1), 66.
Hamari, J. (2019). Gamification. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology
(in press).
Hamari, J., & Sjöblom, M. (2017). What is eSports and why do people watch
it? Internet research, 27(2), 211-232.
Hamari, J., Hassan, L., & Dias, A. (2018). Gamification, quantified-self or
social networking? Matching users’ goals with motivational technology. User
Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction. 28(1), 35-74.
Hassan, L., Dias, A., & Hamari, J. (2019). How motivational feedback
increases user’s benefits and continued use: A study on gamification,
quantified-self and social networking. International Journal of Information
Management, 46, 151-162.
Huotari, K., & Hamari, J. (2017). A definition for gamification: anchoring
gamification in the service marketing literature. Electronic Markets, 27(1),
Högberg, J., Hamari, J., & Wästlund, E. (2019). Gameful Experience
Questionnaire (GAMEFULQUEST): An instrument for measuring the perceived
gamefulness of system use. User Modeling and User-adapted Interaction.
Kiili, K. (2005). Digital game-based learning: Towards an experiential
gaming model. The Internet and Higher Education, 8(1), 13-24.
Koivisto, J., & Hamari, J. (2019). The rise of motivational information
systems: A review of gamification literature. International Journal of
Information Management, 45, 191-210.
Landers, R. N., Auer, E. M., Collmus, A. B., & Armstrong, M. B. (2018).
Gamification science, its history and future: Definitions and a research
agenda. Simulation & Gaming, 49(3), 315-337.
Malone, T. W. (1981). Toward a theory of intrinsically motivating
instruction. Cognitive science, 5(4), 333-369.
Montola, M., Stenros, J., & Waern, A. (2009). Pervasive games: theory and
design. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
Morschheuser, B., Hamari, J., Koivisto, J., & Maedche, A. (2017). Gamified
crowdsourcing: Conceptualization, literature review, and future agenda.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 106, 26-43.
Mäyrä, F. (2016). Pokémon GO: Entering the Ludic Society. Mobile Media &
Communication, 2050157916678270.
Nijholt, A. (2017). Playable Cities The City as a Digital Playground.
Oinas-Kukkonen, H., & Harjumaa, M. (2009). Persuasive Systems Design: Key
Issues, Process Model, and System Features. Communications of the
Association for Information Systems, 24(1).
Peng, W., Crouse, J. C., & Lin, J. H. (2013). Using active video games for
physical activity promotion: a systematic review of the current state of
research. Health education & behavior, 40(2), 171-192.
Ryan, R. M., Rigby, C. S., & Przybylski, A. (2006). The motivational pull of
video games: A self-determination theory approach. Motivation and emotion,
30(4), 344-360.
Sotamaa, O. (2010). When the game is not enough: Motivations and practices
among computer game modding culture. Games and Culture, 5(3), 239-255.
Squire, K. D. (2008). Video games and education: Designing learning systems
for an interactive age. Educational Technology, 48(2), 17-26.
Taylor, T. L. (2012). Raising the Stakes: E-sports and the
Professionalization of Computer Gaming. MIT Press.
Thibault, M. (2019) “Towards a Typology of Urban Gamification” in In
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, January 8-11, 2019., pp. 1476-1485.
Törhönen, M., Sjöblom, M., & Hamari, J. (2018). Aspects of online
popularity: What do content creators believe to affect their popularity on
Twitch and YouTube? In Proceedings of the 2nd International GamiFIN
conference, Pori. Finland, May 21-23, 2018.
Von Ahn, L., & Dabbish, L. (2008). Designing games with a purpose.
Communications of the ACM, 51(8), 58-67.
Wexelblat, A. (Ed.). (2014). Virtual reality: applications and explorations.
Academic Press.
Xi, N., & Hamari, J. (2019). The relationship between gamification, brand
engagement and brand equity. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, January
8-11, 2019.

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