The Computer – Human Interaction Special
Interest Group (CHISIG) and The
Ergonomics Society of Australia (ESA) are having a joint professional
conference at The Hotel Sofitel in
The Human Factors HF2002 Conference will focus on "design for the whole person" to highlight the integration of physical, cognitive and social aspects of design.
The Conference Program will
feature a number of outstanding local and international speakers, concurrent
sessions, poster presentations and site visits around the
The Conference attracts researchers and practitioners from all around Australia and overseas - with a wide range of interests, from human factors and ergonomics to design and information technology - and provides a wonderful opportunity to meet and extend contacts.
Further information about the
Conference can be obtained from the conference website at or the Conference Organisers:
International Conferences &
Events (ICE) Aust. P/L
+61 (2) 9544 9134
+61 (2) 9522 4447