-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] ECSCW 2017, Sheffield (UK) - Final Call for Papers Datum: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 06:37:14 +0200 Von: Gabriela Avram gabriela.avram@gmail.com An: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org
*Apologies for cross-posting!*
=== Call for Papers ===
ECSCW 2017, The 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Sheffield (UK), August 28 - September 01 2017
The 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW) will be held August 28 to September 1, 2017 in Sheffield, UK.
ECSCW is a series of international conferences on computer-supported cooperative work located in Europe and championed by EUSSET, the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies.
CSCW focuses on enhancing our understanding of the practices of cooperative work and on exploring and designing CSCW systems. The ECSCW conference is an important venue for defining and further developing the agenda for CSCW research. The conference has a longstanding interest in empirical, conceptual and theoretical contributions and has a tradition of inclusiveness. ECSCW addresses themes which include but are not limited to:
- Conceptualising practice in work and other activities, and the relationship between understanding practice and the design of computer artifacts: how can we understand work (the “W”)? - Cooperation and its characteristics (e.g., describing the particulars of articulation work and coordination mechanisms in a given setting): how can we understand cooperative work (the “CW”)? - Methods for investigating human practices: the nature of ethnography and the role of other innovative methods in CSCW. - Digital and other material artefacts in cooperative settings: how can we support cooperative work in increasingly complex, networked settings (the “CS”)?
The ECSCW conferences are single-track conferences that contribute to developing an interdisciplinary ECSCW community. The conference format facilitates critical discussion across disciplinary and national borders in the field. An overview of earlier ECSCW conferences (and proceedings) is available from http://www.ecscw.org/ .
While the key focus and topics of ECSCW remain the same, the conference is changing. The biggest change for 2017 is in the types of submissions and how those will be published.
- *Papers (*between 10,000 and 15,000 words + references*):* In 2017, the conference is moving to a journal-level review process for the submission of papers documenting original, rich, and in-depth contributions to CSCW. Accepted submissions will be published in a special issue of *Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices* http://rd.springer.com/journal/10606. Paper submissions will be reviewed by the ECSCW program committee (PC), while decisions will be made by the PC chairs (acting as guest editors) in collaboration with the Journal’s editors. The journal process will be compressed into a shorter amount of time than is typical for the Journal and will involve one full review cycle and a second, corrections-confirmation cycle. All papers judged to be of sufficiently high quality to be accepted will be published in the journal special issue. Papers will also benefit from the visibility of being presented and discussed at the conference. Paper submissions should be formatted following the CSCW Journal Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/cda/content/document/cda_downloaddocument/JCSCW+Instructions+for+Authors+2016.pdf?SGWID=0-0-45-1560271-p35755499 . *Please keep in mind that, as per CSCW Journal policy, the papers review process will be single-blind.* - Papers accepted for publication in the CSCW Journal are typeset (taking the digital document as input), however authors who want to use a template for preparing their submissions may want to use this template https://www.dropbox.com/s/w68uc5jsce4ra4n/JCSCW%20manuscript%20template%202015.docx?dl=0 .
- *Exploratory Papers:* The goal of this new type of submission is to attract smaller, focused studies, works-in-progress, critical literature reviews, early results, and/or provocative ideas that are not yet ready for a journal submission, but could benefit from presentation and discussion within the ECSCW community. While the length of exploratory papers is flexible, we expect that papers will be no longer than 6,000 words (without references). With exploratory papers, we aim at having lively sessions that will contribute to shaping the future of practice-focused CSCW research. Exploratory paper submissions will be reviewed by the ECSCW PC in one round of evaluation (accepted or rejected). Accepted exploratory papers will be published in the ECSCW/EUSSET Digital Library as an edited collection with ISBN and DOIs (more information soon). Please follow the exploratory papers template. The template can be downloaded as RTF https://www.dropbox.com/s/watyt6fit26hwtu/ECSCW%202017%20exploratory%20papers%20instructions.rtf?dl=0 or MSWord. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2391028w7zz0tz/ECSCW%202017_EP%20template.doc?dl=0 - Authors of exploratory papers will retain the copyright and will then be able to reuse their work in teaching, future publications, and other scholarly and professional activities, and to deposit their work in a university repository.
*Important dates*:
- Friday 4th November 2016: Submission deadline - Wednesday 18th January 2017: Notifications due to authors. Papers that are given a “major revisions” or “minor revisions” verdict are invited to resubmit an improved version. - Monday 13th March 2017: Resubmission deadline - Friday 7th April 2017: Final reviews due to authors. Papers that now qualify for acceptance are notified. Small additional edits may be requested. - Friday 28th April: Final papers to be submitted for production.
Exploratory Papers
- Friday 27th January 2017: Submission deadline - Wednesday 29th March 2017: Notifications due to authors. Exploratory papers are either accepted or rejected. Small additional edits may be requested for accepted exploratory papers before publication - Friday 21st April 2017: Camera ready to be submitted for publication in the ECSCW/EUSSET digital library
Details for other submission venues (Demos & Posters; Workshops and Master Classes; Design Relay Challenge and Panels; Doctoral Consortium) will be announced in the near future.
For links to the submission system and for full information on the Program Committee, please keep following the conference website: https://ecscw2017.org.uk/
For more updates, you can follow the ECSCW conference Twitter account: http://twitter.com/ECSCW and the ECSCW Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/ECSCW .
For information on the paper submission categories, please contact either the Papers chair (cplee@uw.edu) or the Exploratory Papers co-chairs ( myriam.lewkowicz@utt.fr; as3653@drexel.edu).
On behalf of ECSCW 2017,
Charlotte Lee, Luigina Ciolfi, David Randall, *David Martin (in memoriam)*, Papers Co-Chairs
Myriam Lewkowicz and Aleksandra Sarcevic, Exploratory Papers Co-Chairs
Luigina Ciolfi and David Randall, Conference Co-Chairs
Gabriela Avram, Social Media and Publicity Chair _______________________________________________ AISWorld mailing list AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org