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Subject: [AISWorld] *** CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS *** Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases: Applications and Lessons Learned
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 10:00:07 +0000
From: Horst Treiblmaier <Horst.Treiblmaier@modul.ac.at>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>


Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases: Applications and Lessons Learned

(published by Springer)

Within a short couple of years, Blockchain and other trustless systems have turned from being relatively obscure technologies, which were only known to a small community of computer scientists and cryptologists, into mainstream phenomena that are seen as powerful game changers for many industries. Given the manifold potential applications of Blockchain to substitute or remove intermediaries, it does not come as a surprise that the expectations from industry are high or even exaggerated. Simultaneously, various applied academic communities have taken up the subject and actively research either the technology or its implications. Given that the dust of the initial hype has settled, it is now time to explore how sustainable value can be created with the use of Blockchain and related technologies implementing, exploring and evaluating real use cases.

For this call for papers, we therefore invite chapters that describe the application of Blockchain and related technologies in real-world use cases. We will publish papers that clearly outline how those technologies have been applied, what the rationale for their application was and, finally, what the outcome was. It is the goal of this book to provide a broad collection of applications, experiences and lessons learned pertaining to a wide variety of industries and application areas, including, but not limited to, financial markets, energy, tourism, SCM, IoT, law and compliance.

*** Structure ***
We are looking for chapters that thoroughly discuss use cases of Blockchain and related technologies. Each chapter needs to clearly specify how the technology was applied and what exactly the outcome was. Ideally, the authors comment on how those technologies helped to improve performance in comparison to traditional systems. A critical position should be taken and the advantages and disadvantages of Blockchain use should be discussed. We highly appreciated the discussion of failures as long as the case is well-documented. More specifically, the requirements for acceptance are:

• Case study is relevant to the book’s theme
• Objectives are clear and well-described
• Chapter will draw an audience
• Chapter is well organized and flows logically
• Methodology is appropriate
• Evidence supports authors’ arguments

*** Formatting ***
All final submissions must have 6,000-9,000 words and follow the template provided by the publisher. The references must be formatted following APA style. Submissions that do not use this template or deviate from the formatting requirements will be rejected without review.

*** Important Dates ***
• Submission of an Extended Abstract (~ 1,000 words): before October 31, 2018
• Submission of the Chapter: before May 31, 2019

*** Procedure ***

Interested authors can learn more, or submit a paper, by contacting the editors directly.

The Cfp together with templates for MS Word and LaTeX can be found at:

*** Contact ***
Horst Treiblmaier, Professor, Head of the Department of International Management, MODUL University Vienna, horst.treiblmaier@modul.ac.at<mailto:horst.treiblmaier@modul.ac.at>
Christian Sillaber, Postdoctoral Researcher, christian.sillaber@acm.org<mailto:christian.sillaber@acm.org>
Trevor Clohessy, Postdoctoral Researcher, trevorclohessy@yahoo.com<mailto:trevorclohessy@yahoo.com>
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