-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] Africa Digital Week 2011 – Call for Papers
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 00:51:02 +0000
From: Richard Boateng <richard@pearlrichards.org>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Africa Digital Week 2011 – Call for Papers

ECOWAS Graduates Conference
Theme: Social Media, The Youth and Development
This conference will examine ways in which capabilities and competencies of the youth and graduates can support business, development and good governance in Africa. Submissions should seek to explore
1. The impact of social media and new technologies on business, education, health, governance, politics, development and society
2. New business models emerging from these technologies
3. Creative industry (games, movies, music and culture) and new technologies
4. The business use of social media

Interested participants should submit a 4000-WORD FULL PAPER on themes relevant to the above events.
a. Download the http://tinyurl.com/submissiontemplate
b. Submit at Easy Chair - https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=adweek2011
AfegA E-Governance Workshop
Theme: Transforming Governance and Government - Can A Government Be Open without being Public?
This workshop is sponsored by the Africa E-governance Academy, an OSIWA and UNDP initiative.
The workshop will:
1. Explore the impact of new technologies on governance (democracy and government) in Africa
2. Review case studies of e-participation, e-democracy, e-engagement and e-government across Africa
3. Debate on Can A Government Be Open without being Public? Exploring openness and development
4. Debate on Transforming Local Governance – Enhancing Accessibility, Participation and Accountability through Technology
5. Review of technologies which promote e-governance

Interested participants should submit a 4000-WORD FULL PAPER on themes relevant to the above events.
a. Download the http://tinyurl.com/submissiontemplate
b. Submit at Easy Chair - https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=adweek2011
Africa Digital Business Workshop
New Challenges in Creating Value for Consumers in the Digital World
The workshop will:
1. Critically explore the contribution of African Telecoms to business and development in Africa
2. Critically explore the contribution of NGOs to business and development in Africa (through the use of digital technologies)
3. Discuss the digitalization of tangible products and services
4. New challenges in managing and responding to the consumers in the digital world
5. Explore the use of social media for business and non-profit  institutions
6. Addressing the Ethics, privacy and digital crime challenges

Interested participants should submit a 4000-WORD FULL PAPER on themes relevant to the above events.
a. Download the http://tinyurl.com/submissiontemplate
b. Submit at Easy Chair - https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=adweek2011
Important Dates
a. PAPER Submission Deadline: 15 JUNE 2011
b. Notification of Acceptance AND Review Results: 25 JUNE, 2011
c. Revisions and Final Paper Submission: 05 July, 2011


Dr Richard Boateng
Africa Digital Week 2011