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Call for papers: The 10th International Conference on Learning
Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20)
Celebrating 10 years of LAK: Shaping the future of the field
23-27 March 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
The 2020 edition of The International Conference on Learning
Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20) will take place in Frankfurt,
Germany. LAK20 is organised by the Society for Learning Analytics
Research (SoLAR) and hosted by Frankfurt Goethe-University in
Germany with support from many European partners. LAK20 is a
collaborative effort by learning analytics researchers and
practitioners to celebrate and promote the achievements of the
learning analytics community over the past ten years and to look
forward to what lies ahead.
The tenth anniversary of the LAK conference celebrates the past
successes of the learning analytics community and poses new
questions and challenges for the field. The theme for this year is
"Shaping the future of the field" and focuses on thinking how we
can advance learning analytics and drive its development over the
next ten years and beyond.
LAK conference is intended for both researchers and practitioners.
We invite both researchers and practitioners of learning analytics
to come and join a proactive dialogue around the future of
learning analytics and its practical adoption. We further extend
our invite to educators, leaders, administrators, government and
industry professionals interested in the field of learning
analytics and related disciplines.
Conference theme and topics
We welcome submissions from both research and practice, covering
different theoretical, methodological, empirical and technical
contributions to learning analytics field. Specifically, this
year, we invite contributors to think about the implications and
potential impact of the presented work for the next 10 years. In
their contributions, we encourage authors to address some of the
following questions:
1. What are the practical and scholarly implications of the
presented work for the next ten years?
2. What are the challenges of the presented work we need to
address to improve its impact in the next ten years?
3. How can the presented work be practically implemented and
We also explicitly encourage research that validates, replicates
and examines the generalisability of previously published
findings, as well as the aspects of practical adoption of the
existing learning analytics methods and approaches. Finally, we
also invite authors to submit dedicated short research paper
submissions (see below for details) that explicitly address the
theme of this year's conference.
Some of the topics of interest include, (but are not limited) are:
Capturing Learning & Teaching:
* Finding evidence of learning: Studies that identify and explain
useful data for analysing, understanding and optimising learning
and teaching.
* Assessing student learning: Studies that assess learning
progress through the computational analysis of learner actions or
* Analytical and methodological approaches: Studies that introduce
analytical techniques, methods, and tools for capturing and
modelling student learning.
* Technological infrastructures for data storage and sharing:
Proposals of technical and methodological procedures to store,
share and preserve learning and teaching traces.
Understanding Learning & Teaching:
* Data-informed learning theories: Proposals of new
learning/teaching theories or revisions/reinterpretations of
existing theories based on large-scale data analysis.
* Insights into specific learning processes: Studies to understand
particular aspects of a learning/teaching process through the use
of data science techniques.
* Learning and teaching modelling: Creating mathematical,
statistical or computational models of a learning/teaching
process, including its actors and context.
* Systematic reviews: Studies that provide a systematic and
methodological synthesis of the available evidence in an area of
learning analytics.
Impacting Learning & Teaching:
* Providing decision support and feedback: Studies that evaluate
the impact of feedback or decision-support systems based on
learning analytics (e.g., dashboards, early-alert systems,
automated messages).
* Practical evaluations of learning analytics efforts: Empirical
evidence about the effectiveness of learning analytics
implementations or educational initiatives guided by learning
* Personalised and adaptive learning: Studies that evaluate the
effectiveness and impact of adaptive technologies based on
learning analytics.
Implementing change in Learning & Teaching:
* Ethical issues around learning analytics: Analysis of issues and
approaches to the lawful and ethical capture and use of
educational data traces; tackling unintended bias and value
judgements in the selection of data and algorithms; perspectives
and methods for value-sensitive, participatory design that
empowers stakeholders.
* Learning analytics adoption: Discussions and evaluations of
strategies to promote and embed learning analytics initiatives in
educational institutions and learning organisations.
* Learning analytics strategies for scalability: Discussions and
evaluations of strategies to scale the capture and analysis of
information at the program, institution or national level;
critical reflections on organisational structures that promote
analytics innovation and impact in an institution.
Conference tracks
The conference has three different tracks with different types of
submissions. For more information about each track, see the
submission guidelines page.
1. Research track
The focus of the research track is on advancing scholarly
knowledge in the field of learning analytics through rigorous
reports of learning analytics research studies. The primary
audience includes academics, doctoral students, postdoctoral
researchers and other types of educational research staff working
in different capacities on learning analytics research projects.
Submission types for the research track are:
* Full research papers (10 pages, ACM proceedings template)
include a clearly explained substantial conceptual, technical or
empirical contribution. The scope of the paper must be placed
appropriately with respect to the current state of the field, and
the contribution should be clearly described. This includes the
conceptual or theoretical aspects at the foundation of the
contribution, an explanation of the technical setting (tools used,
how are they integrated into the contribution), analysis, and
* Short research papers (6 pages, ACM proceedings template) can
address on-going work, which may include a briefly described
theoretical underpinning, an initial proposal or rationale for a
technical solution, and preliminary results, with consideration of
stakeholder engagement issues. We also invite short papers that
explicitly address the theme of this year's conference by
reflecting on past, present, and future research foci in the field
of learning analytics, along with reflections on the role which
LAK has played in shaping our research agendas.
* Research posters (3 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template)
represent a concise report of recent findings or other types of
innovative work not ready to be submitted as a full or short
research paper. Poster presentations are part of the LAK Poster
& Demo session, and authors are given a physical board to
present and discuss their projects with delegates. Alternatively,
a poster submission may be work that you prefer to present
2. Practitioner track
The practitioner track is complementary to the research track and
brings real-world experiences of adoption of learning analytics
systems in education. Learning analytics practitioners include 1)
policymakers, project managers, instructional technologists,
analysts, learning designers and other non-research staff, 2)
developers, designers, analysts, and other representatives from
commercial and industrial entities, non-profit organisations, and
government bodies.
Submissions for the practitioner track have a unique format which
emphasises practical aspects of project implementations. More
details around submission formats and preparing your practitioner
submission will be available on LAK20 website. All accepted
submissions to the practitioner track will be published in the
LAK20 Companion Proceedings and archived on the SoLAR website.
Submission types for practitioner track:
* Practitioner reports (4 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings
template) include accounts and findings that stem from practical
experience in implementing learning analytics projects.
Practitioner reports are presented alongside research track
submissions as part of the main conference. Some of the goals of
practitioner presentations are to 1) contribute to the
conversation between researchers and practitioners around adoption
and implementation of learning analytics, 2) provide insights from
practice around factors affording or constraining learning
analytics adoption and implementation, and 3) present effective
learning analytics adoption strategies and approaches.
* Practitioner posters (2 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings
template) represent a concise description of a practical learning
analytics project implementation which may not be ready to be
presented as a practitioner report. Posters are presented during
the LAK Poster & Demo session, and authors are given a
physical board to present posters and discuss their projects with
delegates. This type of submission is also prefered in cases where
interactive presentation is more suitable for the particular
* Practitioner interactive demos (200 words abstract in SoLAR
companion proceedings template + 5 min video) provide
opportunities to communicate interactive learning analytics tools.
Interactive demonstrations are part of the LAK Poster & Demo
session, and presenters are given table space and demonstrate
their latest learning analytics projects, tools, and systems. Use
demos to communicate innovative user interface designs,
visualisations, or other novel functionality that tackles a real
user problem. Tools may be at an early concept demonstrator stage
or relatively mature, all the way through to products. While LAK
encourages participation from commercial analytics partners,
interactive demos should be built around actual field experience,
results, and feedback. Submissions for conceptual products or for
products that have not been used by instructors and/or students
are unlikely to be accepted.
3. Pre-conference event track
The focus of pre-conference events is on providing space for new
and emerging ideas in learning analytics and their development.
Events can have either research or practical focus and can be
structured in the way which best serves their particular purpose.
The types of submissions for the pre-conference event track are:
* Workshops (4 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template)
provide an efficient forum for community building, sharing of
perspectives, and idea generation for specific and emerging
research topics or viewpoints. Proposals should be explicit
regarding the kind of activity participants should expect, for
example, from interactive/generative participatory sessions to
mini-conference or symposium sessions.
* Tutorials (4 pages, SoLAR companion proceedings template) aim to
educate stakeholders on a specific learning analytics topic or
stakeholder perspective. Proposals should be clear what the need
is for particular knowledge, target audience and their prior
knowledge, and the intended learning outcomes.
Doctoral consortium
The doctoral consortium is a day-long workshop designed to support
emerging scholars in learning analytics by helping them develop
productive approaches to studying the intersection of theory,
data, and practice. Doctoral Consortium participants will be given
the opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their
research in an interdisciplinary and supportive atmosphere, as
well as build their professional network with leading researchers.
More details will be available on LAK20 website around submission
lengths and formats of the different types of submissions.
Review process
LAK20 will use a double-blind peer review process for all
submissions except doctoral consortium (as they include a letter
of reference from the principal supervisor) and demos. An
important aspect of this year's review process is that LAK20 will
have a rebuttal phase for full and short research papers in which
authors will be given five days to respond to remarks and comments
raised by reviewers in a maximum of 500 words. Rebuttals are
optional, and there is no requirement to respond. Authors should
keep in mind that papers are being evaluated as submitted and
thus, responses should not propose new results or restructuring of
the presentation. Thus, rebuttals should focus on answering
specific questions raised by reviewers (if any) and providing
clarifications and justifications to reviewers. Finally, the
conference timeline allows for rejected submissions to be
re-submitted in revised form as workshop papers.
Proceedings publication
Accepted full and short research papers will be included in the
LAK20 conference proceedings published and archived by ACM. Other
types of submissions (research posters, workshops, tutorials, and
practitioner track submissions) will be included in the open
access LAK companion proceedings, archived on SoLAR's website.
Please note at least one of the authors must register for the
conference by the Early bird deadline before the paper can be
included in the ACM Proceedings or LAK Companion Proceedings.
Important dates
Note: all dates are 23:59 GMT-12 (AOE
Submission deadlines:
* 1 Oct 2019: Deadline for full and short research papers,
practitioner reports, and workshop/tutorial proposal submissions
* 14 Oct 2019: Deadline for doctoral consortium submissions
* 1 Nov 2019: Deadline for research and practitioner posters and
interactive demo submissions
* 15 Nov 2019: Deadline for full and short research paper rebuttal
(submissions open 8 Nov 2019) submissions
* 15 Dec 2019: Deadline for workshop paper submissions
(submissions open 1 Nov 2019)
* 20 Dec 2019: Deadline for camera-ready versions of all accepted
Acceptance notifications:
* 21 Oct 2019: Notification of acceptance for workshops and
* 15 Nov 2019: Notification of acceptance for doctoral consortium
* 1 Dec 2019: Notification of acceptance for full and short
research papers, practitioner reports, posters/demos
* 5 Jan 2019: Notification of acceptance for workshop papers
(papers submitted to accepted workshops)
Conference and registration dates:
* 20 Jan 2020: Early-bird registration closes
* 23-27 Mar 2019: LAK20 conference, Frankfurt, Germany
Further information
http://lak20.solaresearch.org for further details about the
conference venue, organisers, keynotes, topics, submission
guidelines and review process.
Kind regards,
Vitomir Kovanovic, Maren Scheffel, Niels Pinkwart, and Katrien
LAK20 Program Chairs
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