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REV2004   First Call for Papers
1st International Symposium "Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation"
September 28/29, 2004, Villach, Austria

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Scope of the symposium

Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation are very future trends in engineering and science as well as for advanced teleworking/e-working environments. The general objective of the symposium is to discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering and virtual instrumentation.

This interdisciplinary symposium is organized by the and is supported by:

Keynote speakers

Topics of interest Types of sessions Other opportunities to participate:  Conference language


The proceedings will be published on CD in cooperation with the Kassel University Press (own ISBN number). 
Format instructions will be available in time.

Steering committee

Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute, Villach
Karel Jezernik, University of Maribor
Doru Ursutiu, University Transylvania Brasov

Symposium chair

Michael E. Auer, Carinthia Tech Institute

Program committee Organizing committee chair

A. Bachinger ( Carinthia Tech Institute)

Submission of papers

The abstracts should be submitted using the 
On-line Abstract Submission Form. If unable to submit the abstract electronically, please contact the Chair. 

Proposals for demonstrations, tutorials and the exhibition also may be submitted in a short form 
(email to: M.Auer@IEEE.org ).

Important dates

28 May 2004             Submission of  paper abstracts
11 June 2004            Proposals for workshops, tutorials, demos, exhibition
21 June 2004            Notification of acceptance
17 September 2004       Camera-ready due

28/29 September 2004 Symposium REV2004
For more information contact

phone:  +43-4242-90500-2115
fax:       +43-4242-90500-2110

General information

The symposium will be held at the Carinthia Tech Institute in Villach. Villach  is located in the southern part of Austria near Italy and Slovenia and can easily be reached by aircraft (Klagenfurt, Ljubljana, Salzburg), by train (EC) and highway (Autobahn).


Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dr.sc. Michael E. Auer
Carinthia Tech Institute (University of Applied Sciences)
School of Electronics
Europastrasse 4, A-9524 Villach, Austria
mailto:M.Auer@IEEE.org / http://WWW.cti.ac.at/~auer
phone +43(4242)90500-2115   fax ... -2110
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