-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] MDM 2011 New Extension: Paper Due Dec 10, 2010
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 01:38:02 +0000
From: ZHENG Baihua <bhzheng@smu.edu.sg>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

[Apologies if you receive this more than once] ========================================================
MDM 2011 - Call for Papers
12th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2011)
June 6-9, 2011
Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden

MDM 2011 to be held in Luleå, Norrbotten, Sweden (June 6-9, 2011) solicits innovative
research contributions related to data management in ubiquitous, pervasive and mobile
cloud computing.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

*        Adaptability and stability of pervasive computing systems
*        Context-aware computing and location-based services
*        Data management in sensor and mobile ad hoc networks
*        Data management in mobile peer-to-peer networks
*        Data Management in the Mobile Cloud
*        Data mining for mobile applications
*        Data replication, migration and dissemination in mobile environments
*        Data stream processing in mobile/sensor networks
*        OS and middleware for mobile and pervasive computing
*        Indexing and query processing for moving objects
*        Query processing and optimization for mobile users
*        Resource advertising and discovery techniques
*        Theoretical foundations of data-intensive mobile computing
*        OS and middleware for mobile and pervasive computing
*        Security and privacy issues for ubiquitous systems
*        Data stream security for mobile sensor networks
*        Web data processing and security on mobile devices
*        Mobile Web 2.0
*        Pervasive Data Management
*        Transactions and workflows in mobile environments
*        Location and Trajectory data management
*        Publish/subscribe and Query processing middleware for mobile data
*        Mobile Cloud Computing
*        Mobile Semantic Data Management
*        Human-centric Activity Recognition
*        Augmented Reality systems, data issues
*        Managing pervasive data, sensor data streams and user devices
*        Data Management of Mobile/ephemeral Social Networks
*        People-centric mobile sensing networks and smart urban spaces
*        Management of community sensing/participatory sensing data
*        Management of Real-time Data in Converged Networks
*        Mobile social applications and services


*        Abstract registration: December 10, 2010
*        Paper submission:               December 10, 2010
*        Acceptance notification:       February 21, 2011
*        Camera-ready paper submission: March 21, 2011


The conference invites original, unpublished work, not exceeding 10 pages, including
figures, tables and references. Papers must be in IEEE camera-ready format

Submissions in PDF are to be uploaded to the conference submission site at

Best papers from MDM 2011 will be invited to submit an extended version with significant
additional content (min 30%) to a special issue on Mobile Data Management of The Journal
of Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD).


A number of events (workshop, demos, panels, seminars, PhD forum, and special industrial
forum) will be organized to cater for all academic activities, apart from research track
    - Workshops are for fast track publications of papers
    - Demos will present state of the art prototypes
    - Panels will review current research activities and explore new frontiers
    - PhD forum to encourage student participation
    - Industrial forum for companies to present their research and development works.

Please check the website for upcoming announcements regarding these.