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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: IEEE ESAS '20: 15th e-Health Systems and Web Technologies
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 21:55:29 +0300
From: Atilla Elçi <atilla.elci@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit papers and kindly forward the following
CFP to your professional network.

*IEEE ESAS '20* *15th International Workshop on*

*e-Health Systems and Web Technologies*

*(In conjunction with IEEE COMPSAC 2020: Driving Intelligent
Transformation of the Digital World, * *Madrid, Spain, July 13-17, 2020)*

A sequel to the successful ESAS Workshops Series (2006 – 2019).

*Call for Papers:*

*April 09, 2020 **– Papers due*

*May 1, 2020 **– Notifications due*

*May 15, 2020 **– Camera-ready submissions and author
registration due*

*Web Page:* *– *https://ieeecompsac.computer.org/2020/esas/

*Submission Page:** Select “enter as an author” @ *


*Paper format*: Up to six pages in

Authors are invited to submit original technical papers and novel research
contributions in any aspect of the following topics of interest.

*Track on e-Health and Applications (e-Health)*

Health management and analytics; Big data in health; Medical decision
support expert systems and tools; e-health oriented software architectures;
e-health applications; Semantic Web and e-health systems; Smart health
systems and applications; Biomedical semantics; Bioinformatics Web
applications; Security, privacy and protection of personal data in e-health

*Track on Artificial Intelligence with Web Technologies and Data (AIWD)*

Data science and machine learning models; Applications of machine learning;
Machine learning for matching schema, instance, search, and retrieval;
Machine learning models on knowledge bases and semantic networks; Linked
data management and analytics; Big data analytics and applications;
Automated and traditional information retrieval and applications; Data
mining and applications; Deep learning and applications; Data-driven
services and applications.

*Track on Recommendation Systems (RS)*

Recommendation systems and algorithms; Information filtering; Machine
learning for recommendation; Multi-agent recommender systems;
Recommendation in social networks; Context-aware recommenders; Recommender
system user interfaces.

*Track on Web Technologies, Services, and Applications (WTSA)*

Web technologies, frameworks, languages, appliances, and services; Semantic
Web, ontology and Web services; Web services challenges on trust, security,
performance, and scalability; IoT, data management, and analytics;
Cyber-physical systems; Distributed systems, edge computing, and streaming
data analysis; Smart city applications; Platforms, technologies,
mechanisms, and case studies.


*Accepted papers will be published in COMPSAC Proceedings at IEEE Xplore
and subsequently indexed by several popular indexing services.*

*Journal and Book Publications:*

*Past ESAS journal special issues and book publications include the

· The ESAS 2018 special issue of *e-Health and Staying Smarter* for
the *Expert Systems* (IF: 1.505) resulted actually in *two SIs* and three
regular papers which are published in the 2020 February issue

· The extended and revised papers of ESAS 2009 and 2010 were
published in an edited volume entitled* Semantic Agent Systems: Foundations
and Applications* by Springer-Verlag *(*

· The extended and revised papers of ESAS 2007 and 2008 were
published in *a special issue on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems* of *Expert
Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering* by Wiley-Blackwell
Publishing. Vol 28, No. 5, 2011, pp: 410-487.

· *A special issue* of the best papers of ESAS 2006 was published
with *An International Journal, IOS Press,* ISSN 1574-1702; Volume 4,
Number 3, 2008, pp: 293-346.

· Likewise, *a book project for the ESAS 2020 and past ESAS papers* is
likely to be offered; more to follow.

*Workshop Organizers:*

*Atilla Elci*, Aksaray University (Emeritus), Faculty of Engineering,
TURKEY, Email: atilla.elci (at) gmail.com

*Duygu Celik Ertugrul*, Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of
Engineering, Mersin-10, TURKEY, Email: duygucelik (at) msn.com, duygu.celik
(at) emu.edu.tr

Saygılarımla / Warm greetings
Atilla Elci, Ph.D., camp Aksaray, TR.
My books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Atilla+ELCI&ref=nb_sb_noss
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