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Subject: CFP ITT special issue: Semantic Web Technologies and Applications Date: Saturday 27 March 2004 16:52 From: Martin Hitz Martin.Hitz@uni-klu.ac.at To: pro-it@ocg.at
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
als Mitglied im Editorial Board von IT&T (Information Technology & Tourism) erlaube ich mir, auf nachfolgendes CFP aufmerksam zu machen.
LG, Martin Hitz
-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP ITT special issue Datum: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 13:07:51 +0100 Von: Karl Wöber karl.woeber@wu-wien.ac.at An: karl.woeber@wu-wien.ac.at
Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to submit papers for the forthcoming special issue on 'Semantic Web Technologies and Applications' organized by our guest editor Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe (deadline August 31, 2004).
If you do not want to receive information on future IT&T issues send me a short note.
Best wishes, Karl Wöber JITT Associate Editor
"Semantic Web Technologies and Applications"
Deadline: August 31, 2004
Semantic Web technologies and applications facilitate the management and interoperation of semantically diverse information landscapes. To this end, Semantic Web technologies provide methods and standards that allow for abstracting from syntactic ideosyncrasies into semantically meaningful descriptions of data and services, accurate access to information as well as flexibility to comply to needs of information system users and administrators.
The tourism industry has been an early adopter of innovative software in previous decades such as shown in early travel booking systems or Web-based electronic commerce. Such early take-up of technology is due to a number of characteristics of the tourism industry: Its products are complex; A tourism product will perish if it is not sold in time; The tourism industry depends on complex value creation chains involving a large number of participants (travel agencies, tour operators, hotels, etc.); And, participants in these value creation chains change frequently and rapidly.
Due to these reasons, the ideal tourism information systems + Require a lot of flexibility of underlying systems; + Comprise accurate access to virtually any tourism service provide; and + Are usable by corporate and private customers alike.
As is obvious to any user and any manager of tourism information systems these objectives are far from being achieved by current systems.
Semantic Web technologies are rapidly maturing and currently step from basic research into mainstream computer science technology, such as is visible in semantics-based knowledge management, semantic portals, semantic Web services or semantics-based software engineering. We foresee the fruitful uptake of Semantic Web technology and applications in tourism information systems supporting requirements, such as mentioned above, for integration, interoperation, accurate access and flexibility.
In this special issue, we invite papers that advance the state of the art, exploiting semantic Web technologies and applications in tourism information systems. We solicit papers that address, e.g., items from the following (incomplete) list of topics:
- Semantic modelling - Interoperability - Semantic querying - Semantic portals - Ontologies and tourism - Data mining with semantic technologies - Semantic Web software architectures - E-markets exploiting semantic descriptions - Semantics-based matching of products and requirements - Semantic Web services and semantic middleware - Semantics and distributed computing
Time Schedule
All submissions should be sent to the editor, Steffen Staab, arriving not later than August 31, 2004. It is expected that the evaluation process will be finished at the end of December, 2004.
Guidelines for Papers
To expedite the review process, all submitted manuscripts must be prepared according to the following format:
Writing Style: The paper must be written in the third person and all submissions must be in English. Readers need to grasp information quickly; thus, authors should use straightforward declarative sentences, making every effort to help readers understand the concepts presented. All articles should be comprehensible to all readers, regardless of their areas of specializations and academic backgrounds. Articles must have sufficient introductory material and must be relevant to practice, stressing meaningful applications of principles to important problems. Papers may include tables, drawings, charts, or photographs.
Paper Length: Articles should be limited to 9.000 - 10.000 words (25-30 double-spaced typewritten pages, or 12-15 pages in the final journal format). Each figure and table counts for approximately 300 words.
Submission Format: To facilitate blind review, no names or affiliations must appear on the article submitted. Therefore a separate "Cover Page" must be included with the submission. Cover page should bear a short informative title (title/subtitle 50 letters maximum), followed by all authors' names and affiliations. The corresponding author should be designated, with complete mailing address, as well as telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address.
Article Format: The article title is repeated on the first page, which must also include the article abstract and a list of keywords. Article abstract should be between 110 and 120 words, including keywords, and should state concisely what was done and why, what was found, and what was concluded. The paper itself will be composed of three parts: introduction, the study, and conclusion. Headed with an appropriate title, the study (or the main body of the paper) is in turn divided into subtitled sections.
References: In the text, references are cited using the author/date style following the APA Publication Manual (4th ed.). Examples:
(Graburn, 1989) or (Dann & Cohen, 1991; Smith, 1987, 1989). The reference list, placed at the end of the text, must be typed double-spaced in alphabetical order of authors. A referenced article should contain all authors' names, year of publication, title of the article, name of the publication, volume, and inclusive page numbers. A referenced book should list author name(s), year of publication, title of the book, place of publication, and publisher per the following examples:
- Journal Article: Chandrasekaran, B. (1991). Models versus rules, deep versus compiled, content versus form, some Distinctions in knowledge systems research. IEEE Expert Systems, 6(2), 75-79.
- Book: Guariso, G., & Werthner, H. (1989). Environmental decision support systems. Chichester: Ellis Horwood.
- Book Chapter: Rozenblit, J. W., & Zeigler, B. P. (1986). Entity-based structures for modeling and experimental frame construction. In M. S. Elzas, T., I. Ören, & B. P. Zeigler (Eds.), Modeling and simulation methodology in the artificial intelligence era (pp. 195-210). Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Please note that citations such as "personal communication'' should not be included in the reference list, but may be added parenthetically in the text.
Tables and Illustrations: The data in tables should be presented in columns with non-significant decimal places omitted. The tables and figures should each be ordered in Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Tables should contain a brief descriptive title and short column headings. Important details should be footnoted under each table. Each figure should have an accompanying legend, containing descriptive and important details. In the text, all illustrations, charts, and maps should be referred to as Figures.
In the case of photographs submit photocopies for the initial manuscript review. Original illustrations should be submitted with the final accepted version (photographs as slides or transparencies or as TIFF files). They should be finished drawings (camera-ready, professionally drawn "artworks'') not needing further work or typesetting. Do not incorporate figures and tables within the text body. Include figures, figure legend page(s), and tables as separate pages at the end of the manuscript.
Electronic Manuscript Submissions
Send both the "Cover Page" and the Article in electronic format - using RTF format - to the Guest Editor (staab@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de). If author(s) have no Internet access, then they are invited to send 5 copies and a computer disk to the Editor:
Steffen Staab Institute AIFB University of Karlsruhe 76128 Karlsruhe Germany Phone: +49 721 6084751 Fax: +49 721 6086580 staab@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Evaluation: IT&T is a refereed journal. All manuscripts are evaluated by at least three referees from different disciplines. The paper evaluation is double blind and anonymous: neither referees nor the authors are aware of each other's identities.
Accepted Papers: Authors of accepted papers will be asked to sign the "Transfer of Copyright" agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables Cognizant Communication Corp. (CCC) to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the author's proprietary rights. Final accepted paper must be formatted according to the "Instructions for Contributions" available from http://www.cognizantcommunication.com/.
# eof
-- Prof. Dr. Martin Hitz
Institut fuer Informatik-Systeme University of Klagenfurt Universitaetsstr. 65 A-9020 Klagenfurt (Austria) Phone: +43-463-2700-3512 or 3503 Fax: +43-463-2700-3598 http://ias.uni-klu.ac.at