-------- Original Message --------
Call for Papers
ADBIS 2011
Fifteenth East-European Conference on
Advances in Databases and Information Systems
September 19th–23rd, 2011, Vienna, Austria
The main objective of the ADBIS series of conferences is to provide a
forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and to promote
interaction and collaboration between the database and information
systems research communities from Central and East European countries
and the rest of the world. The ADBIS conferences provide an
international platform for the presentation of research on database
theory, development of advanced DBMS technologies, and their advanced
The conference will consist of regular sessions with technical
contributions (regular papers, short papers) reviewed and selected by an
international program committee, as well as of invited talks and
tutorials presented by leading scientists. A doctoral consortium and
several workshops focusing on specific topics will be held in line with
the main conference. The official language of the conference will be
Original papers dealing with theory and/or applications of database
technology and information systems engineering are solicited. The areas
of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* New data base architectures, distributed data management (e.g., data
streams, P2P, replication, and cloud)
* Theoretical foundations of data bases and information systems
* Innovative data management applications (e.g., Web services and
mashups, social networks, scientific databases, sensor networks,
decision-making and analytics, etc. )
* Data models and languages (e.g., semi-structured, probabilistic,
multi-media, temporal, spatial)
* Semantic information processing (ontologies, interoperability, meta
modeling, etc.)
* Workflow and process management
* Data and information systems integration and interoperability,
meta-data management, data quality, data cleaning
* Data warehouses and data mining
* Performance, scalability and dependability of databases and
information systems
* Benchmarking and experimental methodology
* Other aspects of modern information systems such as data security,
data privacy, personalization, user interfaces, etc.
Contributions are solicited for the following categories:
· full research papers describing research accomplishments (14 pages
LNCS format),
· demonstrations and short papers, i.e. experience reports, project
overviews, etc. (8 pages LNCS format)
All submissions will be evaluated by the at least three members of the
international program committee with respect to originality, technical
quality, validity, contribution, and presentation. The program committee
may decide to accept a submission as a short paper (2000–3000 words) if
it reports interesting results, ideas, or experiences, but could not be
selected as full paper.
Full research papers will be published in the LNCS series of Springer
Verlag. Short communications will be included in additional proceedings
published in CEUR-Workshop proceedings. A selection of outstanding
papers from the conference may be invited for publication in an
internationally recognized journal (subject to additional reviewing).
All contributions have to be in PDF format using the LNCS style
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs ) and have to be submitted
electronically via the ADBIS `Submission and Review System’. See details
at the conference site. Submissions which have more than 16 pages will
be rejected automatically.
Research papers must be original contributions and must not be accepted
or submitted elsewhere until the decisions of the ADBIS 2011 program
committee are announced. At least one author from every submission
accepted to appear in the proceedings is obliged to register and attend
the conference.
The best paper authored by a student as main author will receive an
award. Submissions should indicate their eligibility for the award.
April 5th, 2011 Submission of papers
May 24th, 2011 Notification of acceptance:
June 24th, 2011 Camera-ready papers
Sept.19–24th, 2011 Workshops and Conference
Conference Venue
ADBIS 2011 will be held in the main building of the Vienna University of
Technology (TU Vienna) Vienna, Austria. For nearly 200 years, the TU
Vienna has been a place of research, teaching and learning in the
service of progress. The TU Vienna is among the most successful
technical universities in Europe and is Austria’s largest research and
educational institution in the area of technical sciences.
Vienna, the capital of Austria, is a city of over 1.8 million
inhabitants. It is one of the great cultural centres of Europe with a
continuous history of more than 2000 years. During the Middle Ages,
Vienna rose to importance in connecting central Europe with the East,
and eventually became the capital of the vast Habsburg empire. The
exceptional concentration of talent, reflected by the great achievements
in music, art, and the sciences, was a consequence of Vienna’s role as a
meeting place of a large number of different nations and traditions.
Although much reduced in importance by the break-up of the
Austro-Hungarian monarchy at the end of World War I, and placed on the
periphery of the western world as a consequence of World War II, Vienna
has retained its role as one of the leading capitals of Europe. Since
the fall of the Iron Curtain it has successfully resumed its tradition
of connecting the East and the West.
Today Vienna is a thriving international city, integrating the rich
inheritance of a glorious past with a dynamic approach to the modern
world. As a seat of numerous international organizations and an
important turntable for business enterprises, Vienna is at the same time
a city of operas, concert halls, theatres, universities, museums, and,
last but not least, of coffee houses and “Heurigen”. Its maybe this
combination which makes Vienna such a favored destination for
conferences and conventions.
General Chair:
A Min Tjoa, University of Technology Vienna, Austria
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Johann Eder, Alps-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria
Maria Bielikova, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Klaus-Dieter Schewe, SCCH Hagenberg and Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Tadeusz Morzy, Technical University Poznan, Poland
Robert Wrembel, Technical University Poznan, Poland
Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Rainer Manthey, University of Bonn, Germany
Boris Novikov, St-Petersburg University, Russia
Program Committee:
See http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/ADBIS2011/
ADBIS Steering Committee Chair:
Leonid Kalinichenko, Russian Academy of Science, Russia
ADBIS Steering Committee:
Paolo Atzeni (Italy)
Andras Benczur (Hungary)
Albertas Caplinskas (Lithuania)
Barbara Catania (Italy)
Johann Eder (Austria)
Marite Kirikova (Latvia)
Hele-Mai Haav (Estonia)
Mirjana Ivanovic (Serbia)
Hannu Jaakkola (Finland)
Mikhail Kogalovsky (Russia)
Yannis Manolopoulos (Greece)
Rainer Manthey (Germany)
Manuk Manukyan (Armenia)
Joris Mihaeli (Israel)
Tadeusz Morzy (Poland)
Pavol Navrat (Slovakia)
Boris Novikov (Russia)
Mykola Nikitchenko (Ukraine)
Jaroslav Pokorny (Czech Republic)
Boris Rachev (Bulgaria)
Bernhard Thalheim (Germany)
Gottfried Vossen (Germany)
Tatjana Welzer (Slovenia)
Viacheslav Wolfengagen (Russia)
Ester Zumpano (Italy)
e-mail: adbis2011@ifs.tuwien.ac.at