-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] PAKDD2011 Call for Papers
Datum: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 20:05:29 +1000
Von: PAKDD2011 <pakdd2011@pakdd.org>
Organisation: PAKDD2011
An: pakdd2011@pakdd.org


can you please circulate the cfp to eii group?

thanks &regards

                      CALL FOR PAPERS PAKDD 2011
The 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 
                      May 24-27, 2011, Shenzhen, China

Conference Website

Submission system:

Important Dates:
      Abstract Submission Due: 19 September 2010 (Sun)*
      Paper Submission Due: 26 September 2010 (Sun)*
      Author Notification: 29 December 2010 (Wed)
      Camera Ready Due: 23 January 2011 (Sun)
      Workshop Proposal Due: 29 August 2010 (Sun)         Workshop 
Notification: 13 September 2010 (Mon)
      Tutorial Proposal Due: 14 November 2010 (Sun)         Tutorial 
Notification: 5 December 2010 (Sun)
      Conference: 24-27 May 2011 (Tue-Fri)
      *[23:59:59 Pacific Standard Time]


Conference Scope

The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 
(PAKDD) is a leading international conference in the areas of data 
mining and knowledge discovery (KDD). It provides an international forum 
for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, 
original research results and practical development experiences from all 
KDD related areas, including data mining, data warehousing, machine 
learning, aritificial intelligence, databases, statistics, knowledge 
engineering, visualization, and decision-making systems.

The conference calls for research papers reporting original 
investigation results and industrial papers reporting real data mining 
applications and system development experience.
The conference will confer a Best Paper Award to the best full paper,
and the Best Student Papers from amongst the student submissions. The
proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer as a volume
of the LNAI series.

PAKDD2011 will be held in Shenzhen, one of the most attractive cities
in China.

About Shenzhen

Shenzhen is located in the Guangdong province of southern China,
bordering the New Territories of Hong Kong. As one of China's first
Special Economic Zones, Shenzhen was built from a small fishing
village 30 years ago to a modern city with a population of more than
10 million. Shenzhen is mainland China's southern financial center and
the home of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and many of China's best known
high-tech companies such Huawei, ZTE and Tencent. In 2009, Shenzhen's
GDP was ranked no. 4 in mainland China.

Shenzhen is tourist attraction city with many famous theme
parks. Splendid China and China Folk Culture Villages introduce
visitors to China's long history and varied cultures, while Windows of
the World will take you to every corner of the world in one day. Happy
Valley, the largest of Shenzhen City's theme parks is located on the
picturesque coastline with luxurious hotels, scenic views and various
entertainment activities.

Shenzhen is a migrant city with people from all parts of China. More
and more foreigners from all over the world work or visit
Shenzhen. Shenzhen famous shopping and dining attracts many people
from Hong Kong each day. Goods and services are comparatively cheaper
than those in Hong Kong. Restaurants serve various cuisines from the
provinces of China, such as hot and spicy specialties of Sichuan and
Hunan provinces, cold dishes of northeast China and the perennial
Cantonese meals which are all favorite dishes of the locals. Japanese
and Thai restaurants are also becoming popular.

Shenzhen weather is mild, with plentiful sunshine and rainfall all
year round due to its subtropical marine climate. The temperature is
22.4 C (72.32 F) on average.

Shenzhen Baoan International Airport connects to all major cities in
China and several regions and countries in Asia. International
travelers can use Hong Kong International Airport to come to
Shenzhen. Transportation is available from Hong Kong International
Airport to the Shenzhen border.

The conference will arrange accommodations at different cost levels.



The topics of the conference and workshop papers fall into three major
categories that will include but are not limited to the following:

A. Data Mining Foundations

  * Theoretic foundations
  * Novel models and algorithms    * Mining emerging data types
  * Mining mixed and multi-source data
  * Mining complex sequential data
  * Mining spatial and temporal data
  * Mining textual and semi-structured/unstructured data
  * Parallel, distributed and combined data mining
  * Privacy data analysis
  * Mining high dimensional data    * Statistical foundations

B. Mining in Emerging Domains

  * Stream/dynamic data mining
  * Visual data mining
  * Mining behavioral data
  * Ubiquitous knowledge discovery
  * Mining multi-agent data and agent-based data mining
  * Mining linkages, networks and communities    * Mining the Internet 
and social networks
  * Financial data mining
  * Opinion and sentiment analysis
  * Mining imbalanced data
  * Mining graphic data
  * Security, risk, cost, impact, trust and repeatibility etc.    * 
Interactive and online mining
  * Integration of data warehousing, OLAP and data mining
  * Massive data mining on cloud platforms
C. Process and Applications

  * Actionable knowledge discovery
  * Developing a unifying theory of data mining
  * Data pre-processing and transformation    * Feature selection and 
  * Post-processing and post mining
  * Deliverable representation and presentation
  * Automating the mining process    * Human, domain, organizational 
and social factors in data mining
  * Quality assessment and validation    * Data mining languages
  * High performance implementations of data mining algorithms
  * Intrusion detection and surveillance analysis
  * Healthcare, health, drug and medical data analysis
  * Bioinformatics, computational chemistry, ecoinformatics
  * Fraud and risk analysis
  * Other applications such as supply chain intelligence    * Lessons 
and experiences

Paper Submission

Each paper should consist of a cover page with title, authors' names,
postal and email address, and an abstract with up to 200-words, up to
5 keywords and a body not longer than 12 single-spaced pages with font
size at least 11 pts. Authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer
LNCS/LNAI manuscript submission guidelines (available at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) for their initial
submissions. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format
only, using the conference management tool.  Detailed instructions
will be available at the conference website 

The submitted papers must not be previously published anywhere, and
must not be submitted to any other conferences before and during the
PAKDD review process. A journal submission may be concurrent, but
would be expected to have significant additional material not in the
conference submission, and the final revision should not have been
submitted until the PAKDD reviews have been made available to the
authors. Ideally the final journal version should be prepared after
the conference so that feedback from the conference can be included.
Submitting a paper to the conference means that if the paper were
accepted, at least one author will attend the conference to present
the paper. For no-show authors, their affiliations will receive a

Before submitting your paper, please carefully read and agree with the
PAKDD submission policy and no-show policy:


Conference Officers

General Co-Chairs
* Jianping Fan, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China
* David Cheung, University of Hong Kong, China

Program Committee Co-Chairs
* Joshua Huang, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China
* Longbing Cao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia  * Jaideep 
Srivastava, University of Minnesota, USA

Workshop Co-Chairs
* James Bailey, The University of Melbourne, Australia
* Yun Sing Koh, The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Tutorial Co-Chairs
* Xiong Hui, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey  * Sanjay 
Chawla, The University of Sydney, Australia

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
* Shengzhong Feng, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China
* Jun Luo, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China

Sponsorship Co-Chairs
* Yalei Bi, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China
* Zhong Ming, Shenzhen University, China

Publicity Chair
* Jian Yang, Web Intelligence C
* Ye Li, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China  * 
Yuming Ou, University of Technology Sydney, Australia 
Publication Chair
* Longbing Cao, University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Steering Committee

Chairs  * Rao Kotagiri, University of Melbourne, Australia
* Graham Williams (co-chair), Australian Taxation Office, Australia

Life Members
* David Cheung, University of Hong Kong, China
* Masaru Kitsuregawa, Tokyo University, Japan
* Rao Kotagiri, University of Melbourne, Australia
* Hiroshi Motoda, AFOSR/AOARD and Osaka University, Japan
* Graham Williams (Treasurer), Australian Taxation Office, Australia
* Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

Members  * Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC
* Tu Bao Ho, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
* Ee-Peng Lim, Singapore Management University, Singapore
* Huan Liu, Arizona State University, U.S.
* Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota, USA
* Takashi Washio, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, 
Osaka University
* Thanaruk Theeramunkong, Thammasat University, Thailand
* Kyu-Young Whang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Korea
* Chengqi Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
* Zhi-Hua Zhou, Nanjing University, China  * Krishna Reddy, IIIT, 
Hyderabad, India


For further information, please contact the Program Committee Chair

* Longbing Cao
  University of Technology Sydney, Australia
  Email: longbing.cao-1@uts.edu.au
  Phone: (61)2-9514-4477
  Fax: (61)2-9514-1807


Organized by

Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Co-organized by
University of Hong Kong, China
University of Technology in Sydney, Australia


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