---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Invitation: 9th Annual Cross-Cultural Research Workshop (CCRIS) Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:24:02 -0500 From: Roberto Evaristo evaristo@uic.edu To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
9th Annual Cross-Cultural Meeting in Information Systems
Sponsored by the CRIM (Center for Research in Information Management) and by the Information and Decision Sciences Department, University of Illinois, Chicago
Call for Participation
You are invited to participate in the 9th Annual Cross-Cultural Research Meeting. This year the meeting will be on Sunday, December 16 from 1:00 to 5:30 pm, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, only half a block away from the ICIS conference hotel. This meeting has been a good point of contact for all those researchers who are interested in discussing cross-cultural research in Information Systems or who would like to know a little more about what other researchers are doing in the same area.
The meeting will include five presentations by Seymour Goodman, Robert Mason, Celia Romm, Michelle Kaarst-Brown, Moez Limayem, Mohamed Khalifa, Robert Davison and Maris Martinsons. We plan on having ample time for discussion and interaction. The fee to cover costs with room rental, refreshments, and audiovisual rental is 30 USD. To ensure quality of the interaction, limited space will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Payment will be accepted either in check payable to IDS Department, University of Illinois, Chicago (please mail to address below), or -- for non-US researchers -- in cash at the convention location. Advance notice of intention of participating is recommended to ensure space availability.
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Roberto Evaristo, Cross-Cultural Meeting Coordinator (evaristo@uic.edu) Information and Decision Sciences Department, 601 S. Morgan Street MC 294, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607
1 pm - Registration and Opening
1.10 pm: Seymour Goodman, "The Diffusion of the Internet in the Middle East"
1.40 pm Robert Mason "National Culture and Learning Preferences"
2.10 pm Refreshments and discussion break
2.40 pm Celia Romm "Studying the Dynamics of ERP Implementation Across Cultures"
3.10 pm Michelle Kaarst-Brown "How Information Intensive Firms Cope With Uncertain IT Infrastructure in a Developing Island Nation: Their challenges and mine!"
3.40 pm Coffee and discussion break
4.00 pm Moez Limayem and Mohamed Khalifa "Anonymity of GSS Meetings: Anonymity Does Matter"
4.30 pm Robert Davison "Emerging Issues in Cross-Cultural Research Submissions"
5.00 pm Group Discussion
This invitation including also abstracts of presentations above can be found at www.uic.edu/~evaristo/ccris9.htm