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"Studying and Theorizing Knowledge Work in the Age of Intelligent
ICIS 2019 Professional Development Workshop (PDW)
Date: Monday 16th December 12:00 - 14:30 (lunch included)
Event Location: International Congress Center München (ICM), Room
Call for registration
Organizing knowledge work and workers has been a long-standing
theme in information systems research (Bailey et al. 2010; Brown
and Duguid 2000; Dougherty and Dunne 2012; Newell et al. 2009;
Orlikowski 2002; Schultze 2000). Maintaining a focus on knowledge
work is critical insofar as so-called “intelligent” machines, such
as deep learning algorithms, are changing the ways through which
knowledge is created and shared in organizations and epistemic
communities more generally (Faraj et al. 2018). Understanding the
consequences of emerging knowledge worker-intelligent machine
(KWIM) reconfigurations is of huge practical and theoretical
significance (Rai et al. 2019). In this PDW, we are interested in
exploring the potential opportunities and challenges for studying
and theorizing knowledge work in the age of intelligent machines.
We will jointly map the current terrain of knowledge work
research; discuss what KWIM reconfigurations IS researchers may
need to attend to; explore what alternative theoretical lenses
might be useful; and reflect on how to tackle potential
methodological challenges in studying KWIM reconfigurations.
PDW Format:
The workshop is intended to be highly interactive. We will
kick-off with a short introduction by the organizers and a panel
discussion with our facilitators, all of whom are experts in the
field of knowledge work:
Nicholas Berente, University of Notre Dame USA
Panos Constantinides, University of Warwick UK
Samer Faraj, McGill University Canada
Marleen Huysman, VU Amsterdam The Netherlands
Natalia Levina, New York University USA
Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, New York University USA
We will continue with round table discussions, facilitated by the
aforementioned facilitators, on the following topics:
A. Learning algorithms and the changing nature of knowledge work
B. Automating, Augmenting and Assembling Knowledge Work
C. The politics of KWIM reconfigurations
D. Epistemological and methodological opportunities and challenges
We will conclude in a plenary format, in which we will cover
debriefing from the round table discussions, a general Q&A,
and a discussion on what further steps we can take to advance
research on knowledge work in the era of intelligent machines.
Registration details:
The PDW is free of charge. However, to ensure PDW discussions are
engaging there is a limited number of spaces. Therefore,
participants need to pre-register
<https://forms.gle/KwWbNZ4xFHMnc5YM6> by November 15th
The workshop organizers are looking forward to welcoming you in
Manos Gkeredakis, IESE Business School Spain
Stella Pachidi, University of Cambridge UK
For any questions you may have, please email us at
s.pachidi@jbs.cam.ac.uk<mailto:s.pachidi@jbs.cam.ac.uk> or
Stella Pachidi
Lecturer in Information Systems
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Trumpington Street, CB2 1AG, Cambridge, UK
Tel: +44 1223 766923
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