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Dear Esteemed Colleagues,
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies (ICALT2013) will be held in Beijing Normal University
on July 15-18, 2013.The following is the details of the call for
Looking forward to your submissions. Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Ronghuai Huang,Kinshuk, Nian-Shing Chen
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Theme: "Reshaping learning: transforming education through the
fusion of learning and technology"
Beijing, China
July 15-18, 2013
Conference Proceedings to be published by:
IEEE Computer Society
* November 15, 2012, Submission of proposals (Workshops, Panels
and Tutorials)
* January 18, 2013: Submissions of papers (Full paper, Short
paper, Poster)
Extended versions of selected Papers will be considered for
publication to:
* Educational Technology and Society Journal [included in SSCI,
Impact Factor: 1.011 as per Thomson Scientific 2011 Journal
Citations Report]
* IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies [included in SSCI,
Impact Factor: 0.823 as per Thomson Scientific 2011 Journal
Citations Report]
We invite submission of papers reporting original academic or
industrial research in the area of Advanced Learning Technologies
(see conference website for topics of interest). All papers will
be peer-reviewed. Complete papers are required for review. The
expected types of submissions include:
* Full paper: 5 pages
* Short paper: 3 pages
* Posters: 2 pages
* Doctoral consortium paper: 2 pages (first author must be a PhD
* Tutorial proposals: 2 pages (The tutorial proposal should
clearly outline the novelty of the content, the expected audience,
objectives, and outcomes. Each tutorial will be 3 hours.)
* Panel proposals: 2 pages (The panel proposal should clearly
outline the theme, its significance, the expected audience, and
have list of 5 or more panelistspanellists who have agreed to
participate. Each panel will be one and a half hour. Panel
leadersists will have the possibility of submitting two-page
papers for review and inclusion in the proceedings.)
* Workshop proposals: 2 pages (The workshop proposal should
clearly define workshop objectives, the expected audience,
anticipated outcomes, and the names and short CVs of workshop
proposers. Workshop leaders will have the possibility of
submitting two-page papers for review and inclusion in the
Please submit your manuscripts at: