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Subject: [AISWorld] International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2022)
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2021 22:14:40 +0530
From: SARIKA JAIN <jasarika@nitkkr.ac.in>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Dear Sir/Madam

International Semantic Intelligence Conference (ISIC 2022)
May 17-19, 2022, Georgia Southern University (Armstrong Campus), Savannah,
Georgia, United States
Paper Submission: Oct 30, 2021
Web: https://www.ifis.uni-luebeck.de/~groppe/isic/


** Publication and Indexing **
All accepted and presented papers will be included in proceedings published
in the Springer LNEE series (already approved). Selected papers (extended
versions) will be reviewed for possible double publication in
SCIE/SCOPUS/WoS indexed journals..
Indexing: ISIC Proceedings in Springer LNEE will be made available to the
following indexing services: Scopus, Scimago Journal & Country Rank, and
Google Scholar; and will also be submitted to dblp computer science
bibliography for inclusion.

** Topics **
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Semantic Web Engineering;
Ontology-based Data Access; Explainability and Interpretability; Natural
Language Understanding; Multimodal and Multilingual Access; Machine to
Machine Communications and Interoperability; Knowledge Extraction and
Ontology Learning from the Web; Multimodal and Multilingual Approach to
Computing; Computational Paradigms and Computational Intelligence;
Intelligent Computing and Applications, Case Studies and Tools;
Contributions of Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) to the Society;
Cyber-Physical Systems; Knowledge representation and Engineering; Security
Issues in Semantic Web; Applications, Opportunities, Challenges; Reasoning
and Intelligent Processing (Semantic Search Paradigms, Semantic Web Mining,
Semantic Sentiment Analysis, Semantic Web Services, Visualization, Query
Answering, Semantic Information Access); Mapping Knowledge bases;
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Global Epidemics; Human-Computer
Interaction; Data Analytics; Social Networks; Distributed and Mobile
Systems; Computational Linguistics; Large Scale and Complex Information
Management; Any other related topic...

** Tracks **
The submissions are divided into three tracks, namely the Research Track,
the Trends and Perspectives Track, and the Applications and Deployment
Track. The contributors are advised to choose the track that best suits
their work.
1. The Research Track: The Research Track incorporates papers that present
novel work contributing significantly to the advancement of Semantic
Intelligence. The submissions should list the research gaps and research
contributions filling the said gaps. A section comparing the results of the
research with existing benchmarks is highly desirable.
2. The Trends and Perspectives Track: The Trends and Perspectives Track
explores the state of the art in the mentioned disciplines.
3. The Applications and Deployment Track: The Applications and Deployment
Track accepts papers showcasing the latest advancements and applications of
semantic intelligence. Once any technology or methodology originates from
the research community, its challenges and benefits are explored by its
concrete usage in a practical setting. The application of any research in
real-world use cases sets the stage for its visibility. The Applications
and Deployment Track is exactly for this purpose. This track seeks
submission for applied semantic intelligence. The submissions should list
the benefits; the presented application reaps from SITs. In addition to the
real-world, the Applications and Deployment Track also welcomes Resources
such as the vocabularies, datasets, evaluation benchmarks, and software.

** Submission Guidelines **
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=isic2022. Submitted
papers must follow the guidelines and templates provided by Springer:
Springer LNEE Guidelines and Templates:
Every paper will be assessed by the track chair and reviewed by at least
three program committee members. The review process will be Single-Blind
review. Submissions in all tracks must be in English with the following
page length (pages of around 400 words each):
* Full papers (12-16 pages including references)
* Short papers (6-8 pages including references)

** Chairs **
General Chairs:
- Sarika Jain, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
- Sven Groppe, University of Lübeck, Germany
Organizing Chairs:
- Atef Mohamed (Shalan), Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and
Computing, Georgia Southern University, United States
- Hossain Shahriar, Associate Professor, Institute for Cybersecurity
Workforce Development, Marietta, GA 30060, United States

** Important Dates **
Workshop Proposals: Oct 10, 2021
Workshop Proposals Notifications: Oct 20, 2021
Full length Papers in all tracks of main conference: Oct 30, 2021
Paper notifications in all tracks of main conference: Dec 15, 2021
Workshop papers submission: Dec 30, 2022
Workshop papers notifications: Jan 20, 2022
Main Conference: May 17-19, 2022

** Previous Editions **
ISIC 2021 has been held successfully in Hybrid mode at Delhi, India during
Feb 25-27, 2020. The proceedings of ISIC 2021 are already indexed by
Scopus, DBLP, and Google Scholar.

** Contact *
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact any one of the
following along with your contact details and the issue:
Sarika Jain, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India,
Sven Groppe, University of Lübeck, Germany, groppe@ifis.uni-luebeck.de.
Atef Mohamed (Shalan), Georgia Southern University, United States,

Best Regards
Conference Committee - ISIC 2022
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