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CALL FOR PAPERS – ECIS 2019 Track "Personal ICT: Design, use and
27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019)
June 8th – 14th 2019 / Stockholm, Sweden (
Deadline for paper submissions: November 27th 2018
The rapid diffusion of powerful technology has infused our lives
with a plenitude of devices and services. With more mobile devices
than people on earth and a growing number of products and services
entering individuals’ private sphere, this area of digitization
calls for further attention. Such personal ICT serve various
purposes and range from devices such as smartphones, smartwatches,
smart home and health trackers; services such as instant
messengers and advanced personal assistants; to complex
peer-to-peer ecosystems such as social networks, sharing services,
and collaborative systems.
Accordingly, this track focuses on the design, use and impacts of
these devices, services and complex product-service systems that
are preliminary aimed at individuals in their different and
varying roles as consumers, family members, friends, and citizens.
This track aims at conflating perspectives on (1) the unique
aspects of designing and building such ICT, (2) their impacts on
individuals, organizations, and society, as well as (3) the
challenges in managing them. For the benefit of individuals,
firms, and society, this track seeks to gather insights that can
be used to actively shape – i.e. understand, facilitate, and if
necessary limit - the role of these novel technologies in
individuals’ everyday lives.
The topics surrounding personal ICT have recently gained traction
with more and more publications in our premier outlets focusing on
personal rather than organizational information technology and
multiple special issues (e.g., Information Systems Journal,
Electronic Markets) calling for more research in this topic area.
The track aligns well with the ECIS 2019 conference theme
“Information Systems for a Sharing Society” since the digitization
of individuals’ personal spheres provides them with new
capabilities and opportunities to control their own lives and
their data, and to transform their interactions with other
individuals, organizations, and governments. At the same time,
those developments create new challenges and issues that we need
to understand and mitigate.
We encourage both full paper and research-in-progress paper
submissions on the topic from all theoretical and methodological
Topics include but are not limited to:
• Management and use of personal ICT
− Interaction patterns with personal ICT
− Discontinuance of personal ICT
− Interdependencies between different devices and services in
individuals’ ICT portfolios
• Impact of personal ICT
− Positive direct impacts (e.g., convenience, happiness, health
improvements, …)
− Negative direct impacts (e.g., exhaustion, physical well-being,
− Indirect impacts on third parties (e.g., family, peers, society,
− Rebound effects (e.g., reduced creativity)
• Design of personal ICT
− Approaches to develop ICT and related services tied to the needs
of individuals
− Design characteristics for personal ICT
High quality and relevant papers from this track will be selected
for fast-tracked development towards Internet Research
<http://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/intr> ).
Manuel Trenz, University of Augsburg, Germany
Christian Matt, University of Bern, Switzerland
Juliana Sutanto, Lancaster University, UK
Lubna Alam, Deakin Business School, Australia
Raquel Benbunan-Fich, Baruch College, City University of New York,
Arne Buchwald, EBS University, Germany
Pnina Fichman, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Qiqi Jiang, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Antonia Köster, University of Potsdam, Germany
Jörg Leukel, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Brad McKenna, University of East Anglia, UK
Carol Ou, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Christoph Peters, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Jella Pfeiffer, KIT, Germany
Wael Soliman, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Verena Tiefenbeck, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Ofir Turel, California State University, Fullerton, USA
Dr. Manuel Trenz
Assistant Professor
University of Augsburg | Faculty of Business and Economics
Chair of Information Systems and Management | Prof. Dr. Daniel
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