-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: 10th Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Bangalore, India - 3-5 Aug 2015
Datum: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:14:04 +0000
Von: V. Sridhar <vsridhar@iiitb.ac.in>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>



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Special track on ‘Digital Governance’ at the 10th Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management,                 

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, INDIA.

3-5 August 2015






Digital technologies have permeated into almost every sphere of social life in recent times. They are increasingly being invoked by national and regional governments around the world to bring about a positive change in governance outcomes. Under the rubric of digital governance (or, electronic governance), significant amount of public resources are being committed to procuring digital technologies, that include state-of-the-art computing and communication devices, and creating the requisite digital infrastructure, involving spectrum allocations and broadband highways, especially in the less affluent regions of the world.

The use of digital technologies for improving governance has seen a lot of interest in the academic and research community and has been discussed in forums and conferences devoted to electronic governance, information and communication technologies and development (ICTD), social implications for information technologies etc. The special track on digital governance at the 10th Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management seeks to take such discussions forward by looking specifically at the various aspects of designing and using digital technologies from a public policy perspective. We welcome both conceptual and empirical papers for this special track on topics that may include, but not limited to, the following:

·         Policy imperatives for introducing digital technologies in governance initiatives

·         Policies, regulations and institutional arrangements required for creating and maintaining various components of a public digital infrastructure

·         Policy and regulation relating to security and privacy of information in Digital Governance programmes

·         Experience with (and, recommendations for) using digital technologies in various aspects of governance, including representation and participation, delivery of public services, accountability and transparency in operations etc.

·         The manner in which digital technologies are changing the nature of state-society relations, its implications for existing structures of governance and in design of public policies and frameworks.

·         Revisiting the notion of ‘digital divide’ and the prerequisites for marginal social groups to benefit from use of digital technologies in governance schemes    


This special track is being organized by Professors V. Sridhar (vsridhar@iiitb.ac.in) and Amit Prakash (amitprakash@iiitb.ac.in) of the Centre for Information Technology and Public Policy, International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (http://www.iiitb.ac.in/) as part of the 10th Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management.              


Submission of the abstract (of about 300 words) and full paper (of about 6,000 words) should be done through the online portal: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=10cppm2015




Abstracts due by

16 December 2014

Notification of acceptance of abstracts

6 January 2015

Full papers due by

4 May 2015

Notification of acceptance of full papers

16 June 2015

Last date for registration

15 July 2015

Conference dates

3-5 August 2015


For more details about the conference, please visit: http://hrm.iimb.ernet.in/iimb/Tenth_Cpp_Conference/


\ Sridhar




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Dr. V. Sridhar


International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (www.iiitb.ac.in)

26/C Electronic City, Hosur Road

Bangalore 560 100


Mobile: +91 99725 95708

Alternate email: vsridhar.001@gmail.com

Home page: www.vsridhar.info

Google Scholar citations: http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=AhDz6fEAAAAJ&hl=en
