Forwarded message from [] sent originally on Thu, 17 Feb 2000 13:31:03 +0800 (GMT-8): : *** apologies for multiple copies *** : : First International Conference on Computational Logic, CL2000 : Imperial College, London, UK : 24th to 28th July, 2000 : : : : : Due largely to the difficulties caused by related conferences having : submission dates at about the same time, the submission deadline for : CL2000 is postponed to : : Monday 21st February, 2000. : : : If you wish to take advantage of this extension, you are asked to email : the Chair of the Stream to which you intend to submit the title, author(s), : abstract, and keywords for your paper *as soon as possible*. : : Highlights of the conference include 8 invited speakers, 12 tutorials, and : a strong workshop programme held in-line with the conference. Collocating : with CL2000 are DOOD2000, LOPSTR2000, and ILP2000. Full details about the : conference, including the email addresses of the Stream Chairs, are given : at the above URL.
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