-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [EDEN-News] 8th EDEN Research Workshop, Oxford 2014 - Call for Contributions
Datum: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:18:18 +0200
Von: EDEN Research Workshop, Oxford Secretariat <research-oxford@eden-online.org>
An: EDEN News <Eden-News@eden-online.org>

E-learning at work and the workplace

Challenges for research into Open & Distance Learning:
Doing Things Better: Doing Better Things

Call for Contributions


As a founding member of EDEN the Open University is pleased to be hosting and sponsoring EDENRW8 which will be held in Oxford on 27-28 October 2014 ('zero day' 26 October). The theme and scope reflects the current challenges facing researchers and the intersection of their work with ‘doing better things’ for key stakeholders.

The format of the event is key. This is not your usual conference program and definitely a workshop format! You will not sit through long presentations and juggle a programme by jumping from one room to another and network between sessions. The networking occurs as an essential aspect of your experience. Featuring small groups for deep dialogues, feedback on your research, team symposia, ‘research-speed-dating’ papers, demonstrations, poster sessions, a connect lounge, informal sessions for meet the professor for early career and postgraduate researchers , world café style facilitation and presentations along with our resident keynotes. You can also volunteer to be one of our social media ambassadors or be in the lucky dip for a curator role.

EDENRW8 is very focussed on you the researcher and what you can learn from and with your peers. It takes place in an intimate setting where researchers including postgraduate students can share research, connect with peers and have adequate time to discuss the challenges of their work. EDENRW8 is suitable for researchers and postgraduate students and particularly those wishing to actively connect with peers and debate Challenges for research into Open & Distance Learning: Doing Things Better: Doing Better Things.

Call for Contributions

EDEN intends to bring together differing points of view with a debate approach and speakers who back up their points of view with sound research.

We invite all interested professionals to take part and discover the Workshop Themes by submitting their proposals.

Submissions that relate to the Workshop Scope and one or more of the Workshop Themes are welcome in papers, workshops/symposia, posters and demonstrations categories by the deadline: 1 September. You are encouraged to submit your proposal earlier to support a speedy evaluation of the proposals and enhance your possibility to register early in time. Proposals submitted before 11 July will be evaluated within two weeks.

Submissions will be double peer reviewed by the Conference Committee. Accepted contributions will be published in the electronic Conference Proceedings with ISBN and their summary in the printed Book of Abstracts.

For details visit the Call for Contributions and the Submission Guidelines.

To submit your proposal, please use the online submission form.

Schedule and Deadlines

Paper Submission: 1 September 2014
Registration Open: 1 September 2014
Notification of Authors: 15 September 2014

Conference Venue, Oxford

There are few places more quintessentially and unashamedly English than Oxford, a city so picturesque that even its nickname, ‘The City of Dreaming Spires’, sounds lifted from a classic romance novel. This city perfectly blends old English charm with modern shopping streets, a cutting-edge arts scene and a buzzing nightlife.

The conference venue is the Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel – surrounded by lush and tranquil greenery just 15 minutes walk from the city centre – providing an excellent setting for the event with professional facilities.

The Research Workshop is organised in cooperation with the Open University, a world leader in modern distance learning, pioneer of teaching and learning methods which enable people to achieve their career and life goals studying at times and in places to suit them.

You may follow conference updates via Twitter.