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Betreff: [AISWorld] [SAC SVT 2018] Software Verification and Testing @ SAC 2018: Final Call for Papers (deadline in 1 week)
Datum: Fri, 8 Sep 2017 13:02:15 +0200
Von: Yliès Falcone <ylies.falcone@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
Antwort an: Yliès Falcone <ylies.falcone@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>, Leonardo Mariani <mariani@disco.unimib.it>
An: sac-svt-2018-publicity@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Kopie (CC): Leonardo Mariani <mariani@disco.unimib.it>, Yliès Falcone <ylies.falcone@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>

[Please accept our apologies for duplicates]

33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Software Verification and Testing Track
Pau, France
April 9 - 13, 2018

More information:
http://sac-svt-2018.imag.fr <http://sac-svt-2018.imag.fr/> and
https://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2018/ <https://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2018/>
Important dates
Sept 15, 2017: Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts
Sept 25, 2017: Submission of Tutorial Proposals
Oct 25, 2017: Notification of Tutorials Acceptance
Nov 10, 2017: Notification of paper and SRC acceptance/rejection
Nov 25, 2017: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC
Dec 10, 2017: Author registration due date
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has gathered scientists from different areas of computing over the last thirty years. The forum represents an opportunity to interact with different communities sharing an interest in applied computing.

SAC 2018 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing (SIGAPP), and will be hosted by the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), Bayonne, France.

Software Verification and Testing Track

The Software Verification and Testing track aims at contributing to the challenge of improving the usability of formal methods in software engineering. The track covers areas such as formal methods for verification and testing, based on theorem proving, model checking, static analysis, and run-time verification. We invite authors to submit new results in formal verification and testing, as well as development of technologies to improve the usability of formal methods in software engineering. Also are welcome detailed descriptions of applications of mechanical verification to large scale software. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
model checking
theorem proving
correct by construction development
model-based testing
software testing
symbolic execution
static and dynamic analysis
abstract interpretation
analysis methods for dependable systems
software certification and proof carrying code
fault diagnosis and debugging
verification and validation of large scale software systems
real world applications and case studies applying software testing and verification
benchmarks and data sets for software testing and verification
Submissions Guidelines

Paper submissions must be original, unpublished work. Author(s) name(s) and address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should be avoided and made in the third person. Submitted paper will undergo a blind review process. Authors of accepted papers should submit an editorial revision of their papers that fits within eight two-column pages (an extra two pages, to a total of ten pages, may be available at a charge). Please comply to this page limitation already at submission time. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM SAC 2018 proceedings.

Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of papers, posters, or SRC abstracts in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the work. This is a requirement for the presented work to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of registered papers, posters, and SRC abstracts will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library.

Student Research Competition

As previous editions, SAC 2018 organises a Student Research Competition (SRC) Program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with researchers and practitioners in their areas of interest. Guidelines and information about the SRC program can be found at http://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2018/ <http://www.sigapp.org/sac/sac2018/>.

Program Committee Chairs

Yliès Falcone, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, France
Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy

Program Committee
Marcelo d’Amorim, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Sébastien Bardin, CEA, France
Ezio Bartocci, TU Vienna, Austria
Benoit Baudry, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Walter Binder, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Marius Bozga, CNRS, France
Ana Rosa Cavalli, Telecom Sud Paris, France
Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK
Giovanni Denaro, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy
Yliès Falcone, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, France
Maria del Mar Gallardo,  University of Malaga, Spain
Jaco Geldenhuys, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Milos Gligoric, University of Texas, USA
Sylvain Hallé, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
Klaus Havelund, NASA JPL, USA
Ralf Huuck, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Thierry Jéron, Inria, France
Nikolai Kosmatov, CEA, France
Yves Le Traon, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Martin Leucker, University of Lubeck, Germany
Stefan Leue, University of Konstanz, Germany
Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Mercedes Merayo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Shin Nakajima, NII, Japan
Brian Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Peter Olveczky,  University of Oslo, Norway
Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Mike Papadakis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Filippo Ricca, Università di Genova, Italy
Antoine Rollet, Bordeaux INP, LaBRI, France
Gwen Salaün, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, France
Julien Signoles, CEA, France
Marjan Sirjani, Malardalen University, Sweden
Helene Waeselynck, LAAS-CNRS, France
Neil Walkinshaw, University of Leicester, UK
Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota, USA
Anton Wijs, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
Rongxin Wu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Nina Yevtushenko, Tomsk State University, Russia
Cemal Yilmaz, Sabanci University, Turkey
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologne, Italy
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