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Subject: CfP EUROMICRO Conference 2003 -- Deadline Approaching Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:31:10 +0100 From: Christian Hofer ch@sea.uni-linz.ac.at To:
Please apologise if you receive multiple copies of this call for paper.
29 th E U R O M I C R O C O N F E R E N C E Antalya, Turkey, September 3-5, 2003
http://www.euromicro.org http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/conferences/eu2003
=================================================== Deadline for submission of papers: March 10th, 2003 ===================================================
EUROMICRO conferences bring together people from business, industry, research, and academia who are engaged in providing and applying information technologies in all aspects of our lifes. EUROMICRO conferences reflect these dramatic changes in technology and new application areas and offer leading-edge information.
The Conference offer several main highlights:
* Keynote speeches by outstanding experts * Scientific sessions reporting on significant technical and achievements and applications. * Special sessions focused on particular topics. * Short contribution sessions containing brief, up-to-date reports on significant achievments and results. * Open discussion forum sessions for ad-hoc communications. * Social events offering opportunities to meet other participants.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER ===============
* Dennis Frailey, Southern Methodist University/Raytheoon, USA * Christian Loesch, Austria * Giancarlo Succi, Libera Universita di Bolzano, Italy * Jeff Voas, Cigital Labs, USA
TRACKS ======
EUROMICRO 2003 offers three main Tracks:
* Multimedia and Telecommunications (http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/conferences/eu2003/eu2003_mmtc.htm)
* Software Process and Product Improvement (http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/sppi2003/)
* Component-Based Software Engineering (http://www.idt.mdh.se/ecbse/2003/)
SPECIAL SESSIONS ================
* Advancements in Agile Software Development Methods (http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/sppi2003/)
* Reviews and Inspection in Software Engineering (RISE) (http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/sppi2003/)
* Web Service Engineering (http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/sppi2003/WebServiceEngineering.htm)
* Software Engineering in Small and Very Small Enterprises (http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/conferences/eu2003/SEinSVSE.html)
* Web Computing (http://orgwis.gmd.de/~kloe/Euromicro-2003/)
* Autonomous Mobile Robots
(http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/conferences/eu2003/AUTONOMOUS_MOBILE_ROBOTS.h tm)
* Software Engineering: Individual Excellence and Team Productivity (http://www.sea.uni-linz.ac.at/SPPI2003/tsppsp.htm)
EUROMICRO 2003 encourages the submission of proposals for special sessions. Proposals should be submitted to the Chairperson of the relevant track, otherwise to the General Programme Chair.
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS ====================
Regular papers: Authors are invited to submit original contributions on recent applications, developments and research as regular papers.
Short contributions: Brief, up-to-date reports on significant results and applications will be accepted via a shortened submission schedule.
Please follow the submission instructions on the web pages of the individual tracks to submit papers.
The conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE/CS and will be available at the conference. Short contributions will be made available to the participants in bound form.
The official conference language is English.
IMPORTANT DATES: ================
Submission of papers: March 10th, 2003 Notification of acceptance: May 5th, 2003 Camera-ready paper due: June 16th, 2003 Submission of Special Sessions: December 10th, 2002 Acceptance of Special Sessions: January 20th, 2003 Conference: September 3-5, 2003
Please note that the conference will be held if neccessary at another location but at the same time.
REFERENCE ADDRESSES ===================
General Program Chair --------------------- Gerhard Chroust Johannes Kepler University Linz Dept. of Systems Engineering and Automation Altenbergerstr. 69 A-4040 Linz, Austria Phone: +43-70-2468-8866 Fax: +43-70-2468-8878 E-mail: gc@sea.uni-linz.ac.at
Deputy Program Chair -------------------- Christian Hofer Johannes Kepler University Linz Dept. of Systems Engineering and Automation Altenbergerstr. 69 A-4040 Linz, Austria Phone: +43-70-2468-8873 Fax: +43-70-2468-8878 E-mail: ch@sea.uni-linz.ac.at
Organising Chair ---------------- Onur Demirors Informatics Institute Middle East Technical University Mer. Muh. Bin. No 411 TR-06531 Ankara, Turkey Phone: +90-312-210-3741 Fax: +90-312-210-3745 E-mail: demirors@metu.edu.tr Local Information http://www.ii.metu.edu.tr/em2003
Euromicro Office ---------------- EUROMICRO P.O. Box 2043 D-53743 Sankt Augustin, Germany Phone: +49-241-932-6633 Fax: +49-2241-932-6746 E-mail: euromicro@t-online.de http://www.euromicro.org