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Subject: [AISWorld] Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Government: DEADLINE APPROACHING
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2019 07:31:53 +0000
From: Rony Medaglia <rm.digi@cbs.dk>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>


2019 Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Government

Critical Questions in Public Sector Digitalization:
Outlining a Collaborative Research Agenda

Munich, Germany, 15 December 2019

Co-Sponsored by
AIS SIG eGovernment


The Digital Government Society

• Submissions due: October 6, 2019

• Notification of Acceptance: October 28, 2019

Please submit your abstracts to: sigegov19@gmail.com<mailto:sigegov19@gmail.com>

You are invited to submit an extended abstract for presentation and discussion at the 2019 pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Government, co-organized by the Association of Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group on e-Government (SIGe-Gov) and the Digital Government Society (DGS), to be held on 15 December 2019 in Munich, Germany. Abstracts should introduce a new or emerging topic, issue or research question of relevance to researchers and practitioners within the e-government/digital government community.

The general objective of the AIS SIG e-Government is to promote quality and relevance in e-Government research within the IS community. The DGS is a global multi-disciplinary organization of scholars and practitioners engaged in digital government research and practice that nurtures technical, social, and organizational transformation in the public sector. This workshop presents the third collaborative effort between the AIS SIG e-Government and the DGS.

Workshop Objective
As with previous SIG eGovernment pre-ICIS workshops, this joint workshop will be designed to provide the maximum opportunity for knowledge sharing and discussion of the abstracts submitted. The workshop will include brief formal presentations and a variety of large and small group discussions designed to help facilitate knowledge sharing among participants and to lay the foundation for future collaborations in digital government research. The discussion will be moderated to ensure opportunity for full participation.

Workshop Focus
Extended abstracts (maximum 5 pages) that address outstanding questions and issues related, but not limited to the topics below, are welcome:

- Artificial Intelligence and eGovernment
- IoT and eGovernment;
- Blockchain and eGovernment
- Smart Cities;
- Capture, Management and Use of (Big) Data in Government;
- Open innovation in eGovernment;
- Open-source and open-standard solutions in eGovernment.
- Transparency and openness in eGovernment services;
- Co-Production of eGovernment;
- Social media and eGovernment services;
- eGovernment and sustainable development;
- eParticipation; eDemocracy
- eGovernment security;
- eGovernment and ethical challenges

Submission and Review
We are soliciting extended abstracts of maximum five pages (excluding references) on topics, issues, and questions of relevance to researchers and practitioners within the e-government/digital government community. Each abstract submitted will be reviewed by the workshop co-chairs and at least one external reviewer. Abstracts selected for inclusion in the workshop will be those considered best ready to serve as catalysts for knowledge sharing and debate among workshop participants on new and emerging research and practice issues and challenges in e-government/digital government community. No workshop proceedings will be produced. Authors retain full authorship rights to their submitted work.

Document Format: Word, 12-point Arial, single line spacing
Please submit your extended abstracts to: sigegov19@gmail.com<mailto:sigegov19@gmail.com>

Details of the programme will be made available at:

Details on Workshop Registration will be available through the ICIS 2019 website: https://icis2019.aisconferences.org/register/

Important Dates

• Submissions due: October 6, 2019

• Notification of Acceptance: October 28, 2019.

For any questions, please contact:

Workshop chairs:

* Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, rony@cbs.dk<mailto:rony@cbs.dk>
* Theresa A. Pardo, CTG UAlbany, University at Albany, SUNY, USA, tpardo@ctg.albany.edu<mailto:tpardo@ctg.albany.edu>


* President and Treasurer: Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
* President-elect: Efthimios (Themis) Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece
* Secretary: Katarina Lindblad-Gidlund, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
* Past President: Kim Normann Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Digital Government Society:

* President: Sehl Mellouli, University of Laval, Quebec City, Canada
* Treasurer: Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech, USA
* President-elect: Luis Luna-Reyes, University at Albany, SUNY, USA
* Secretary: Adeboyega Ojo, NIU Galway, Ireland
* Past President: Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York, College of Staten Island, USA

Rony Medaglia
President of the AIS SIGe-Gov
Associate Professor, PhD
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel.: +45 2479 4327

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