research, with more and more important contributions
appearing over the last
few years. The workshop welcomes contributions that:
-- address graph-based representation, query and reasoning
(e.g. Baysian Networks (BNs), Semantic Networks (SNs),
SPARQL & RIF, Conceptual Graphs (CGs), Formal
Concept Analysis (FCA),
Euler Diagrams, CP-Nets, GAI-Nets, abstract
argumentation frameworks etc.)
from a theoretical and application viewpoint or
-- apply graph-theoretic results to existing KR formalisms
for reasoning
optimization purposes.
Papers reporting on application experience will be
expected to demonstrate
the benefits of the proposed solutions. Examples of such
domains include
Semantic Web, Grid Computing, BioInformatics, Multi Agent
Recommender Systems etc. The GKR 2013 opens a special
graph database
demonstration and application track. Papers submitted to
this track should
report on theory, implementation results and applications
of graph databases.
Short demo papers are also welcome.
For more details please check:
Paper deadline: April 20th, 2013
Notification: May 20th, 2013
Workshop date: August 3rd - 5th, 2013 (one day workshop)
Post Proceedings of the workshop will be published in a
special issue of the
Springer LNAI Series.
Workshop organizing committee:
--Madalina Croitoru (LIRMM, France)
--Christophe Gonzales (LIP6, France)
--Sebastian Rudolph (KIT, Germany)
--Stefan Woltran (Tech. Univ. Vienna, Austria)
Apologies if you received more than one copy of this CFP.
PD Dr. Sebastian Rudolph
senior researcher & project
leader at AIFB
Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT)