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Subject: CFP - Trust and privacy in digital business 2002 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 14:42:23 +0100 From: Torsten Schlichting schlichting@wi-inf.uni-essen.de To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Call for papers
International Workshop on
in conjunction with the 13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'02) http://www.dexa.org/dexa02
to be held in Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2-6, 2002
GOALS AND TOPICS OF INTEREST ---------------------------- The Internet and the powerful WWW have created a tremendous opportunity to conduct business electronically and a large number of companies are now participating in the global electronic marketplace. However, the most significant advantages of digital business development among private organizations, and between citizens and public administrations, have not been fully achieved yet. The lack of trust in electronic procedures as well as the diversity of threatens to users' privacy are the major inhibitors for a full deployment of digital business. In order to enhance confidence in information infrastructures that support digital business and other related services, it is mandatory not only to develop but to integrate and validate trustful and secure technological mechanisms and structures. At the same time, the creation of the appropriated environment of confidence, reliability and privacy required for a full deployment of electronic transactions in different application scenarios requires technologies that support scalability and interoperability, guarantee quality of service, and prevent, detect and react to attacks on information infrastructures. The purpose of this workshop is twofold: First, all issues of digital business, focusing on trust and privacy problems will be discussed. In particular, we are interested in papers that deal with trust and privacy, confidence and security, reliability and consistency, fairness and legality, and other issues critical for the success of future digital business. Second, the workshop should be a forum for the exchange of results and ongoing work performed in R&D projects, either on a national or international level. This exchange of ideas may be helpful in building Networks of Excellence and for being successful in future Project Programs, such as the European 6th FPR or the International IMS. The workshop shall bring together researchers from different disciplines, developers, and users all interested in the critical success factors of digital business systems. We invite papers, work-in- progress reports, industrial experiences describing advances in all areas of digital business applications, including, but not limited to:
- Privacy & confidentiality management - Trust architectures and underlying infrastructures - Electronic cash, wallets and pay-per-view systems - Businesses models with security requirements - Enterprise management and consumer protection - Trust and privacy issues in mobile environments - Global security architectures - Protocols and transactional models - Trustful management and negotiation - Anonymous or pseudonymous access to Web services - Reliability and security of content and data - Intellectual property rights, watermarking and fingerprinting - Common practice, legal and regulatory issues - Trust issues in E-Services, E-Voting and E-Polling - Intrusion detection and information filtering - ...
SUBMISSION DETAILS ------------------ Authors are invited to submit papers describing both theoretical and practical work dealing with the above or related issues. Papers which describe ongoing research or provide an excellent surveying work are welcome too. Papers should be in English and up to 5000 words. The cover page should include the name and affiliation of the author(s), contact address, e-mail, fax and telephone. Electronic submission is mandatory. Please send an e-mail containing your submission in postscript or PDF to:
trustbus02@wi-inf.uni-essen.de or trustbus02@lcc.uma.es
Authors intending to submit a paper are invited to send an e-mail of interest by Feb 21, 2002 to pernul@wi-inf. uni-essen.de and jlm@lcc.uma.es containing title, authors and a short abstract (100 words) of the paper.
Important dates: ---------------- E-mail of Interest by: February, 21 Submission Deadline: February, 28 Notification: April, 10 Final Version: May, 3
Papers accepted for presentation will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press as proceedings of the DEXA'02 workshops. All submitted papers must be formatted according to the author guidelines provided by IEEE Computer Society Press (single-spaced, two-column format). The author guidelines can be found at
Authors of accepted papers are requested to sign the IEEE Copyright form. Final papers must not be longer than FIVE pages.
Workshop Chairs --------------- López, Javier University of Málaga (Spain) Pernul, Guenther University of Essen (Germany)
Program Committee ----------------- Burmester, Mike Florida State University (USA) Dawson, Ed Queensland University of Technology (Australia) Fernandez, Eduardo B. Florida Atlantic University (USA) Ferrari, Elena University of Como (Italy) Fischer-Huebner Simone Karlstad University (Sweden) Frankel, Yair TechTegrity LLC (USA) Gürgens, Sigrid Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany) Grimm, Rüdiger Technical University Ilmenau (Germany) Gritzalis, Dimitris Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece) Karlapalem, Kamal IIIT Hyderabad (India) Katsikas, Sokratis University of the Aegean (Greece) Mao, Wenbo HP Labs Bristol (UK) Mambo, Masahiro Tohoku University (Japan) Okamoto, Eiji Toho Universisty (Japan) Oppliger, Rolf eSecurity Technologies (Switzerland) Pfitzmann, Andreas Technical University Dresden (Germany) Pointcheval, David Ecole Normale Superieure (France) Quirchmayr, Gerald University of South Australia (Australia) Rannenberg, Kai Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK) Sabol, Tomas University of Technology Kosice (Slovakia) Teufel, Stephanie University of Fribourg (Switzerland) Terada, Routo University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) Tjoa, A Min Vienna Technical University (Austria) Zhou, Jianying Oracle Corporation (USA)
DEXA'02 Conference URL: http://www.dexa.org Workshop URL: http://www.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/~trustbus02/
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