SBCARS 2012 - 6th Brazilian Symposium on
Software Components, Architectures and Reuse
Supported by the
Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)
Natal - RN - Brazil
September 23-28, 2012
Part of CBSoft 2012 - 3rd Brazilian Conference on
Software: Theory and Practice
***** CALL FOR PAPERS *****
- Paper submission: June 04, 2012
- Author notification: July 21, 2012
- Camera-ready version: July 29, 2012
The Brazilian Symposium on Software Components,
Architectures and Reuse (SBCARS) is a Brazilian symposium
promoted by SBC that gathers researchers, students and
practitioners with a broad range of interests in Software
Engineering related to component-based development,
architectures and reuse. SBCARS's previous editions were
highlighted by the presentation of high quality technical
papers, international invited speakers, and tutorials.
SBCARS 2012 intends to continue this tradition by
offering a strong technical program, keynote talks by
leaders in the field, and invited state-of-art
The last editions of SBCARS have also attracted various
contributions of widely-recognized researchers in the area,
such as David Weiss, Dirk Muthig, Paul Clements, Len Bass,
Nenad Medvidovic, Klaus Schmid, just to name a few.
In this context, this CFP is looking for high-quality
submissions for SBCARS 2012, and invites authors to
contribute with technical papers related (but not limited)
to the following themes:
- Component-based Software Engineering: specification,
verification, testing, evolution, certification, and
quality, of components of component-based systems
- Software Architecture: architecture recovery;
architecture description languages; software architecture
evaluation; service-oriented architectures
- Software Reuse: technical and non-technical issues
- Software Product Lines, Dynamic PL, Service-Oriented PL
- Model-driven Development
- Service-based Development
- Aspect-based Development
- Design Patterns
- Software Modularity
- Variability Management
- Generative Programming and Domain-Specific Languages
- Tool support for software components, architectures,
and reuse
- Case studies and experience reports related to software
components, architectures, and reuse
- Experimental Studies related to software components,
architectures, and reuse
SBCARS 2012 is an event part of the 3rd Brazilian
Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2012),
which will also host three other well-established Brazilian
- 26th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES
- 16th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP
- 15th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2012)
CBSoft 2012, as well as SBCARS 2012, will take place in
Natal-RN, Brazil. Natal is the Americas entrance spot, the
closest one to Europe and Africa, a modern and joyful city,
born between its rivers and the sea, adorned by dunes and
lots of green trees. A land of colors and flavors where one
can find pleasure and adventure. It is summer here all year
long, on a littoral of wonderful beaches, lagoons, semi-arid
backland, cuisine, rides, art and culture that was never
seen before, all allied to its peoples natural
Submitted papers can be written in Portuguese or English.
Submissions in English are strongly encouraged since the
symposium proceedings will be made available at the IEEE
Digital Library. Papers submitted to SBCARS 2012 must not
have been simultaneously submitted to any other forum
(conference or journal), nor should they have already been
published elsewhere. The acceptance of a paper implies that
at least one of its authors will register for the event to
present it.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three
referees, based on its originality, relevance, technical
soundness and clarity of presentation.
Papers should be submitted electronically through JEMS
system at SBC.
CBSoft 2012 General Chair: Nélio Cacho, DIMAp-UFRN
SBCARS 2012 Chair: Uirá Kulesza, DIMAp-UFRN
Marcelo Fantinato, EACH-USP, Brazil
Ana Paula Terra Bacelo, PUCRS
Cecília Mary Fischer Rubira, Unicamp
Eduardo Santana de Almeida, UFBA e RiSE
Marcelo Fantinato, EACH-USP
Paulo Pires, UFRJ