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*** Covid-19 announcement ***
The HCOMP organisers are monitoring the ongoing situation around
Covid-19 closely. We plan to hold the conference at the same
dates, either online, or, if it‘s safe and the restrictions allow
it, at the planned venue in the Netherlands. We aim to disclose
further details in a few months. In the meantime, we’re looking
forward to your submissions!
*** HCOMP 2020: Call for Papers ***
• Hilversum, the Netherlands
• October 26-28 2020
• Website:
• Twitter: @hcomp_conf
Important dates, all times are midnight CEST (Amsterdam time)
• June 5, 2020: Abstracts submission (compulsory to submit a full
• June 12, 2020: Full papers due
• July 31, 2020: Notification of acceptance
• August 14, 2020: Final camera-ready papers due
Authors are invited to submit papers of up to 8 pages, plus any
number of additional pages containing references only. Note the
page limits for the proceedings below.
All submitted papers must represent original work, not previously
published or under simultaneous peer-review for any other
peer-reviewed, archival conference or journal.
Papers must be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style;
please refer to the AAAI 2020 Author Kit for details. The AAAI
copyright block is not required on submissions, but must be
included on final accepted versions.
Electronic abstract and paper submission through the HCOMP-20
EasyChair paper submission site is required on or before the
deadlines listed above. Authors will receive confirmation of
receipt of their abstracts or papers, including an ID number,
shortly after submission. You can make updates to all information
submitted before the deadline. We will consider only the final
version received before the call closes.
All papers must be anonymized (include no information identifying
the authors or their institutions) for double-blind peer-review.
To ensure fairness, authors should declare any
conflicts-of-interest with PC members by selecting the "Declare
Conflicts" link on the upper-right of your EasyChair submission
Authors are strongly encouraged to include supplemental materials
such as executables and data files so that reviewers can reproduce
results in the paper, images, additional videos, related papers,
more detailed explanations, derivations, or results. These
materials will be viewed only at the discretion of the reviewers,
who are only obligated to read your paper itself.
Each paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the
programme committee and one AC. Reviewers will be instructed to
evaluate paper submissions according to specific review criteria.
We encourage authors to review them before submission.
To ensure relevance, authors should consider including research
questions and contributions of broad interest to crowdsourcing and
human computation, as well as discuss relevant open problems and
prior work in the field. When evaluation is conducted entirely
within a specific domain, authors are encouraged to discuss how
findings might generalize to other communities and application
areas using crowdsourcing and human computation.
Publication and proceedings
Accepted papers will be listed on the conference website.
To be included in the proceedings and in the conference programme
at least one author must register for the main conference. The
registration needs to occur by the camera-ready deadline.
Accepted full papers will be allocated eight (8) pages in the
conference proceedings; up to two (2) additional pages may be used
at a cost to the authors of $275 per page. Final papers found to
exceed page limits and or otherwise violating the instructions to
authors will not be included in the proceedings. Authors will be
required to transfer copyright of their paper to AAAI. Accepted
full papers will be published in the HCOMP conference proceedings
and included in the AAAI Digital Library.
Presenting your paper
If your paper is accepted, you will be invited to present it at
As noted earlier, at least one author of each accepted paper must
register for the main conference to present the work or acceptance
will be withdrawn. The deadline for that is the same as the
camera-ready deadline.
Paper awards
HCOMP 2020 will recognize a best-paper and two runner ups. New to
HCOMP is a best student-paper.
A best student paper is a paper where major parts of the work have
been completed by an undergrad or postgrad student.
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