-------- Original Message --------
Call for Papers
AMCIS 2013: 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems
Chicago, Illinois, August 15-17, 2013
Call for Papers on Accounting Information Systems
Submissions should be made by February 22, 2013 (11:59 PM CST).
The AMCIS 2013 Accounting Information Systems track will highlight
research that focuses on the link between accounting and
information systems, including topics that range from IT governance
to interorganizational information systems and draws from a variety
of disciplines like accounting, psychology, sociology, cognitive
science, behavioral science, economics, politics, computer science,
and information technology.
Track Chairs:
Carlos Ferran, Governors State University, cferran@govst.edu
Paul John Steinbart, Arizona State University, paul.steinbart@asu.edu
Mini-Track I: IS Control, Audit and Reporting
Mini-Track Chair: Sonia Gantman, Providence College,
This mini-track is focused on the role that AIS plays in capturing
and storing transactions, ensuring their accuracy, timeliness and
validity, and satisfying the organization's legal and regulatory
requirements. AIS provides the vast majority of data required for
operational, tactical, and strategic decision making, as well as
the basis for interorganizational information sharing and external
reporting to various stakeholder groups. Appropriate topics for this
mini-track include (but are not limited to) continuous auditing,
auditing end user systems, internal audit, COSO, CobiT, AS5,
forensic auditing, data mining/business intelligence, querying,
ebXML, XBRL, AIS use and data ambiguity.
Mini-Track II: Enterprise IT Governance and Security for
Compliance Management
Mini-Track Chair: Virginia Franke Kleist,
West Virginia University,
The mini track topic of Enterprise IT Governance and Security for
Compliance Management addresses the increasing importance of that
subset of IT activities associated with fulfilling external
obligations such as Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA and other information
systems compliance requirements.
This track seeks to solicit research from a wide array of research
areas including, but not limited to: Enterprise IT governance and
security for compliance management, Enterprise risk assessment and
risk management, Information assurance prioritization and strategy,
Budgeting for the Information Security Assurance Management
function, Establishing auditable trust models for securing
electronic commerce, Valuation of information assets for security
assurance resource optimization, Cost effective information systems
regulatory compliance management associated with Sarbanes-Oxley,
HIPAA, and other governmental regulations, and Successful and
unsuccessful IT automation of compliance management via software
Mini-Track III: Accounting Information Systems Models,
Design and Implementation
Mini-Track Chair: Raul Valverde, Concordia University,
This mini-track is focused on the role that AIS plays in creating
models to help better store, share information, reengineer, process
and represent the organization's resources, events and agents.
This mini-track is intended to promote research on the different
data and process models for AIS.
Appropriate topics for this mini-track include (but are not limited
to) AIS design, Ontologies used for representation of AIS,
Object Oriented databases for AIS, Items-Agent-Cash (IAC) Model,
UML for modeling of AIS, AIS Architectures, Reengineering of
legacy AIS into ERP systems, XBRL databases modeling and design,
Resource-Event-Agent (REA) models, data models, Information sharing
of AIS with supply chain systems, enterprise systems modeling,
interorganizational information sharing, and data relevance.
Mini-Track IV: General Accounting Information Systems
Mini-Track Chair: James L Worrell,
University of Alabama - Birmingham
Accounting information systems (AIS) research focuses on the link
between accounting and information systems. It includes topics that
range from IT governance to interorganizational information sharing.
The General Accounting Information Systems mini-track includes any
and all topics in the field of AIS that are not included in the
other more specialized mini-tracks. Suggested topics include systems
integration, value of information systems, and global AIS and
case studies.
To submit your completed research or research-in-progress:
. Use the AMCIS2013 paper template
. Read the author submission instructions
. Submit your paper before February 22, 2013 at 11:59 PM CST via
Bepress at http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2013
You will receive notification by April 22, 2013 whether or not your
paper is accepted. If your paper is accepted, revisions and the
camera-ready copy must be submitted by May 9, 2013.
If you have any questions regarding the process, please send
an email to: amcis2013@aisnet.org
If you have any questions regarding the topic or would like
additional guidance, please send an email to the corresponding track
or mini-track chair.
Dr. Carlos Ferran
Assistant Professor of Accounting and MIS Editor-in-Chief RELCASI
Governors State University Chair 2nd Pre-ICIS Workshop in AIS
College of Business and Public Administration Track-Chair for AMCIS 2012 and BALAS 2012
1 University Parkway UPI GSU Chapter Unit A Vice President
University Park, IL 60484 http://carlos.ferran.net
(708) 235-2818 phone & (708) 534-8457 fax
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