-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: 1st International Workshop on Learning Analytics and Linked Data Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 10:47:35 +0100 From: Jelena Jovanovic jeljov@gmail.com To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
************************************************ CALL FOR PAPERS 1st International Workshop on Learning Analytics and Linked Data (#LALD2012) in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK?12) 29.04. - 02.05.2012, Vancouver (Canada).
Jointly organized by the http://linkededucation.org initiative and the EATEL SIG dataTEL (http://bit.ly/datatel).
Workshop website: http://lald.linkededucation.org/ Submission deadline full and short papers: 14.03.2012 Submission deadline extended abstracts : 10.04.2012 ************************************************
SCOPE The main objective of the 1st International Workshop on Learning Analytics and Linked Data (#LALD2012) is to connect the research efforts on Linked Data and Learning Analytics to create visionary ideas [a] and foster synergies between both young research fields. Therefore, the workshop will collect, explore, and present datasets, technologies and applications [b] for Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) to discuss Learning Analytics approaches which make use of educational data or Linked Data sources. During the workshop, an overview of available educational datasets and related initiatives will be given. The participants will have the opportunity to present their own research with respect to educational datasets, technologies and applications and discuss major challenges to collect, reuse and share these datasets.
BACKGROUND In TEL, a multitude of datasets exists containing detailed observations of events in learning environments [c]that offer new opportunities for teaching and learning. The available datasets can be roughly distinguished between (a) Linked Data - Open Web Data and (b) Personal learning data from different learning environments.
Open Web data covers educational data publicly available on the Web, such as Linked Open Data (LOD) published by institutions about their courses and other resources; examples include (but are not limited to), The Open University (UK), the National Research Council (CNR, Italy), Southampton University (UK) or the mEducator Linked Educational Resources. It also includes the emergence of LD-based metadata schemas and TEL-related datasets. The main driver in the adoption of the LOD approach in the educational domain is the enrichment of the learning content and the learning experience by making use of various connected data sources.
Personal learning data from learning environments originate from tracking learners? interactions with tools, resources or peers[d]. The main driver for analyzing these data is the vision of personalized learning that offers potential to create more effective learning experiences through new possibilities for predicting and reflecting the individual learning process.
To this end, Learning Analytics can be seen as an approach which brings together two different views: (i) the external view on publicly available Web data and (ii) an internal view on personal learner data, e.g. data about individual learning activities and histories. Learning Analytics aims at combining these two in a smart and innovative way to enable advanced educational services, such as recommendation (a) of suitable educational resources to individual learners, (b) peer students or external expert to cooperate with.
TOPICS The workshop is looking for contributions touching the following topics.
Educational (Linked) Data - Evaluating, promoting, creating and clustering of educational datasets, schemas and vocabularies - Use of LOD for educational purposes - Feasibility of standardization of educational datasets to enable exchange and interoperability - Sharing of educational datasets among TEL researchers
Data Technologies: - Technologies for the exploration of educational datasets, i.e., for filtering, interlinking, exposing, adapting, converting and visualizing educational datasets - Real-world applications that show a measurable impact of Learning Analytics - Real-world educational applications that exploit the Web of Data - Tools to use and exploit educational Linked Open Data[e] - Innovative TEL applications that make large-scale use of the available open Web of data
Evaluation of Technologies and Datasets: - (Standardized) evaluation methods for Learning Analytics - Descriptions of data competitions
Privacy and Ethics: - Policies on ethical implications of using educational data for learning analytics (privacy and legal protection rights) - Guidelines for the anonymisation and sharing of educational data for Learning Analytics research
SUBMISSION The workshop is looking for different types of submissions. We accept regular full paper (8-14 pages), short paper (4-6 pages). Moreover, we are interested in anonymized datasets that can then be openly used in evaluating TEL recommender systems. Above all, we encourage you to demonstrate your data products and tools even if they are in a premature state. Datasets and demonstrations should be submitted together with an extended abstract submissions (up to 2 pages). For all paper submissions we require formatting according to the Springer LNCS template http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0
Submission will be available through the conference management tool ginkgo: http://ginkgo.cs.upb.de/events/lald12
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the program committee for originality, significance, clarity, and quality. Final versions of accepted submissions will be published in the CEUR-WS.org workshop proceedings and most promising contributions will be invited to the 2nd Special Issue on dataTEL at the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (IJTEL). In addition, the authors are asked to contribute short summaries of their submissions to the dataTEL group space at TELeurope to encourage early information sharing and discussion also with third persons. Based on workshop submissions, the organizers will identify most pressing research challenges to structure the workshop.
All questions and submissions should be sent to: hendrik.drachsler[at]ou.nl http://ou.nl
IMPORTANT DATES 14.03.2012Submission deadline for full and short papers 10.04.2012Submission deadline for extended abstracts (describing data sets and demonstrations) 12.04.2012Notification of acceptance 26.04.2012Submission deadline for final papers 29.04.2012Workshop 30.04. - 02.05.2012LAK Conference
ORGANIZERS Hendrik Drachsler; Open University of the Netherlands, NL Stefan Dietze; L3S Research Center, DE Mathieu d?Aquin; The Open University, UK Wolfgang Greller; Open University of the Netherlands, NL Jelena Jovanovic; University of Belgrade, SR Abelardo Pardo; University Carlos III of Madrid, ES Wolfgang Reinhardt; University of Paderborn, DE Katrien Verbert; K.U.Leuven, BE
PROGRAMME COMMITTEE (to be confirmed): Markus Specht, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands Peter Sloep, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands Marco Kalz, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands Christian Glahn, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland Erik Duval, K.U. Leuven, Belgium Martin Wolpers, FIT Fraunhofer, Germany Nikos Manouselis, AgroKnow, Greece Olga Santos, aDeNu Research Group, UNED, Spain Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada Felix Mödritscher, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria Fridolin Wild, Open University, United Kingdom Gawesh Jawaheer, City University London, United Kingdom Ebner Hannes, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden Hanan Ayad, Desire2Learn, Canada Melody Siadaty, Athabasca University, Canada Philippe Cudré-Mauroux, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Carsten Keßler, University of Münster, Germany Davide Taibi, Institute for Educational Technologies, Italian National Research Council, Italy Tom Heath, Talis, UK